javascript - How to implement this algorithm?
ringa_lee 2017-05-18 10:53:41

The data format is as follows:

    "event": {
      "id": "2013",
      "startTime": "00:57:00",
      "endTime": "07:56:00",
      "title": "list 1",
      "backgroundColor": "#f6c79f",
      "textColor": "#8c725b",
      "order": 2014
    "event": {
      "id": "2016",
      "startTime": "00:51:59",
      "endTime": "06:57:00",
      "title": "list 2",
      "backgroundColor": "#a7bff7",
      "textColor": "#5f6d8c",
      "order": 2017
    "event": {
      "id": "2019",
      "startTime": "00:11:00",
      "endTime": "11:35:00",
      "title": "list 3",
      "backgroundColor": "#beea91",
      "textColor": "#728c57",
      "order": 2020
    "event": {
      "id": "2022",
      "startTime": "09:01:00",
      "endTime": "13:18:00",
      "title": "list 4",
      "backgroundColor": "#d1b1ff",
      "textColor": "#73618c",
      "order": 2023

Description of requirements:
Plot each data on a 1-day coordinate map (00:00 - 24:00),

The possible schematic diagram is as follows:

1. According to the startTime and endTime of the data, the coordinates of the data on the Y axis can be obtained ( is represented by the top and height values, which has been implemented)

2. Since each time period may intersect (part of the time period (startTime - endTime) of one event is in the time period of another event, it is called intersection), then the intersection on the X axis The width of the event bisects the If they intersect and divide equally, the larger the order must be, the higher the position 2.3 An event may intersect with another event, or may intersect with several other events

My question is how to implement the algorithm of bisecting the width of the X-axis and positioning the left? That is, the left and width of each element are worth the algorithm

Supplementary content: A and B intersect, B and C intersect, and A and C do not intersect, then ABC is also divided equally



reply all(3)


  1. 先将全部task按order从大到小排序(此部分省略)

  2. 按start end生成task对象, 使用figure对象的add_one,依次添加到figure中。

  3. 插入一个对象时,判断已有对象中与其相重叠的对象,使其left为最大的重叠对象的left+1,同时更新最大width

  4. 最后使用is_overlap方法检测tasks中的没有与任何事件相交的事件,并标记出来,这些事件left设为0,width设为100%,除了这些事件以外的事件,宽度设为1/max_width, left设为 1/max_width*(left-1) (这一部省略)


function task(start, end) {
    var _this = this;
    this.start = start;
    this.end = end;
    this.left = 0;
    this.width = 0;
    this.is_overlap = function (t1, t2) {
        return !((t1 < _this.start && t2 < _this.start ) || (t1 > _this.end && t2 > _this.end));

function figure() {
    var _this = this;
    this.tasks = [];
    this.max_width = 0;
    this.add_one = function (obj) {
        var overlap = [];
        var max_left = 0;
        for(var i = 0; i < _this.tasks.length; i++) {
            if (_this.tasks[i].is_overlap(obj.start, obj.end)){
        for(var i = 0; i < overlap.length; i++) {
            max_left = Math.max(overlap[i].left, max_left);
        obj.left = max_left + 1;
        _this.max_width = Math.max(obj.left, _this.max_width);

var fig = new figure();
var tasks = [];
tasks[0] = new task(3, 10);
tasks[1] = new task(8, 14);
tasks[2] = new task(5, 12);
tasks[3] = new task(2, 9);
tasks[4] = new task(18, 21);
// tasks[0] = new task(9, 15);
// tasks[1] = new task(0, 22);
// tasks[2] = new task(3, 7);
// tasks[3] = new task(9, 15);

for (var i = 0; i< tasks.length; i++){

for (var i = 0; i< fig.tasks.length; i++){
    console.log('index: '+ i +'  left: ' + fig.tasks[i].left);
console.log('width :'+fig.max_width);


  • 先纵向分组(VGroups)。凡之间有相交关系的事件分入同一组。各组之间是独立的(组间不相交)。分组算法是:将每个事件看做节点,若两个节点相交,则连一条边。这样得到一个图,分组即求此图的连通分量。可以用深度优先搜索或者广度优先搜索等算法求连通分量。

  • 纵向组内再横向分组(HGroups)。凡之间没有相交关系的事件分入同一组(组内不相交)。这一步的作用是压缩可以并列显示的事件数,利用没有占用的空间。



附:Mahematica 代码

renderEvents[evts_List] := 
 Map[SortBy[-#duration &] /* renderVGroup]@
   RelationGraph[{e1, e2} \[Function] 
     IntervalIntersection[e1["duration"], e2["duration"]] =!= 
      Interval[], evts]

renderVGroup[evts_List] := Module[{hgs, n},
  hgs = Last@
       addToGroups[Last@#, First@First@#]} &, {evts, {}}, 
     First[#] != {} &];
  n = Length[hgs];
  MapIndexed[renderHGroup[#1, (First[#2] - 1)/n, 1/n] &]@hgs]

addToGroups[gs_List, e_] := Module[{p},
  p = FirstPosition[gs,
    g_ /; 
     IntervalIntersection[IntervalUnion @@ (#duration & /@ g), 
       e["duration"]] === Interval[],
    Missing["NotFound"], {1}, Heads -> False];
  If[Head[p] === Missing,
   Append[gs, {e}],
   ReplacePart[gs, First[p] -> Append[gs[[First[p]]], e]]]]

renderHGroup[evts_List, x_, w_] :=
    Rectangle[{x, Min[#["duration"]]}, {x + w, Max[#["duration"]]}], 
    Black, Text[
      Medium], {x + w/2, (Max[#["duration"]] + Min[#["duration"]])/
       2}]} &, evts]

testEvents[n_] := Module[{events},
  events = 
   Table[<|"title" -> ToString[i], 
     "duration" -> Interval[{#, # + #2}] &[RandomReal[{0, 21}], 
      RandomReal[{1, 3}]], "color" -> Hue[i/n, 0.4], 
     "order" -> i|>, {i, n}];
  Graphics[{EdgeForm[Thin], renderEvents[events]}, AspectRatio -> 1, 
   GridLines -> {None, Range[24]}, 
   GridLinesStyle -> {LightGray, Dashed}, Axes -> {None, True}]]
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