direktori cari
archive archive/tar archive/zip bufio bufio(缓存) builtin builtin(内置包) bytes bytes(包字节) compress compress/bzip2(压缩/bzip2) compress/flate(压缩/flate) compress/gzip(压缩/gzip) compress/lzw(压缩/lzw) compress/zlib(压缩/zlib) container container/heap(容器数据结构heap) container/list(容器数据结构list) container/ring(容器数据结构ring) context context(上下文) crypto crypto(加密) crypto/aes(加密/aes) crypto/cipher(加密/cipher) crypto/des(加密/des) crypto/dsa(加密/dsa) crypto/ecdsa(加密/ecdsa) crypto/elliptic(加密/elliptic) crypto/hmac(加密/hmac) crypto/md5(加密/md5) crypto/rand(加密/rand) crypto/rc4(加密/rc4) crypto/rsa(加密/rsa) crypto/sha1(加密/sha1) crypto/sha256(加密/sha256) crypto/sha512(加密/sha512) crypto/subtle(加密/subtle) crypto/tls(加密/tls) crypto/x509(加密/x509) crypto/x509/pkix(加密/x509/pkix) database database/sql(数据库/sql) database/sql/driver(数据库/sql/driver) debug debug/dwarf(调试/dwarf) debug/elf(调试/elf) debug/gosym(调试/gosym) debug/macho(调试/macho) debug/pe(调试/pe) debug/plan9obj(调试/plan9obj) encoding encoding(编码) encoding/ascii85(编码/ascii85) encoding/asn1(编码/asn1) encoding/base32(编码/base32) encoding/base64(编码/base64) encoding/binary(编码/binary) encoding/csv(编码/csv) encoding/gob(编码/gob) encoding/hex(编码/hex) encoding/json(编码/json) encoding/pem(编码/pem) encoding/xml(编码/xml) errors errors(错误) expvar expvar flag flag(命令行参数解析flag包) fmt fmt go go/ast(抽象语法树) go/build go/constant(常量) go/doc(文档) go/format(格式) go/importer go/parser go/printer go/scanner(扫描仪) go/token(令牌) go/types(类型) hash hash(散列) hash/adler32 hash/crc32 hash/crc64 hash/fnv html html html/template(模板) image image(图像) image/color(颜色) image/color/palette(调色板) image/draw(绘图) image/gif image/jpeg image/png index index/suffixarray io io io/ioutil log log log/syslog(日志系统) math math math/big math/big math/bits math/bits math/cmplx math/cmplx math/rand math/rand mime mime mime/multipart(多部分) mime/quotedprintable net net net/http net/http net/http/cgi net/http/cookiejar net/http/fcgi net/http/httptest net/http/httptrace net/http/httputil net/http/internal net/http/pprof net/mail net/mail net/rpc net/rpc net/rpc/jsonrpc net/smtp net/smtp net/textproto net/textproto net/url net/url os os os/exec os/signal os/user path path path/filepath(文件路径) plugin plugin(插件) reflect reflect(反射) regexp regexp(正则表达式) regexp/syntax runtime runtime(运行时) runtime/debug(调试) runtime/internal/sys runtime/pprof runtime/race(竞争) runtime/trace(执行追踪器) sort sort(排序算法) strconv strconv(转换) strings strings(字符串) sync sync(同步) sync/atomic(原子操作) syscall syscall(系统调用) testing testing(测试) testing/iotest testing/quick text text/scanner(扫描文本) text/tabwriter text/template(定义模板) text/template/parse time time(时间戳) unicode unicode unicode/utf16 unicode/utf8 unsafe unsafe

  • import "unicode"

