I am a beginner. After watching Dugu Jiujian's PHP video, I found that Apache could not be started successfully after configuring it.
愚鱼2017-08-24 11:36:14
I am a beginner. After watching Dugu Jiujian’s PHP video, I found that Apache could not be started successfully after configuring it. I would like to ask how to check for the problem and fix it?
replyIf the startup was successful before but failed to succeed after changing the configuration file, it means there is a problem with the syntax of the configuration file. The configuration of apache has grammar requirements. You can check the error log of apache and ask Du Niang for details.
apache failed to start, it is possible that port 80 is occupied, http://jingyan.baidu.com/article/8065f87fdc5908233124988b.html