84669 person learning
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5487 person learning
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This is use.php
namespace app\index\controller;
use app\index\controller\Base;
use think\Request;
use app\index\model\ User as UserModel;
class user extends Base
//Login interface
public function login()
Return $this-> view -> fetch();
//Verify login $this ->validate($data,$rule,$msq)
public function checklogin(Request $request)
// The chef return value
$ Status = 0;
$ result = '';
$ data = $ Request -& GT; Param ();
# // Create verification rules
being having d to be entered in the ’name|username' => 'require',
'Verify | Verification Code' = & GT; 'Require | CAPTCHA', // Username must be filled in
// data,$rule);
//If the verification passes
if ($result === true){
//Construct query conditions
$map =[
'name' => $data['name'],
"password" => md5($data["password"]),
/Query user information
$status = 1;
$result = 'Verification passed, click [OK] to enter'; =>$status,'message'=>$result,'data'=>$data];
//Log out
public function logout()
This is the html of the login page login.html
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