Requires a regular expression, used in nginx.
If $uri does not end with / and does not end with .xml, .html, or .htm, it will be permanent to $uri/.
location @rewrite {
rewrite [^\/]$ $uri/ permanent;
rewrite . /index.php?s=$uri&$args last;
My own writing method, but failed:
rewrite ([\/]|.xml|.html?)$ $uri/ permanent;
1)如何才可以实现不以.xml .html /结尾的才重写的正则。
I used this sentence, and it seems that no problem has been found for the time being.
rewrite [^\/|\.xml|\.html?]$ $uri/ permanent;
Question, isn’t a-zA-Z0-9 in the square brackets []? Can you also write a complete matching string?
What you need is a regular expression engine that supports union, intersection, and difference:
In nginx, you can only use negation to reverse look around:
You can rewrite these files ending in .html, .htm, and .xml to their original directories first,
The rest is achieved by applying your rewrite rules.