Course Introduction:This public welfare live broadcast uses Vue scaffolding to complete the single-page display of China's epidemic and global epidemic data~ The project structure is carried out using the current trend of completely separating the front and back ends. The way to display China's epidemic data is to make a China epidemic map, and the way to display global epidemic data is to make a column chart. The technical hot spots involved are as follows: 1. echarts map configuration, complex column chart configuration; 2. axios cross-domain request cache data interface; 3. tp redis caches third-party interface data and other contents;
Course Introduction:Course introduction: 1. Cross-domain processing, token management, route interception; 2. Real interface debugging, API layer encapsulation; 3. Secondary encapsulation of Echarts and paging components; 4. Vue packaging optimization and answers to common problems.
Course Introduction:Apipost is an API R&D collaboration platform that integrates API design, API debugging, API documentation, and automated testing. It supports grpc, http, websocket, socketio, and socketjs type interface debugging, and supports privatized deployment. Before formally learning ApiPost, you must understand some related concepts, development models, and professional terminology. Apipost official website:
Course Introduction:(Consult WeChat: phpcn01) The comprehensive practical course aims to consolidate the learning results of the first two stages, achieve flexible application of front-end and PHP core knowledge points, complete your own projects through practical training, and provide guidance on online implementation. Comprehensive practical key practical courses include: social e-commerce system backend development, product management, payment/order management, customer management, distribution/coupon system design, the entire WeChat/Alipay payment process, Alibaba Cloud/Pagoda operation and maintenance, and project online operation. .....
Course Introduction:(Consult WeChat: phpcn01) Starting from scratch, you can solve conventional business logic, operate MySQL with PHP to add, delete, modify, and query, display dynamic website data, master the MVC framework, master the basics of the ThinkPHP6 framework, and learn and flexibly master all knowledge involved in PHP development. point.
Vue 3 dynamically imports based on Props
2023-11-16 11:40:01 0 1 235
Heroku/Nuxt: nuxt command not found (sh: 1: nuxt: not found)
2023-11-05 18:59:02 0 1 290
Using useFetch to retain cached data in Nuxt3
2023-11-03 21:01:41 0 2 244
Nuxt 3 dynamic page changes URL but content remains the same and data is only fetched once
2023-11-03 14:39:04 0 1 285
Speeding up the ViteJs development model: Vue 3
2023-10-31 13:42:49 0 1 291
Course Introduction:元气壁纸会给大家推荐不同壁纸图片支持选择使用,按照大家想法也可以自由设计壁纸,将用的壁纸来上传发布,可以把视频动态壁纸发布上来分享,按照以下操作方法轻松上传动态壁纸。元气壁纸上传动态壁纸操作方法在手机app首页,点击右上角“加号”图标。点击“手机动态壁纸”图标。在手机相册中,选择要上传的动态壁纸。点击右上角“√”进行确认。点击“提交”按钮,即可上传壁纸。
2024-07-24 comment419
Course Introduction:大家知道飞火动态壁纸怎么关闭壁纸吗?下文小编就带来了飞火动态壁纸关闭壁纸的方法,希望对大家能够有所帮助,一起跟着小编来学习一下吧!飞火动态壁纸怎么关闭壁纸?飞火动态壁纸关闭壁纸的方法1、打开任务栏,找到飞火壁纸的软件,右键鼠标,选择“退出”就可以了,如下图所示。2、还可以在任务管理器里关闭,右键桌面底部的任务栏,选择“任务管理器”打开,如下图所示。3、在这里找到飞火动态壁纸,选中,然后点击右下角的“结束任务”就可以了,如下图所示。
2024-08-19 comment852
Course Introduction:很多小伙伴不知道飞火动态壁纸怎么设置锁屏壁纸,所以下面小编就分享了飞火动态壁纸设置锁屏壁纸的方法,一起跟着小编来看看吧,相信对大家会有帮助。飞火动态壁纸怎么设置锁屏壁纸?飞火动态壁纸怎么设置锁屏壁纸1、首先打开飞火动态壁纸,如下图所示。2、然后点击右上角的设置,如下图所示。3、在控件里面找到“锁屏”,接着就可以根据你自己的需求来进行设置了,如下图所示。
2024-08-19 comment317
Course Introduction:皮皮壁纸作为一款提供丰富壁纸资源的应用程序,其动态壁纸制作功能为用户提供了一种新颖的方式来个性化他们的设备。那么是如何制作动态壁纸的呢?下面跟随我们去看看吧。制作动态壁纸操作方法1、登录皮皮壁纸APP后,在首页点击右上角的“+”。2、页面跳转后,点击“制作动态壁纸”。3、点击弹窗中的“确定”按钮。4、进入手机相册先选择壁纸视频,然后点击“已完成”。5、页面跳转后,点击“上传及设为壁纸”即可。
2024-06-23 comment 0138
Course Introduction:如何设置 OPPO 手机动态壁纸和锁屏壁纸?动态壁纸:长按主屏幕 -> 壁纸 -> 动态壁纸 -> 选择壁纸 -> 应用锁屏壁纸:设置 -> 显示和亮度 -> 屏幕保护程序 -> 壁纸 -> 选择壁纸 -> 应用
2024-08-10 comment189