  • 概观

  • 索引

  • 示例

  • 子目录


打包unicode提供数据和函数来测试 Unicode 代码点的一些属性。



package mainimport ("fmt""unicode")func main() {// constant with mixed type runesconst mixed = "\b5Ὂg̀9! ℃ᾭG"for _, c := range mixed {
		fmt.Printf("For %q:\n", c)if unicode.IsControl(c) {
			fmt.Println("\tis control rune")}if unicode.IsDigit(c) {
			fmt.Println("\tis digit rune")}if unicode.IsGraphic(c) {
			fmt.Println("\tis graphic rune")}if unicode.IsLetter(c) {
			fmt.Println("\tis letter rune")}if unicode.IsLower(c) {
			fmt.Println("\tis lower case rune")}if unicode.IsMark(c) {
			fmt.Println("\tis mark rune")}if unicode.IsNumber(c) {
			fmt.Println("\tis number rune")}if unicode.IsPrint(c) {
			fmt.Println("\tis printable rune")}if !unicode.IsPrint(c) {
			fmt.Println("\tis not printable rune")}if unicode.IsPunct(c) {
			fmt.Println("\tis punct rune")}if unicode.IsSpace(c) {
			fmt.Println("\tis space rune")}if unicode.IsSymbol(c) {
			fmt.Println("\tis symbol rune")}if unicode.IsTitle(c) {
			fmt.Println("\tis title case rune")}if unicode.IsUpper(c) {
			fmt.Println("\tis upper case rune")}}}


  • 常量

  • 变量

  • func In(r rune, ranges ...*RangeTable) bool

  • func Is(rangeTab *RangeTable, r rune) bool

  • func IsControl(r rune) bool

  • func IsDigit(r rune) bool

  • func IsGraphic(r rune) bool

  • func IsLetter(r rune) bool

  • func IsLower(r rune) bool

  • func IsMark(r rune) bool

  • func IsNumber(r rune) bool

  • func IsOneOf(ranges []*RangeTable, r rune) bool

  • func IsPrint(r rune) bool

  • func IsPunct(r rune) bool

  • func IsSpace(r rune) bool

  • func IsSymbol(r rune) bool

  • func IsTitle(r rune) bool

  • func IsUpper(r rune) bool

  • func SimpleFold(r rune) rune

  • func To(_case int, r rune) rune

  • func ToLower(r rune) rune

  • func ToTitle(r rune) rune

  • func ToUpper(r rune) rune

  • type CaseRange

  • type Range16

  • type Range32

  • type RangeTable

  • type SpecialCase

  • func (special SpecialCase) ToLower(r rune) rune

  • func (special SpecialCase) ToTitle(r rune) rune

  • func (special SpecialCase) ToUpper(r rune) rune

  • 错误


SimpleFold SpecialCase To ToLower ToTitle ToUpper Package (Is)


casetables.go digit.go graphic.go letter.go tables.go


const (
        MaxRune         = '\U0010FFFF' // Maximum valid Unicode code point.
        ReplacementChar = '\uFFFD'     // Represents invalid code points.
        MaxASCII        = '\u007F'     // maximum ASCII value.
        MaxLatin1       = '\u00FF'     // maximum Latin-1 value.)

CaseRanges内的 Delta 数组索引,用于大小写映射。

const (
        UpperCase = iota

如果一个 CaseRange 的 Delta 字段是 UpperLower,则意味着这个 CaseRange 表示一个形式的序列(比如说) Upper Lower Upper Lower 。

const (
        UpperLower = MaxRune + 1 // (Cannot be a valid delta.))

版本是从中派生表的 Unicode 版本。

const Version = "9.0.0"


