For example:
class TestController extends Controller
public function index() {
$arr = [1,2];
return json_encode($arr);
Is there any way to automatically perform the json_encode operation when returning without requiring each function to manually perform the json_encode operation?
Additional explanation: What I mean is that jsone_encode() does not need to be explicitly specified in the return line, which means that response()->json() in laravel is also explicitly specified. This method is not the result I want. .
I didn’t read the document carefully.
Just return the array directly.
return $arr;
return json_encode($arr);
The difference is:
The Content-Type of the former’s http Response Headers is application/json
The latter’s http Response Headers are Content-Type is text/html;
For the client, pay attention to the difference here.
Return array directly
Not reading the document carefully
You can use third-party packages, for example, you can check out this tutorial
Use laravel+dingo to create your RESTful interface
Return method
It is better to rely on the heaven, the earth, and the people than rely on official documents
Return in laravel will automatically convert the data into a json string