The examples in this article describe the usage of serialization in PHP. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:
Function: Serialization is used to store or transmit objects, and the object is obtained through deserialization.
1. Person.class.php:
<?php /* 作者 : shyhero */ class Person{ //声明一个Person类 public $age; private $name; protected $sex; public function __construct($age="",$name="",$sex=""){ $this -> age = $age; $this -> name = $name; $this -> sex = $sex; } public function say(){ return $this -> age." ".$this -> name." ".$this -> sex; } function __sleep(){ //指定串行化时能提取的成员属性,没有参数,但是必须返回一个数组 $arr = array("age","name"); return $arr; } function __wakeup(){ //指定反串行化时,提取出来的值 $this -> sex = "woman"; } }
2. Serialization code
<?php require("./Person.class.php"); $p = new Person(21,"du","man"); //定义Person类对象 $pString = serialize($p); //对对象进行串行化 file_put_contents("./file.txt",$pString);//存到文件里
3. Deserialization code
<?php require("./Person.class.php");//反串行化时,也要包含原类 $pString = file_get_contents("./file.txt");//从文件中取出串行化的值 $p = unserialize($pString);//进行反串行化 var_dump($p); //这个 $p就是之前那个串行化的对象,一样用,但是里面的值被我改了
The above is the detailed explanation of serialization usage examples in PHP. For more related content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website (!