After installing neocomplete and pythoncomplete, enter self in the file with import wx. A runtime error will appear. Neocomplete can work normally without importing wx.
Installed plug-ins:
| .VimballRecord
| \---ftplugin
| | neocomplete.vim
| | vital.vim
| |
| +---neocomplete
| | | async_cache.vim
| | | cache.vim
| | | commands.vim
| | | complete.vim
| | | context_filetype.vim
| | | custom.vim
| | | filters.vim
| | | handler.vim
| | | helper.vim
| | | init.vim
| | | mappings.vim
| | | util.vim
| | | variables.vim
| | |
| | +---filters
| | | converter_abbr.vim
| | | converter_add_paren.vim
| | | converter_case.vim
| | | converter_delimiter.vim
| | | converter_disable_abbr.vim
| | | converter_remove_last_paren.vim
| | | converter_remove_overlap.vim
| | | matcher_fuzzy.vim
| | | matcher_head.vim
| | | matcher_length.vim
| | | sorter_filename.vim
| | | sorter_length.vim
| | | sorter_rank.vim
| | | sorter_word.vim
| | |
| | \---sources
| | buffer.vim
| | dictionary.vim
| | file.vim
| | member.vim
| | omni.vim
| | tag.vim
| |
| +---unite
| | \---sources
| | file_include.vim
| | neocomplete.vim
| |
| \---vital
| | neocomplete.vital
| | _neocomplete.vim
| |
| \---_neocomplete
| | Prelude.vim
| | Process.vim
| |
| +---Data
| | List.vim
| | String.vim
| |
| \---System
| Cache.vim
| Copy.bmp
| Copy.xpm
| Cut.bmp
| Cut.xpm
| Find.bmp
| Find.xpm
| FindHelp.bmp
| FindHelp.xpm
| FindNext.bmp
| FindNext.xpm
| FindPrev.bmp
| FindPrev.xpm
| Help.bmp
| Help.xpm
| LoadSesn.bmp
| LoadSesn.xpm
| Make.bmp
| Make.xpm
| New.bmp
| New.xpm
| NewSesn.bmp
| NewSesn.xpm
| Open.bmp
| Open.xpm
| Paste.bmp
| Paste.xpm
| Print.bmp
| Print.xpm
| Redo.bmp
| Redo.xpm
| Replace.bmp
| Replace.xpm
| RunCtags.bmp
| RunCtags.xpm
| RunScript.bmp
| RunScript.xpm
| Save.bmp
| Save.xpm
| SaveAll.bmp
| SaveAll.xpm
| SaveSesn.bmp
| SaveSesn.xpm
| Shell.bmp
| Shell.xpm
| TagJump.bmp
| TagJump.xpm
| taglist.bmp
| Undo.bmp
| Undo.xpm
| WinClose.bmp
| WinClose.xpm
| WinMax.bmp
| WinMax.xpm
| WinMaxWidth.bmp
| WinMaxWidth.xpm
| WinMin.bmp
| WinMin.xpm
| WinMinWidth.bmp
| WinMinWidth.xpm
| WinSplit.bmp
| WinSplit.xpm
| WinVSplit.bmp
| WinVSplit.xpm
| +---.vundle
| |
| |
| +---pythoncomplete
| | | README
| | |
| | \---ftplugin
| | pythoncomplete.vim
| |
| \---Vundle.vim
| | .gitignore
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| +---autoload
| | | vundle.vim
| | |
| | \---vundle
| | config.vim
| | installer.vim
| | scripts.vim
| |
| +---doc
| | tags
| | vundle.txt
| |
| +---ftplugin
| | vundlelog.vim
| |
| +---syntax
| | vundlelog.vim
| |
| \---test
| | minirc.vim
| | vimrc
| |
| \---files
| test.erl
| mirodark.vim
| neocomplete.txt
| tags
| | bad-whitespace.vim
| | minibufexpl.vim.1
| | neocomplete.vim
| | supertab.vim
| | taglist.vim
| |
| \---neocomplete
| buffer.vim
| dictionary.vim
| tag.vim
This is probably caused by the conflict between the msvcr90.dll msvcp90.dll used by wx and the version of the same file used by other software. Just delete other directories with these two files in the path.