Detailed explanation of cdn log analysis through the pandas library in Python

Release: 2017-03-24 17:08:45
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I recently encountered a need at work, which is to filter some data based on CDN logs, such as traffic, status code statistics, TOP IP, URL, UA , Referer, etc. In the past, the bash shell was used to implement this. However, when the log volume is large, the number of log files is gigabytes, and the number of lines reaches tens of billions, processing through the shell is not enough and the processing time is too long. So I studied the use of Python pandas, a data processing library. Ten million lines of logs are processed in about 40 seconds.


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# sudo pip install pandas
__author__ = 'Loya Chen'
import sys
import pandas as pd
from collections import OrderedDict
Description: This script is used to analyse qiniu cdn log.
IP - ResponseTime [time +0800] "Method URL HTTP/1.1" code size "referer" "UA"
 [0] [1][2]  [3]  [4]   [5] - 68 [16/Nov/2016:04:36:40 +0800] "GET // -" 
[6] [7] [8]    [9]
200 502 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)"
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
 print('Usage:', sys.argv[0], 'file_of_log')
 log_file = sys.argv[1] 
# 需统计字段对应的日志位置 
ip  = 0
url  = 5
status_code = 6
size = 7
referer = 8
ua  = 9
# 将日志读入DataFrame
reader = pd.read_table(log_file, sep=' ', names=[i for i in range(10)], iterator=True)
loop = True
chunkSize = 10000000
chunks = []
while loop:
 chunk = reader.get_chunk(chunkSize)
 except StopIteration:
 #Iteration is stopped.
 loop = False
df = pd.concat(chunks, ignore_index=True)
byte_sum = df[size].sum()        #流量统计
top_status_code = pd.DataFrame(df[6].value_counts())      #状态码统计
top_ip  = df[ip].value_counts().head(10)      #TOP IP
top_referer = df[referer].value_counts().head(10)      #TOP Referer
top_ua  = df[ua].value_counts().head(10)      #TOP User-Agent
top_status_code['persent'] = pd.DataFrame(top_status_code/top_status_code.sum()*100)
top_url  = df[url].value_counts().head(10)      #TOP URL
top_url_byte = df[[url,size]].groupby(url).sum().apply(lambda x:x.astype(float)/1024/1024) \
   .round(decimals = 3).sort_values(by=[size], ascending=False)[size].head(10) #请求流量最大的URL
top_ip_byte = df[[ip,size]].groupby(ip).sum().apply(lambda x:x.astype(float)/1024/1024) \
   .round(decimals = 3).sort_values(by=[size], ascending=False)[size].head(10) #请求流量最多的IP
# 将结果有序存入字典
result = OrderedDict([("流量总计[单位:GB]:"   , byte_sum/1024/1024/1024),
   ("状态码统计[次数|百分比]:"  , top_status_code),
   ("IP TOP 10:"    , top_ip),
   ("Referer TOP 10:"   , top_referer),
   ("UA TOP 10:"    , top_ua),
   ("URL TOP 10:"   , top_url),
   ("请求流量最大的URL TOP 10[单位:MB]:" , top_url_byte), 
   ("请求流量最大的IP TOP 10[单位:MB]:" , top_ip_byte)
# 输出结果
for k,v in result.items():
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pandas study notes

There are two basic data structures in Pandas, Series and Dataframe. A Series is an object similar to a one-dimensional array, consisting of a set of data and an index. Dataframe is a tabular data structure with both row and column indexes.

from pandas import Series, DataFrame
import pandas as pd
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In [1]: obj = Series([4, 7, -5, 3])
In [2]: obj
0 4
1 7
2 -5
3 3
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The string representation of Series is: index on the left and value on the right. When no index is specified, an integer index ranging from 0 to N-1 (N is the length of the data) will be automatically created. The array representation and index object can be obtained through the values ​​and index properties of the Series:

In [3]: obj.values
Out[3]: array([ 4, 7, -5, 3])
In [4]: obj.index
Out[4]: RangeIndex(start=0, stop=4, step=1)
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Usually the index is specified when creating the Series:

In [5]: obj2 = Series([4, 7, -5, 3], index=['d', 'b', 'a', 'c'])
In [6]: obj2
d 4
b 7
a -5
c 3
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Get a single or a group of values ​​in the Series through the index :