这些变量有 * RangeTable 类型。

var (
        Cc     = _Cc // Cc is the set of Unicode characters in category Cc.
        Cf     = _Cf // Cf is the set of Unicode characters in category Cf.
        Co     = _Co // Co is the set of Unicode characters in category Co.
        Cs     = _Cs // Cs is the set of Unicode characters in category Cs.
        Digit  = _Nd // Digit is the set of Unicode characters with the "decimal digit" property.
        Nd     = _Nd // Nd is the set of Unicode characters in category Nd.
        Letter = _L  // Letter/L is the set of Unicode letters, category L.
        L      = _L
        Lm     = _Lm // Lm is the set of Unicode characters in category Lm.
        Lo     = _Lo // Lo is the set of Unicode characters in category Lo.
        Lower  = _Ll // Lower is the set of Unicode lower case letters.
        Ll     = _Ll // Ll is the set of Unicode characters in category Ll.
        Mark   = _M  // Mark/M is the set of Unicode mark characters, category M.
        M      = _M
        Mc     = _Mc // Mc is the set of Unicode characters in category Mc.
        Me     = _Me // Me is the set of Unicode characters in category Me.
        Mn     = _Mn // Mn is the set of Unicode characters in category Mn.
        Nl     = _Nl // Nl is the set of Unicode characters in category Nl.
        No     = _No // No is the set of Unicode characters in category No.
        Number = _N  // Number/N is the set of Unicode number characters, category N.
        N      = _N
        Other  = _C // Other/C is the set of Unicode control and special characters, category C.
        C      = _C
        Pc     = _Pc // Pc is the set of Unicode characters in category Pc.
        Pd     = _Pd // Pd is the set of Unicode characters in category Pd.
        Pe     = _Pe // Pe is the set of Unicode characters in category Pe.
        Pf     = _Pf // Pf is the set of Unicode characters in category Pf.
        Pi     = _Pi // Pi is the set of Unicode characters in category Pi.
        Po     = _Po // Po is the set of Unicode characters in category Po.
        Ps     = _Ps // Ps is the set of Unicode characters in category Ps.
        Punct  = _P  // Punct/P is the set of Unicode punctuation characters, category P.
        P      = _P
        Sc     = _Sc // Sc is the set of Unicode characters in category Sc.
        Sk     = _Sk // Sk is the set of Unicode characters in category Sk.
        Sm     = _Sm // Sm is the set of Unicode characters in category Sm.
        So     = _So // So is the set of Unicode characters in category So.
        Space  = _Z  // Space/Z is the set of Unicode space characters, category Z.
        Z      = _Z
        Symbol = _S // Symbol/S is the set of Unicode symbol characters, category S.
        S      = _S
        Title  = _Lt // Title is the set of Unicode title case letters.
        Lt     = _Lt // Lt is the set of Unicode characters in category Lt.
        Upper  = _Lu // Upper is the set of Unicode upper case letters.
        Lu     = _Lu // Lu is the set of Unicode characters in category Lu.
        Zl     = _Zl // Zl is the set of Unicode characters in category Zl.
        Zp     = _Zp // Zp is the set of Unicode characters in category Zp.
        Zs     = _Zs // Zs is the set of Unicode characters in category Zs.)

