As shown in the picture, the TF card is 32G. It is no problem to use the official original image of Raspberry Pi with the same card. The / partition size should be 29G, but using the kali system If so, only 6.7G can be recognized.
Mirror version
kali kali-2017.01-rpi2.img.xz
raspbian 2017-04-10-raspbian-jessie
TF card: Kingston 32G class10
Raspberry Pi version: UK version 3B
Burning software:
Answer found. . . It turned out to be a problem with extending the partition size.
fdisk /dev/mmcblk0
pCheck the partition value of the mount point /, and record the start value and partition number of the partition.
d Delete Partition
2 Select partition number
p Check the current disk partition status
n Create new partition
p The partition type is primary partition
Enter the starting and ending disk block values
w write
Then enter reboot to restart the system
Use resize2fs to resize the partition after restarting: resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p2
Now the partition size adjustment is completed.