In [7]: obj2['a']
Out[7]: -5
In [8]: obj2[['c','d']]
c 3
d 4
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In [9]: obj2.sort_index()
a -5
b 7
c 3
d 4
In [10]: obj2.sort_values()
a -5
c 3
d 4
b 7
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Filter operation

In [11]: obj2[obj2 > 0]
d 4
b 7
c 3
In [12]: obj2 * 2
d 8
b 14
a -10
c 6
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In [13]: 'b' in obj2
Out[13]: True
In [14]: 'e' in obj2
Out[14]: False
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Create Series through dictionary

In [15]: sdata = {'Shanghai':35000, 'Beijing':40000, 'Nanjing':26000, 'Hangzhou':30000}
In [16]: obj3 = Series(sdata)
In [17]: obj3
Beijing 40000
Hangzhou 30000
Nanjing 26000
Shanghai 35000
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If only one dictionary is passed in , then the index in the result Series is the key of the original dictionary (ordered arrangement)

In [18]: states = ['Beijing', 'Hangzhou', 'Shanghai', 'Suzhou']
In [19]: obj4 = Series(sdata, index=states)
In [20]: obj4
Beijing 40000.0
Hangzhou 30000.0
Shanghai 35000.0
Suzhou  NaN
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When specifying index, the three values ​​in sdata that match the states index will be found and placed in the response position on, but since the sdata value corresponding to 'Suzhou' cannot be found, the result is NaN (not a number). The isnull and notnull functions in pandas used to represent missing or NA values

pandas can be used For detecting missing data:

In [21]: pd.isnull(obj4)
Beijing False
Hangzhou False
Shanghai False
Suzhou True
In [22]: pd.notnull(obj4)
Beijing True
Hangzhou True
Shanghai True
Suzhou False
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Series also has similar instance methods

In [23]: obj4.isnull()
Beijing False
Hangzhou False
Shanghai False
Suzhou True
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An important function of Series is to automatically align data with different indexes during data operations

In [24]: obj3
Beijing 40000
Hangzhou 30000
Nanjing 26000
Shanghai 35000
In [25]: obj4
Beijing 40000.0
Hangzhou 30000.0
Shanghai 35000.0
Suzhou  NaN
In [26]: obj3 + obj4
Beijing 80000.0
Hangzhou 60000.0
Nanjing  NaN
Shanghai 70000.0
Suzhou  NaN
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The index of the Series can be modified in place by copying

In [27]: obj.index = ['Bob', 'Steve', 'Jeff', 'Ryan']
In [28]: obj
Bob 4
Steve 7
Jeff -5
Ryan 3
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pandas reads the file

In [29]: df = pd.read_table('pandas_test.txt',sep=' ', names=['name', 'age'])
In [30]: df
 name age
0 Bob 26
1 Loya 22
2 Denny 20
3 Mars 25
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DataFrame column selection

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In [31]: df['name']
0 Bob
1 Loya
2 Denny
3 Mars
Name: name, dtype: object
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DataFrame row selection

df.iloc[0,:] #第一个参数是第几行,第二个参数是列。这里指第0行全部列
df.iloc[:,0] #全部行,第0列
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In [32]: df.iloc[0,:]
name Bob
age 26
Name: 0, dtype: object
In [33]: df.iloc[:,0]
0 Bob
1 Loya
2 Denny
3 Mars
Name: name, dtype: object
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Get an element, you can use iloc, the faster way is iat

In [34]: df.iloc[1,1]
Out[34]: 22
In [35]: df.iat[1,1]
Out[35]: 22
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DataFrame block selection

In [36]: df.loc[1:2,['name','age']]
 name age
1 Loya 22
2 Denny 20
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Filter rows based on conditions

Add judgment conditions in square brackets to filter rows. The conditions must return True or False

In [37]: df[(df.index >= 1) & (df.index <= 3)]
 name age city
1 Loya 22 Shanghai
2 Denny 20 Hangzhou
3 Mars 25 Nanjing
In [38]: df[df[&#39;age&#39;] > 22]
 name age city
0 Bob 26 Beijing
3 Mars 25 Nanjing
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Add columns

In [39]: df[&#39;city&#39;] = [&#39;Beijing&#39;, &#39;Shanghai&#39;, &#39;Hangzhou&#39;, &#39;Nanjing&#39;]
In [40]: df
 name age city
0 Bob 26 Beijing
1 Loya 22 Shanghai
2 Denny 20 Hangzhou
3 Mars 25 Nanjing
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Sort by specified columns

