<?php class Parser { private $_tpl; public function __construct($_tplFile) { if (! $this->_tpl = file_get_contents($_tplFile)) { exit('ERROR:模版文件读取错误'); } } private function parvar() { $_patten = '/<!--\s+\{$([\w]+)\}\s+-->/'; if (preg_match($_patten,$this->_tpl)) { $this->_tpl = preg_replace($_patten, "<?php echo $this->_vars[''];?>",$this->_tpl); } } private function parif(){ $_pattenif = '/<!--\s+\{if\s+$([\w]+)\}\s+-->/'; $_pattenElse = '/<!--\s+\{else\}\s+-->/'; $_pattenEndif = '/<!--\s+\{\/if\}\s+-->/'; if (preg_match($_pattenif,$this->_tpl)) { if (preg_match($_pattenEndif,$this->_tpl)) { $this->_tpl = preg_replace($_pattenif,"<?php if ($this->_vars['']){?>",$this->_tpl); $this->_tpl = preg_replace($_pattenEndif,"<?php } ?>",$this->_tpl); if (preg_match($_pattenElse,$this->_tpl)) { $this->_tpl = preg_replace($_pattenElse,"<?php }else{?>",$this->_tpl); } }else{ echo 'ERROR:IF语句没有关闭!'; } } }
After receiving the content of the template file, construct a method, obtain the content of the template file and parse it, use ordinary variables to parse the IF statement, and then parse the template file to generate a compiled file.
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