class Controller{ # Controller base class
public function show(){ # Load the view page
require "./App/".PLATFORM."/View/".CONTROLLER ."/".ACTION.".php";
After using the above code, the Model layer data will become invalid, so I modified it:
Put the following code into the Model:
class Model{
# Load the view page
public function show(){
return "./App/".PLATFORM."/View/".CONTROLLER."/".ACTION.". php";
$ind = new IndexModel();
require $ind->show();
After using the above code, the Model layer data will become invalid, so I modified it:
Put the following code into the Model:
class Model{
# Load the view page
public function show(){
return "./App/".PLATFORM."/View/".CONTROLLER."/".ACTION.". php";
$ind = new IndexModel();
require $ind->show();