In [41]: df.sort_values(by=&#39;age&#39;)
 name age city
2 Denny 20 Hangzhou
1 Loya 22 Shanghai
3 Mars 25 Nanjing
0 Bob 26 Beijing
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# 引入numpy 构建 DataFrame
import numpy as np
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In [42]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(8).reshape((2, 4)), index=[&#39;three&#39;, &#39;one&#39;], columns=[&#39;d&#39;, &#39;a&#39;, &#39;b&#39;, &#39;c&#39;])
In [43]: df
 d a b c
three 0 1 2 3
one 4 5 6 7
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# 以索引排序
In [44]: df.sort_index()
 d a b c
one 4 5 6 7
three 0 1 2 3
In [45]: df.sort_index(axis=1)
 a b c d
three 1 2 3 0
one 5 6 7 4
# 降序
In [46]: df.sort_index(axis=1, ascending=False)
 d c b a
three 0 3 2 1
one 4 7 6 5
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# 查看表头5行 
# 查看表末5行
# 查看列的名字
In [47]: df.columns
Out[47]: Index([&#39;name&#39;, &#39;age&#39;, &#39;city&#39;], dtype=&#39;object&#39;)
# 查看表格当前的值
In [48]: df.values
array([[&#39;Bob&#39;, 26, &#39;Beijing&#39;],
 [&#39;Loya&#39;, 22, &#39;Shanghai&#39;],
 [&#39;Denny&#39;, 20, &#39;Hangzhou&#39;],
 [&#39;Mars&#39;, 25, &#39;Nanjing&#39;]], dtype=object)
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  0  1  2 3
name Bob Loya Denny Mars
age 26 22 20 25
city Beijing Shanghai Hangzhou Nanjing
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Use isin

In [50]: df2 = df.copy()
In [51]: df2[df2[&#39;city&#39;].isin([&#39;Shanghai&#39;,&#39;Nanjing&#39;])]
 name age city
1 Loya 22 Shanghai
3 Mars 25 Nanjing
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In [53]: df = pd.DataFrame([[1.4, np.nan], [7.1, -4.5], [np.nan, np.nan], [0.75, -1.3]], 
 ...:    index=[&#39;a&#39;, &#39;b&#39;, &#39;c&#39;, &#39;d&#39;], columns=[&#39;one&#39;, &#39;two&#39;])
In [54]: df
 one two
a 1.40 NaN
b 7.10 -4.5
c NaN NaN
d 0.75 -1.3
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In [55]: df.sum()
one 9.25
two -5.80
# 按行求和
In [56]: df.sum(axis=1)
a 1.40
b 2.60
c NaN
d -0.55
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group refers to the following steps:

  • ##Splitting the data into groups based on some criteria

  • Applying a function to each group independently

  • ##Combining the results into a data structure
  • See the Grouping section
In [57]: df = pd.DataFrame({&#39;A&#39; : [&#39;foo&#39;, &#39;bar&#39;, &#39;foo&#39;, &#39;bar&#39;,
 ....:    &#39;foo&#39;, &#39;bar&#39;, &#39;foo&#39;, &#39;foo&#39;],
 ....:   &#39;B&#39; : [&#39;one&#39;, &#39;one&#39;, &#39;two&#39;, &#39;three&#39;,
 ....:    &#39;two&#39;, &#39;two&#39;, &#39;one&#39;, &#39;three&#39;],
 ....:   &#39;C&#39; : np.random.randn(8),
 ....:   &#39;D&#39; : np.random.randn(8)})
In [58]: df
 A B  C  D
0 foo one -1.202872 -0.055224
1 bar one -1.814470 2.395985
2 foo two 1.018601 1.552825
3 bar three -0.595447 0.166599
4 foo two 1.395433 0.047609
5 bar two -0.392670 -0.136473
6 foo one 0.007207 -0.561757
7 foo three 1.928123 -1.623033
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group and then apply sum function

In [59]: df.groupby(&#39;A&#39;).sum()
  C D
bar -2.802588 2.42611
foo 3.146492 -0.63958
In [60]: df.groupby([&#39;A&#39;,&#39;B&#39;]).sum()
   C  D
A B   
bar one -1.814470 2.395985
 three -0.595447 0.166599
 two -0.392670 -0.136473
foo one -1.195665 -0.616981
 three 1.928123 -1.623033
 two 2.414034 1.600434
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For more detailed explanations of cdn log analysis through the pandas library in Python, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

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