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10 jQuery, Mootools, Prototype Lightbox Scripts
Article Introduction:This post showcases a collection of lightbox scripts and plugins built using various JavaScript libraries, including jQuery, MooTools, and Prototype. These elegant lightbox solutions enable the creation of stylish pop-up displays (modal windows, over
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Adding a Stylish Lightbox Effect to the WordPress Gallery
Article Introduction:Enhance Your WordPress Galleries with a jQuery Colorbox Lightbox
This tutorial demonstrates integrating the jQuery Colorbox plugin into your WordPress galleries to create a sophisticated lightbox effect, enabling image zoom and navigation without lea
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10 jQuery LightBox Plugins
Article Introduction:This article showcases ten jQuery lightbox plugins for elegantly displaying media on your website without requiring new window loads. Images and videos are presented in pop-up lightboxes overlaying the current page.
piroBox (Advanced): This enhanc
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How to Disable Body Scrollbar Without Hiding It?
Article Introduction:Disabling HTML/Body Scrollbar While Preserving VisibilityFor an optimal lightbox experience, one may desire to temporarily disable the parent...
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JavaScript and jQuery PDF Viewer Plugins
Article Introduction:This post showcases several JavaScript and jQuery plugins for embedding and displaying PDF files in web pages. Let's explore some top options!
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Quick Tip: Create a Simple WordPress Gallery in 5 Minutes
Article Introduction:Easily create image gallery in WordPress and add Lightbox pop-up effects!
Pictures and images can effectively enhance information transmission, beautify the website layout, and increase visitor participation.
You may have used WordPress's Add Media feature to add images to pages and articles. But what if you want to show multiple photos in the form of thumbnail grid?
WordPress has many plug-ins to provide gallery functionality, but did you know that WordPress itself comes with its default gallery options?
This technique will guide you to step by step, add an image gallery in WordPress, and add an additional Lightbox pop-up window to facilitate users to browse full-size pictures.
How to use WordPress media
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How Can I Find Cars That Passed All Listed Tests?
Article Introduction:Finding Cars That Passed All Tests in a ListThe task at hand involves identifying cars from a "cars" table that have successfully passed all tests...
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How Can I Call C Code (DLL) from C#?
Article Introduction:Calling C Code from C#In a typical scenario, interfacing with external libraries and code written in different programming languages can pose a...
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Building Next-Level Apps: How Next.js Enhances What React Can Do
Article Introduction:While learning TypeScript, I also wanted to level up my skills in React. React had already given me a solid foundation for building interactive user interfaces, but I felt there was more to explore. That’s when my instructor introduced me to Next.js,
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Developing a Simple RESTful API with Gin, ginvalidator, and validatorgo
Article Introduction:ThistutorialguidesyouthroughcreatingabasicRESTfulAPIusingGo,theGinframework,andtheopen-sourcelibrariesginvalidatorandvalidatorgo.Theselibrariessimplifyinputvalidation,makingyourAPImorerobust.We'llbuildanAPIformanagingproductinventory.TheAPIwillsuppor
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Building a BLE Real-Time macOS Menu Bar App
Article Introduction:Thistutorialdemonstratesbuildingareal-timemacOSmenubarapplicationusingaBleuIOUSBBLEdongletodisplayenvironmentaldata.BleuIOsimplifiesBLE(BluetoothLowEnergy)development,makingitidealforcreatinginnovativeprojects.macOSmenubarappsofferadiscreetwaytomonit
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