This article mainly introduces how Django completes email user registration and account activation through ajax. Now I share it with you and give it as a reference. Let’s take a look together
1. Image verification code
django-simple-captcha configurationSetting
1. In pycharm, File====》Settings====》Project:Project name====》Project Interpreter====》 ====》Search django-simple-captcha》Select 0.55 The above version, then click the install package button to install
2. Add the code in project name/
from django.urls import path,include ...... from users.views import IndexView ...... urlpatterns = [ ...... #配置验证码 path('captcha/',include('captcha.urls')), #首页url path('', IndexView.as_view(), name='index'), ...... ]
3.settings Add a registration information in .py
INSTALLED_APPS = [ ...... 'captcha' ]
4. Open the Terminal and execute the update database command:
python makemigrations python migrate
5. Create a new file in the users directory:
from django import forms from captcha.fields import CaptchaField ...... class RegisterForm(forms.Form): """注册信息的验证""" ...... captcha=CaptchaField(error_messages={'invalid':'验证码错误'}) ......
6. Add code to users/
from users.form import RegisterForm class IndexView(View): """首页""" def get(self,request): register_form=RegisterForm() return render(request,'index.html',{'register_form':register_form})
7. Display the verification code and input box in the front-end homepage index.html
{{ register_form.captcha }}
{% csrf_token %}......
js is related to refreshing the verification code (need to introduce jQuery first)
$(function(){ $('.captcha').css({ 'cursor': 'pointer' }); /*# ajax 刷新*/ $('.captcha').click(function(){ console.log('click'); $.getJSON("/captcha/refresh/",function(result){ $('.captcha').attr('src', result['image_url']); $('#id_captcha_0').val(result['key']) }); }); })
2. Ajax email registration
1. The modal box code bound to the registration on the front end is written as:
...... ......
js code related to ajax registration :
$("#registerbtn").click(function() { $.ajax({ cache:false, type:"POST", url:"{% url 'users:register' %}", dataType:'json', data:$('#registerform').serialize(), //通过id找到提交form表单,并将表单转成字符串 async:true, //异步为真,ajax提交的过程中,同时可以做其他的操作 success:function (data) { //jquery3以后,会将回传过来的字符串格式的data自动json解析不用再使用一遍JSON.parse(data)了,不然反而会在控制台报错 if(data.status){ $('#active-msg').html(data.status); } else{ if(data.user){ username_msg=data.user.toString(); $('#user-msg').html('用户名'+ username_msg); } if({; $('#email-msg').html('邮箱'+ email_msg); } if(data.pwd){ password_msg=data.pwd.toString(); $('#pwd-msg').html('密码'+ password_msg); } if(data.captcha){ captcha_msg=data.captcha.toString(); $('#captcha-msg').html(captcha_msg); } msg=data.__all__.toString(); $('#active-msg').html(msg); } } }); });
JS code to improve user interaction experience:
$("input").bind('input propertychange', function() { $('#login-fail').html(''); $('#user-msg').html(''); $('#email-msg').html(''); $('#pwd-msg').html(''); $('#pwd-msg2').html(''); $('#captcha-msg').html(''); });
2.users / code: (The field name to be verified must be consistent with the name value of the front-end input box!)
from django import forms from captcha.fields import CaptchaField from .models import UserProfile class RegisterForm(forms.Form): """注册信息的验证""" user = forms.CharField(required=True, error_messages={'required': '用户名不能为空.'}) email=forms.EmailField(required=True,error_messages={'required': '邮箱不能为空.'}) pwd = forms.CharField(required=True, min_length=6, error_messages={'required': '密码不能为空.', 'min_length': "至少6位"}) pwd2 = forms.CharField(required=True, min_length=6, error_messages={'required': '密码不能为空.', 'min_length': "至少6位"}) captcha=CaptchaField(error_messages={'invalid':'验证码错误'}) def clean(self): '''验证两次密码是否一致''' p1=self.cleaned_data.get('pwd') p2=self.cleaned_data.get('pwd2') if p1!=p2: raise forms.ValidationError('两次输入密码不一致') else: return self.cleaned_data
3.users/ Code related to registration:
...... from django.http import HttpResponse from .models import UserProfile,ShopProfile from users.form import RegisterForm from django.contrib.auth.hashers import make_password import json class RegisterView(View): """邮箱注册""" def post(self, request): register_form=RegisterForm(request.POST) if register_form.is_valid(): user_name=request.POST.get('user','') email=request.POST.get('email','') pass_word=request.POST.get('pwd','') u=UserProfile.objects.filter(username=user_name).count() e=UserProfile.objects.filter(email=email).count() if u or e: return HttpResponse('{"status":"该用户名或邮箱已被占用!"}') else: user_profile=UserProfile() user_profile.username=user_name user_profile.password=make_password(pass_word) user_profile.is_active=False return HttpResponse('{"status":"注册成功请去邮箱激活!"}') msg=register_form.errors msg=json.dumps(msg) return HttpResponse(msg)
