How to download pictures when clicking a tag?
<img src="images/123.png" alt=""> <a href="#">下载图片</a>
Two ideas: 1.
<html> <head> <title> 通过js保存图片到本地 </title> <meta name="Generator" content="EditPlus"> <meta name="Author" content=""> <meta name="Keywords" content=""> <meta name="Description" content=""> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> </head> <body> <input type="button" value="download image" onclick="DownLoadReportIMG('');"> </body> </html>
function DownLoadReportIMG(imgPathURL) { //如果隐藏IFRAME不存在,则添加 if (!document.getElementById(“IframeReportImg”)) $(‘‘).appendTo(“body”); if (document.all.IframeReportImg.src != imgPathURL) { //加载图片 document.all.IframeReportImg.src = imgPathURL; } else { //图片直接另存为 DoSaveAsIMG(); } } function DoSaveAsIMG() { if (document.all.IframeReportImg.src != “about:blank”) document.frames(“IframeReportImg”).document.execCommand(“SaveAs”); }
2.第二种思路,使用获取img对象,然后通过ajax+fromData发送到服务端,然后发起请求下载该图片 -------------暂时想到这两种,没有找到js写文件的权限,想到在补充
<a href="images/123.png" download="123.png">
The href of the a tag points to the file address
<a href="images/123.png">下载图片</a>
Two ideas:
The href of the a tag points to the file address