Course Introduction:Use PHPmailer to send and manage emails and other operations
Course Introduction:2022-11-22 20:00-22:00 video number + simultaneous live broadcast on this site! Live interactive lottery! Topic: 1. Which is more important, making money or growing? 2. How should we plan in advance for the post-epidemic era of 2023? 3. What direction and learning path should a novice choose to learn programming? 4. Learning programming, the relationship between videos-manuals-books; 5. How to learn efficiently: goal management, time management.
Course Introduction:This project is developed using native PHP, so novices can easily get started. Core knowledge points~ 1. PHP object-oriented programming 2. CURD (create, update, read, delete) of MySQL database 3. Combination of PHP and MySql--PDO connection to database 4. PHPmailer sends the email and completes email verification 5. Telnet simulates email sending 6. Execute php in php-cli mode 7. PHP+MySQL implements queue sending emails 8. AJAX asynchronously triggers the mail queue
Course Introduction:PHP Chinese Network is a free public welfare PHP teaching platform. In order to help more users advance and master the PHP language, PHP Chinese Network invited Mr. Gao Luofeng, a senior figure in the PHP field, to attend at 20:00-21:30 on October 11. Free public live broadcast explaining the development and application of PHP. Sign up for the live broadcast course and receive 300 sets of signed books "Learn PHP with Brothers" for free. Book delivery event participation address: // Dedicated QQ group: 929746523 (php Chinese network public welfare live broadcast group 11)
Course Introduction:Course introduction: 1. Cross-domain processing, token management, route interception; 2. Real interface debugging, API layer encapsulation; 3. Secondary encapsulation of Echarts and paging components; 4. Vue packaging optimization and answers to common problems.
Stream data from OpenAI's API using AJAX, PHP, and server-sent events
2023-11-11 12:03:23 0 1 497
PHP mailer not working: no error log, message says sent but not received
2023-11-10 15:02:39 0 1 218
Send email using Symfony Mailer
2023-11-09 21:03:31 0 1 262
Unable to send email using Laravel 9
2023-11-09 19:37:58 0 1 296
PHPcurl, a dedicated network interface
2023-11-08 20:01:46 0 1 261
Course Introduction:The difference between copying and sending an email is: 1. The recipient of sending is the sender’s subordinate or leader at the same level, while the recipient of carbon copy is the sender’s superior or senior leader of the company; 2. The recipient of sending is generally is the person in charge, and the recipient of the CC is an insider; 3. Sending is a direct notification, and CC is an indirect notification.
2020-12-16 comment 039620
Course Introduction:首先打开MicrosoftOfficeOutlook(微软邮箱),进入主界面,点击工具按钮这时工具下面点击规则与通知,进入邮件规则主界面然后我们点击新建规则,可以看到很多规则,点击最下方的邮件发送后检查,点击下一步这个界面默认就可以,不需要设置,留空。点击下一步这一步选择将邮件抄送给个人或通讯组列表,在下方标箭头的地方设置你要抄送的人的邮箱账户,账户可以填多个。点击确定,下一步。这一步看是否有特殊需求,比如你要发给的人已经在你的抄送名单里,那么这里可以勾选收件人为xxx除外。没有的话可以空白,这
2024-05-21 comment 0556
Course Introduction:币圈抄底是指在市场下跌后低价买入加密货币,以期反弹获利。抄底时机包括:市场深度调整、出现长期支撑位、形成底部形态、技术指标极度超卖、出现利好消息。抄底策略有:谨慎入场、梯次买入、设好止损、耐心持有、选择优质资产。
2024-07-16 comment
Course Introduction:加密货币抄底需谨慎。判断时机可参考相对强度指数、移动平均收敛发散、布林带、历史支撑位。选择资产时考虑基本面、技术指标、市场情绪。实施抄底策略时,可采取逐步买入、设置止损单、长期持有、避免贪心、做好风险管理等措施。
2024-07-16 comment
Course Introduction:《我要当掌门》是一款武侠放置养成类手游。玩家在游戏中化身为一派掌门,执剑江湖,利用智慧与力量一步步壮大自己的门派,开创属于自己的江湖神话。正所谓“剑起江湖啸恩怨”,这个江湖,由你来打造!我想当掌门如何抄录秘籍?在我想当掌门游戏界面,点击这里的图鉴。在图鉴界面,点击武学。在武学界面,点击要抄录的秘籍。选择要抄录的弟子,点击抄录即可。
2024-08-01 comment865