I defined a method to call the app method
$.execNativeCommand = function (command, data, options) {
options = options || {};
$.extend(true, options, defaultCommandOptions);
return new Promise(function (r, j) {
try {
window.NativeBridge(command, data); //NativeBridge是app 端注入的一个方法
} catch (err) {
if (options.showError) {
$.alert("调用原生APP接口失败,错误消息:" + (err.message || "未知错误"));
if (options.gotoDownload) {
var url = (options.getDownloadUrl || $.noop)(command, data);
if (url) {
location.href = url;
$.execNativeCommand('jumpGroupChat', cacheDetail.activityGroupId);
But how to use the native methods on the app side in vue?
Same way of writing. Is there no window object in vue?