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How to give more WiFi to the devices that need it the most
Article Introduction:现代家庭通常有多个设备同时连接Wi-Fi访问网络,这常常导致带宽紧张,尤其是在进行在线游戏或视频流媒体等高带宽需求活动时。
为了帮助您管理网络负载,一些路由器(例如Google、Netgear、Eero等厂商生产的路由器)提供了一种名为“服务质量”(QoS)的功能。 Simply put, it allows you to prioritize specific devices and traffic types on your Wi-Fi network so that those devices and traffic can prioritize high-speed connections when bandwidth is limited.
Your router vendor may use a different name to call this feature, but a quick lookup of the instructions or searching online should determine if your router provides QoS capabilities
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Dave The Diver: How To Catch Spider Crabs
Article Introduction:In Dave The Diver, there are some creatures that are not easy to catch. Or, catch alive that is. The spider crab is one of those very species, making it seem like the only way to bring these crustaceans back up to land is to viciously crack them up w
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Prepare for Interview Like a Pro with Interview Questions CLI
Article Introduction:Prepare for Interview Like a Pro with Interview Questions CLI
What is the Interview Questions CLI?
The Interview Questions CLI is a command-line tool designed for JavaScript learners and developers who want to enhance their interview
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Soft Deletes in Databases: To Use or Not to Use?
Article Introduction:Soft Deletes: A Question of DesignThe topic of soft deletes, a mechanism that "flags" records as deleted instead of physically removing them, has...
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Terraria: How To Make A Loom
Article Introduction:There are a lot of crafting stations that you can make in Terraria. This ranges from simple anvils to unique stations meant for one specific type of resource. Early into the game, you'll be able to make your own Loom, which is primarily used to make
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How to become a Mortician in Bitlife
Article Introduction:There are an abundance of job roles to try in Bitlife, and while the best jobs are those that land you with lots of fame and money — such as becoming a Model or an Astronaut — there are plenty other, simpler jobs to get you by. There’s
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Unlocking the Power of Chrome DevTools Snippets
Article Introduction:The Snippets panel in Chrome DevTools is a powerful tool that often gets overlooked. Snippets allows a developer to write, save, and run custom JavaScript code directly in the browser. This feature can be helpful to experiment, debug, and demo JavaS
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