The example in this article describes the installation of Oracle extension and database connection method in Python. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:
cx_Oracle download address: -basic
Download address:
Window environment:
python27 oracle10
Required software:
cx_Oracle- 5.1.2-10g.win32-py2.7.msi
1. Double-click the msi file directly to install cx_Oracle;
2. Unzip and copy all the obtained .dll files to the F:\Python27\Lib\site-packages directory
linux environment :
python26 orracle10
Required software:
2. (Refer to // here)
Set environment variables
vi /root/.bash_profile
export ORACLE_HOME=/usr/local/instantclient_10_2 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$ORACLE_HOME
Create a symbolic link to this link library
cd $ORACLE_HOME ln -s
Reinstall cx_Oracle
Be careful to add the --nodeps parameter, otherwise the above error will be reported[root@BJ-UPDATE-01 ~]# rpm -ivh --nodeps cx_Oracle-5.0 .1-10g-py24-1.x86_64.rpm#5.0.3 version does not need to add the --nodeps parameter
#Python >>> import cx_Oracle >>> db = cx_Oracle.connect('user/psw@') >>> print db <cx_Oracle.Connection to user@> >>> cr=db.cursor() >>> cr.execute("select * from LOGININFO") <__builtin__.OracleCursor on <cx_Oracle.Connection to user@>> >>> rs=cr.fetchall() >>> print rs [('40288a8542746fd90142746fdbb50001', 'cccccc', 1, 1, None, None, None), ('40288a85427474b601427474b8270001', 'eeee', 1, 1, None, None, None), ('40288a854273bce0014273bee6310002', 'dddddd', 0, 0, None, None, None), ('40288a854274532d014274532f600001', 'cccccc', 1, 1, None, None, None), ('40288a8542747c750142747c77ac0001', 'eeee', 1, 1, None, None, None), ('40288a8542744fb30142744fb5e90001', 'cccccc', 1, 1, None, None, None)] >>>