84669 person learning
152542 person learning
20005 person learning
5487 person learning
7821 person learning
359900 person learning
3350 person learning
180660 person learning
48569 person learning
18603 person learning
40936 person learning
1549 person learning
1183 person learning
32909 person learning
How to save rich text editor to database? In what format is it saved? How to read?
1), wait for the front-end data through the content in the javascript code.
2), save it in the data table as a string, the fields in the table must be tinytext, text, mediumtext and longtext types .
3), read using htmlspecialchars
Please read more documents, thank you !
1), wait for the front-end data through the content in the javascript code.
2), save it in the data table as a string, the fields in the table must be tinytext, text, mediumtext and longtext types .
3), read using htmlspecialchars
Please read more documents, thank you !