git clone xxxx
然后ng start,打开浏览器可以看到页面,
这样的话如果我打算要angularjs做一个正式的项目,第一步也是要先clone github上的下来然后这个基础上开始做自己的项目的吗?
有没有不需要先git clone xxxx的angular2的教程?
1, npm里装上typescript的相关东东
3,csc xxx.ts 编译生成 xxx.js
You can also write a framework yourself. The things git cloned are for your convenience. Not only the typescript part, but also to monitor changes during the development process, recompile and refresh the page, and build to merge, compress and package the code to generate a release version.
Github just helps you build the necessary environment. You don’t have to clone the official one as the basis. There are many open source projects on Github. You can find one that suits your needs, such as routing, componentization, and on-demand loading.
The open source projects on github are for your convenience, automating what you need to do manually