Course Introduction:Course introduction: 1. Cross-domain processing, token management, route interception; 2. Real interface debugging, API layer encapsulation; 3. Secondary encapsulation of Echarts and paging components; 4. Vue packaging optimization and answers to common problems.
Course Introduction:Apipost is an API R&D collaboration platform that integrates API design, API debugging, API documentation, and automated testing. It supports grpc, http, websocket, socketio, and socketjs type interface debugging, and supports privatized deployment. Before formally learning ApiPost, you must understand some related concepts, development models, and professional terminology. Apipost official website:
Course Introduction:(Consult WeChat: phpcn01) The comprehensive practical course aims to consolidate the learning results of the first two stages, achieve flexible application of front-end and PHP core knowledge points, complete your own projects through practical training, and provide guidance on online implementation. Comprehensive practical key practical courses include: social e-commerce system backend development, product management, payment/order management, customer management, distribution/coupon system design, the entire WeChat/Alipay payment process, Alibaba Cloud/Pagoda operation and maintenance, and project online operation. .....
Course Introduction:(Consult WeChat: phpcn01) Starting from scratch, you can solve conventional business logic, operate MySQL with PHP to add, delete, modify, and query, display dynamic website data, master the MVC framework, master the basics of the ThinkPHP6 framework, and learn and flexibly master all knowledge involved in PHP development. point.
Course Introduction:(Consult WeChat: phpcn01) The learning objectives of the front-end development part of the 22nd issue of PHP Chinese website: 1. HTML5/CSS3; 2. JavaScript/ES6; 3. Node basics; 4. Vue3 basics and advanced; 5. Mobile mall/ Website background homepage layout; 6. Automatic calculation of tabs/carousels/shopping carts...
2023-11-14 12:58:58 0 1 292
MySQL: How to use CASE with ORDER BY clause
2023-11-01 17:44:15 0 1 171
Missing Stripe checkout summary issue in payments persists
2023-09-16 19:29:27 0 1 190
PayPal: Recurring payments profile not created in Live
2023-09-13 08:53:03 0 1 205
Get all the 1st data of the reference key in SQL
2023-09-11 21:36:51 0 2 242
Course Introduction:很多朋友使用微信来收款,当收错款的时候,我们该怎么联系付款人?下面为大家介绍一下联系方法,和我一起来看看。1.在手机中点击打开微信进入到界面后,在右下方位置点击“我”选项进入,再点击“服务”进入,在服务页面里点击选择上方绿色卡片上的“收付款”功能。2.在收款付页面的底部会看到有一个“二维码收款”,在上面点击打开。3.在二维码收款页面中有一个“收款小账本”,看到后在上面点击进入。4.接下来,在进入的页面里收款详情下有一个“查看全部”,在上面点击进入后就能找到付款人的联系方式。
2024-07-18 comment421
Course Introduction:若要全额偿还京东白条,请按照以下步骤操作:登录京东账户。进入白条页面。选择要还款的白条订单。点击“立即还款”。选择“一次性还款”。输入还款金额。确认还款。输入支付密码。还款成功。
2024-07-19 comment 0421
Course Introduction:How to refund money on steam? Steam is a large international game trading platform. You can find many different types of high-quality games on it. Most of the games need to be purchased before they can be played. However, if the experience is not good, you can return it. Many friends don't know how to refund money. In fact, the method is very simple. Below, the editor will introduce you to the steam refund process. Steam refund process 1. Open steamAPP and enter the main interface of the software. 2. Click "Account Information" on the homepage. 3. Click "View Consumption History" to enter the game purchase record viewing interface. 4. Find the game you want to refund and click "Refund". The above is how to refund on steam -ste
2023-05-28 comment 02927
Course Introduction:京东白条全款还清方法:登录京东账户后,进入“白条”页面,选择“全额还款”,确认还款金额,选择还款渠道,确认还款信息并点击“立即还款”,即可完成还款。
2024-07-19 comment 0343
Course Introduction:通过微信公众号【转转】进行转转分期付款还款,步骤如下:关注微信公众号【转转】并登录账号。进入“分期还款”页面。选择还款订单。选择还款方式(微信支付或微信分付)。确认还款信息并输入付款密码完成还款。
2024-07-25 comment 0375