php - Specific example analysis of sql injection and xss
高洛峰 2017-06-13 09:22:07

My website was attacked a month ago, and today I received a vulnerability detection report from 360. Oh my God, 360 still does this kind of thing?

  • sql injection
    Vulnerability link 1:
    http: // [email protected]&comment-url=http: // RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (4725=4725 ) THEN 0 ELSE 0x28 END))
    Vulnerability link 2:
    http: //' AND SLEEP(5)
    # Vulnerability link 3:
    http: //' AND 'dSob'='dSob

  • xss
    Vulnerability link:
    http: //"><script>alert(42873 )</script>

Why is it still injected when I use addslashes when writing to the database? Do link 1 and link 2 need to be combined to be injected?
As for the second vulnerability, I don't know how to defend against it.
I don’t have in-depth research on site security. I would like to ask you to analyze how this is achieved and how to fix the loopholes. Thank you.
If you need to write the code to the database, I will post it.

PS, writing links will be automatically shortened by sf, so a space is added after http:.

After debugging, it can indeed be injected...I still don’t know enough about sql

The final statement written to the database is:

insert into comment values(NULL,1,1497261734,'88888',0,'[email protected]','','','88888',0 RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (4725=4725) THEN 0 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND SLEEP(5)%20%23);

I would like to ask what the last sentence means

0 RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (4725=4725) THEN 0 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND SLEEP(5)%20%23

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  1. 最好使用参数化查询,而不要使用SQL语句拼接的方式。

  2. xss可以通过参数过滤,将类似

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