Course Introduction:Mastering automated testing is the only way for many testers to improve their competitiveness in the workplace. However, automated testing in the usual sense requires certain coding capabilities and the threshold is relatively high. For example, Jmeter, although powerful and comprehensive, has been evaluated by many testers as difficult to get started, cumbersome operations, incomplete and clear test reports, and difficult to trace and find problems. And other issues. The automated testing launched in Apipost version 7 allows testers to conduct automated testing without writing code, and can generate comprehensive and clear test reports that are easy to use.
Course Introduction:This course breaks down the APIPOST functions and demonstrates them in practice, so that Apipost students can have a better and more comprehensive understanding of all the functions of the APIPOST product. No matter which position you are in front-end, back-end, or testing, you need to have such a Tools to help us collaborate on development, manage projects, and improve work efficiency. Apipost official website:
Course Introduction:Composer is a tool used by PHP to manage dependency relationships. You can declare the external libraries (libraries) you depend on in your project, and Composer will install these dependent library files for you.
Course Introduction:Postman is an extensible API development and testing collaboration platform tool that can be quickly integrated into CI/CD pipelines. Designed to simplify API workflows in testing and development. Postman has the advantages of simplicity and ease of use, using collections, multi-person collaboration, creating environments, creating tests, automated testing, debugging, and continuous integration.
Course Introduction:Course introduction: 1. Cross-domain processing, token management, route interception; 2. Real interface debugging, API layer encapsulation; 3. Secondary encapsulation of Echarts and paging components; 4. Vue packaging optimization and answers to common problems.
Best way to preload route data before accessing the route.
2023-11-17 14:54:42 0 2 379
Module is not defined in Vue project
2023-11-17 12:38:53 0 2 394
How to add newline character (newline character) in XML file?
2023-11-16 16:42:38 0 1 199
2023-11-16 14:36:03 0 12 290
Implement filters and pagination using Laravel Eloquent
2023-11-12 18:42:35 0 1 310
Course Introduction:Functional testing in software testing is "black box testing", which is to verify each function of the product. According to functional test cases, test one by one to check whether the product meets the functions required by the user. Functional testing only needs to consider each function that needs to be tested, and does not need to consider the internal structure and code of the entire software.
2020-10-19 comment 012500
Course Introduction:Software testing PHP projects include unit testing, integration testing, functional testing, performance testing, security testing, compatibility testing, usability testing, etc. Detailed introduction: 1. Unit testing, the process of testing the smallest testable unit in the software, the purpose is to verify the correctness of the function and the handling of boundary conditions; 2. Integration testing, testing the interaction and interaction between different modules or components Communication; 3. Functional testing, verifying whether the software works according to the functions defined in the requirements specification; 4. Performance testing, testing the performance and efficiency of the software under different load conditions, etc.
2023-08-02 comment 0809
Course Introduction:简介在软件开发生命周期中,持续的变更是不可避免的。每次更新、添加功能或修复错误时,软件中的其他部分都存在损坏的风险。这就是软件测试中回归测试发挥关键作用的地方。它确保新的更改不会对软件的现有功能产生不利影响。什么是回归测试?回归测试是一种软件测试,可确保最近的代码更改不会对软件的现有特性或功能产生负面影响。其主要目标是捕获系统修改后可能无意引入的错误或问题。这些修改可以是任何内容,从添加新功能到错误修复或性能增强。为什么回归测试很重要?回归测试至关重要,因为软件应用程序会随着时间的推移而发展。随着新功能的
2024-08-21 comment301
Course Introduction:回归测试简介回归测试软件是一种重要的软件测试实践,旨在确保最近的代码更改不会对软件的现有功能产生不利影响。这种形式的测试有助于维护软件稳定性,使开发人员能够在不影响用户体验的情况下引入新功能或修复。什么是回归测试?回归测试的核心是重新运行功能和非功能测试,以确认先前开发和测试的软件在更改后仍然可以运行。这些更改可能是错误修复、增强功能,甚至是配置更新。主要目标是在意外副作用到达生产之前及早发现它们,而解决问题的成本要高得多。回归测试在软件开发中的重要性在快速发展的软件环境中,回归测试在保持应用程
2024-08-21 comment 0392
Course Introduction:一、办公电脑测试软件办公电脑测试软件的重要性随着科技的不断发展,办公电脑已经成为了现代工作中不可或缺的工具。无论是处理文件、发送电子邮件,还是制作报表和演示文稿,办公电脑都承担着重要的任务。然而,由于使用频繁和长时间工作的原因,办公电脑的性能可能会逐渐下降,影响工作效率。为了解决这个问题,办公电脑测试软件应运而生。办公电脑测试软件是一种用于评估和优化计算机性能的工具。它可以帮助用户了解电脑的整体运行状况,检测可能存在的问题,并提供解决方案。下面将要介绍三个使用办公电脑测试软件的重要原因。1.发现并修复性能
2024-08-09 comment741