4. Configure users/ registration route:
...... from .views import RegisterView ..... urlpatterns = [ ...... path('register/',RegisterView.as_view(),name='register'), ...... ]
3. E-mail activation for registered accounts:
1. Create a new data table to store the e-mail activation code:
Add code in users/
class EmailVerifyRecord(models.Model): """邮箱激活码""" code=models.CharField(max_length=20,verbose_name='验证码') email=models.EmailField(max_length=50,verbose_name='邮箱') send_type=models.CharField(verbose_name='验证码类型',choices=(('register','注册'),('forget','忘记密码')), max_length=20) send_time=models.DateTimeField(verbose_name='发送时间', class Meta: verbose_name='邮箱验证码' verbose_name_plural=verbose_name def __str__(self): return '{0}({1})'.format(self.code,
Register the data table in users/
...... from .models import EmailVerifyRecord ...... class EmailVerifyRecordAdmin(object): list_display = ['code', 'email', 'send_type', 'send_time'] search_fields = ['code', 'email', 'send_type'] list_filter = ['code', 'email', 'send_type', 'send_time'] ......,EmailVerifyRecordAdmin)
Open Terminal and execute the update database command:
python makemigrations python migrate
2. Write a script for sending emails: Create new utils/ in apps/users/
from random import Random from users.models import EmailVerifyRecord from django.core.mail import send_mail from xyw.settings import EMAIL_FROM def random_str(randomlength=8): str='' chars='AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz0123456789' length=len(chars)-1 random=Random() for i in range(randomlength): str+=chars[random.randint(0,length)] return str def send_register_email(email,send_type='register'): email_record=EmailVerifyRecord() code=random_str(16) email_record.code=code email_record.send_type=send_type email_title='' email_body='' if send_type=='register': email_title='雪易网注册激活链接' email_body='请点击下面的链接激活你的账号:{0}'.format(code) send_status=send_mail(email_title,email_body,EMAIL_FROM,[email]) if send_status: pass elif send_type=='forget': email_title = '雪易密码重置链接' email_body = '请点击下面的链接重置你的密码:{0}'.format(code) send_status = send_mail(email_title, email_body, EMAIL_FROM, [email]) if send_status: pass
3. Add the configuration code for sending emails in
EMAIL_HOST='' EMAIL_PORT=25 EMAIL_HOST_USER='' #你的邮箱 EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD='********' EMAIL_USE_TLS=False EMAIL_FROM='' #同样是你的邮箱,跟上面都是发信者邮箱 #我用的新浪的,也可以用别的
4. Enable the SMTP service of Sina Mailbox, otherwise it will not be able to send emails automatically. The steps are as follows:
Log in to Sina Mailbox====》Settings Area== ==》Client pop/imp/smtp====》Pop3/SMTP service====》Service status: on====》Save
5. Add activation function
Add activation class ActiveUserView(View) code in users/
...... from .models import EmailVerifyRecord ...... class ActiveUserView(View): """激活账户""" def get(self,request,active_code): all_records=EmailVerifyRecord.objects.filter(code=active_code) if all_records: for record in all_records: user=UserProfile.objects.get(email=email) user.is_active=True return render(request,'index.html')
6. In users/
Add the code for sending activation emails to the registration class RegisterView(View):
...... from apps.utils.email_send import send_register_email ...... class RegisterView(View): """邮箱注册""" def post(self, request): ...... #发送邮件代码start send_register_email(email,'register') #发送邮件代码end return HttpResponse('{"status":"注册成功请去邮箱激活!"}')
Add the code to verify whether the account is activated or not for the login LoginView(View):
class LoginView(View): """用户登录""" def post(self,request): user_name=request.POST.get("username","") pass_word=request.POST.get("pwd","") user=authenticate(username=user_name,password=pass_word) if user is not None: #验证账户是否已经激活start if user.is_active: login(request,user) return HttpResponse('{"status":"success"}') else: return HttpResponse('{"status":"fail","msg":"账户未激活"}') #验证账户是否已经激活end else: return HttpResponse('{"status":"fail","msg":"用户名或密码错误"}')
Now you have completed the registration and activation by email. Many times, the activation email will be automatically put into the trash by the email, and when you click the activation link from the email, You will also be prompted with some warning messages. It can be said that registering through email is not as good as registering through SMS, but... you save money! ^_^
Related recommendations:
Detailed explanation of Django’s auth module (user authentication)
The above is the detailed content of How to complete email user registration and account activation through ajax in django. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!