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- How to turn off the cache in thinkphp5.1
- How to turn off the cache in thinkphp5.1: 1. Find the "\ThinkPHP\Common\convention.php" and "\ThinkPHP\Common\debug.php" files; 2. Modify the content in debug.php to "'TMPL_CACHE_ON' => false,"; 3. Modify the content in convention.php to "'ACTION_CACHE_ON' => false,".
- ThinkPHP 1400 2022-12-13 09:58:56
- How to query duplicate database in thinkphp
- How to query duplicate databases in thinkphp: 1. Instantiate the data table through "$test_data = M('hot');"; 2. Use "testdata>Distincttrue)->field(descriprion')->orderdescription desc->select" method or use the group method to remove duplicates.
- ThinkPHP 1550 2022-12-13 09:51:01
- How to convert thinkphp collection to array
- Method of converting thinkphp collection to array: 1. Get the data collection, the code is such as "Array([0] => app\common\model\GoodsSku Object([connection:protected] => Array()..."; 2. Use the "collection->toArray()" method to convert the data into a standard array type.
- ThinkPHP 1923 2022-12-13 09:42:43
- How to use thinkphp addall method
- The thinkphp addall method is a method provided by thinkphp for batch operations on data. This method is located in "Library/Think/Model.class.php". Its correct usage syntax is "$user->addAll($data, array(),true)".
- ThinkPHP 1788 2022-12-13 09:30:34
- Can thinkphp configure a new database separately?
- thinkphp can configure a new database separately. The setting method is: 1. Add configuration parameters such as "'DB_HOST' => 'localhost'..." in the application configuration file or module configuration file; 2. Configuration in different application states Independent database configuration information is defined in the file; 3. Specify the database connection information when instantiating, with syntax such as "$User = M('User','other_','mysql://root...".
- ThinkPHP 1594 2022-12-13 09:24:40
- Does thinkphp5.1 support extra?
- thinkphp5.1 does not support extra. The config function in thinkphp5.1 has canceled the support for extra; you can paste the "function editConfig($arr = [],$user='admin'){...}" code into the app or This function can be used globally in common.php in the application folder.
- ThinkPHP 1805 2022-12-12 09:38:30
- How to jump to the current page in thinkphp
- How thinkphp jumps to the current page: 1. Create a new login.html page under index/login; 2. Create a new login controller; 3. Determine whether the jump is successful through "protected function success(){...}" ; 4. Open the "dispatch_jump.tpl" file; 5. Modify the configuration code under "config.php".
- ThinkPHP 2090 2022-12-12 09:21:28
- How to hide module name in thinkphp3.2
- How to hide the module name in thinkphp3.2: 1. Create a ".htaccess" file in the root directory; 2. Add "RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d"; 3. Add "config.php" under the corresponding module "Set the access module in ".
- ThinkPHP 1736 2022-12-09 10:11:01
- THINKPHP public What to do if something goes wrong
- Solution to THINKPHP public error: 1. Find and open the ".htaccess" file in the public directory; 2. Directly replace the content with "RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f". .
- ThinkPHP 1173 2022-12-09 09:28:31
- What should I do if the thinkphp5 display class does not exist?
- Solution to the non-existence of thinkphp5 display class: 1. Query through the new Employee class in the Controller layer; 2. Modify the code to "$dlist = Db::name("employee")->where($condition)->field ("id,name")->select();" can be done.
- ThinkPHP 1727 2022-12-09 09:22:15
- How to query if there is data in thinkphp
- How to query whether there is data in thinkphp: 1. Open the corresponding tp file; 2. Instantiate the object through "M("gkwh_dictdata");"; 3. Use "if($list_dictdata !== null) {$obj-> code = -1;...}" statement can be used to determine whether the data exists.
- ThinkPHP 1381 2022-12-09 09:17:22
- What to do if thinkphp tcpdf is garbled?
- Solution to thinkphp tcpdf garbled code: 1. Download the plug-in TCPDF; 2. Use TCPDF through "class Pdf extends \app\common\controller\Base{...}"; 3. Change the font to "$pdf->SetFont ('cid0cs', '', 8)" can solve the garbled code problem.
- ThinkPHP 1484 2022-12-08 10:29:56
- How to use thinkphp5 model method
- How to use thinkphp5 model: 1. Query multiple records through "User::all(function($query){...}"; 2. Use "User::select(function($query){...}" "Query; 3. Query through find() method and get() method; 4. Query data using column() method.
- ThinkPHP 1852 2022-12-08 10:20:28
- What to do if thinkphp resource routing error occurs
- Solutions to thinkphp resource routing errors: 1. Open the corresponding tp file; 2. Set the resource routing for RESTFul requests through "Route::resource('blog','index/blog');"; 3. Replace public Orientation is enough.
- ThinkPHP 1201 2022-12-08 10:08:43
- How to close cache in thinkphp
- How to close the cache in thinkphp: 1. Find the convention.php and debug.php files; 2. Modify the content in debug.php to "'TMPL_CACHE_ON' =>false,"; 3. Modify the content in convention.php to "' HTML_CACHE_ON' => false," that's it.
- ThinkPHP 1794 2022-12-08 09:58:13