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Implementation method of OAuth extension and QQ interconnection login in Yii2, yii2oauth_PHP tutorial
Article Introduction:OAuth extension and QQ interconnection login implementation method in Yii2, yii2oauth. The implementation method of OAuth extension and QQ interconnection login in Yii2, yii2oauth This article describes the implementation method of OAuth extension and QQ interconnection login in Yii2 with examples. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows: Reply
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javascript - thinkphp qq login
Article Introduction:The entry file of phpSDK is qqConnectAPI.php, which means that this file must be imported before using its class. Of course, this file can be imported in thinkphp. However, if you want to instantiate the QC class after the introduction, it will not work, and it will prompt that the class cannot be found. The code of the qqConnectAPI.php file is as follows: req...
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UA simulation
Article Introduction:Android QQ built-in browser UA: Mozilla/5.0 (linux; Android 5.0; SM-N9100 Build/LRX21V) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36 V1_AND_SQ_5.3.1_196_YYB_D QQ/ NetType/WIFI Android WeChat built-in browser UA:
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How to speed up the download speed when getting (downloading) QQ avatar is very slow?
Article Introduction:Opening the link directly shows that it is very fast, but downloading or obtaining information online is very slow. How can I speed it up? {Code...} The following is the running result (it took 17 seconds, which is unbearable) <If you use get_file_contents, it will take 18s to use this function> I want to download this picture and rename it to j...
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How to do single-user app login in PHP
Article Introduction:The current requirement is for apps to be similar to QQ and other communication tools. Single user login. Logins from other places are blocked. Previous logins. I don’t know how to implement it. Has anyone done this?
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symfony third-party login
Article Introduction:How does symfony use third-party Bundle to implement oauth2.0 authentication? I want to use qq, weibo, and other third parties to log in to my personal website. How should I combine it with symfony? I would like to ask for advice.
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A simple way to copy files in php, _PHP tutorial
Article Introduction:How to simply copy files in php. How to simply copy files in PHP. This article describes how to simply copy files in PHP. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows: php/***author:jelly*qq:52091199*wyg517.blo
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