这些变量有 * RangeTable 类型。

var (
        Adlam                  = _Adlam                  // Adlam is the set of Unicode characters in script Adlam.
        Ahom                   = _Ahom                   // Ahom is the set of Unicode characters in script Ahom.
        Anatolian_Hieroglyphs  = _Anatolian_Hieroglyphs  // Anatolian_Hieroglyphs is the set of Unicode characters in script Anatolian_Hieroglyphs.
        Arabic                 = _Arabic                 // Arabic is the set of Unicode characters in script Arabic.
        Armenian               = _Armenian               // Armenian is the set of Unicode characters in script Armenian.
        Avestan                = _Avestan                // Avestan is the set of Unicode characters in script Avestan.
        Balinese               = _Balinese               // Balinese is the set of Unicode characters in script Balinese.
        Bamum                  = _Bamum                  // Bamum is the set of Unicode characters in script Bamum.
        Bassa_Vah              = _Bassa_Vah              // Bassa_Vah is the set of Unicode characters in script Bassa_Vah.
        Batak                  = _Batak                  // Batak is the set of Unicode characters in script Batak.
        Bengali                = _Bengali                // Bengali is the set of Unicode characters in script Bengali.
        Bhaiksuki              = _Bhaiksuki              // Bhaiksuki is the set of Unicode characters in script Bhaiksuki.
        Bopomofo               = _Bopomofo               // Bopomofo is the set of Unicode characters in script Bopomofo.
        Brahmi                 = _Brahmi                 // Brahmi is the set of Unicode characters in script Brahmi.
        Braille                = _Braille                // Braille is the set of Unicode characters in script Braille.
        Buginese               = _Buginese               // Buginese is the set of Unicode characters in script Buginese.
        Buhid                  = _Buhid                  // Buhid is the set of Unicode characters in script Buhid.
        Canadian_Aboriginal    = _Canadian_Aboriginal    // Canadian_Aboriginal is the set of Unicode characters in script Canadian_Aboriginal.
        Carian                 = _Carian                 // Carian is the set of Unicode characters in script Carian.
        Caucasian_Albanian     = _Caucasian_Albanian     // Caucasian_Albanian is the set of Unicode characters in script Caucasian_Albanian.
        Chakma                 = _Chakma                 // Chakma is the set of Unicode characters in script Chakma.
        Cham                   = _Cham                   // Cham is the set of Unicode characters in script Cham.
        Cherokee               = _Cherokee               // Cherokee is the set of Unicode characters in script Cherokee.
        Common                 = _Common                 // Common is the set of Unicode characters in script Common.
        Coptic                 = _Coptic                 // Coptic is the set of Unicode characters in script Coptic.
        Cuneiform              = _Cuneiform              // Cuneiform is the set of Unicode characters in script Cuneiform.
        Cypriot                = _Cypriot                // Cypriot is the set of Unicode characters in script Cypriot.
        Cyrillic               = _Cyrillic               // Cyrillic is the set of Unicode characters in script Cyrillic.
        Deseret                = _Deseret                // Deseret is the set of Unicode characters in script Deseret.
        Devanagari             = _Devanagari             // Devanagari is the set of Unicode characters in script Devanagari.
        Duployan               = _Duployan               // Duployan is the set of Unicode characters in script Duployan.
        Egyptian_Hieroglyphs   = _Egyptian_Hieroglyphs   // Egyptian_Hieroglyphs is the set of Unicode characters in script Egyptian_Hieroglyphs.
        Elbasan                = _Elbasan                // Elbasan is the set of Unicode characters in script Elbasan.
        Ethiopic               = _Ethiopic               // Ethiopic is the set of Unicode characters in script Ethiopic.
        Georgian               = _Georgian               // Georgian is the set of Unicode characters in script Georgian.
        Glagolitic             = _Glagolitic             // Glagolitic is the set of Unicode characters in script Glagolitic.
        Gothic                 = _Gothic                 // Gothic is the set of Unicode characters in script Gothic.
        Grantha                = _Grantha                // Grantha is the set of Unicode characters in script Grantha.
        Greek                  = _Greek                  // Greek is the set of Unicode characters in script Greek.
        Gujarati               = _Gujarati               // Gujarati is the set of Unicode characters in script Gujarati.
        Gurmukhi               = _Gurmukhi               // Gurmukhi is the set of Unicode characters in script Gurmukhi.
        Han                    = _Han                    // Han is the set of Unicode characters in script Han.
        Hangul                 = _Hangul                 // Hangul is the set of Unicode characters in script Hangul.
        Hanunoo                = _Hanunoo                // Hanunoo is the set of Unicode characters in script Hanunoo.
        Hatran                 = _Hatran                 // Hatran is the set of Unicode characters in script Hatran.
        Hebrew                 = _Hebrew                 // Hebrew is the set of Unicode characters in script Hebrew.
        Hiragana               = _Hiragana               // Hiragana is the set of Unicode characters in script Hiragana.
        Imperial_Aramaic       = _Imperial_Aramaic       // Imperial_Aramaic is the set of Unicode characters in script Imperial_Aramaic.
        Inherited              = _Inherited              // Inherited is the set of Unicode characters in script Inherited.
        Inscriptional_Pahlavi  = _Inscriptional_Pahlavi  // Inscriptional_Pahlavi is the set of Unicode characters in script Inscriptional_Pahlavi.
        Inscriptional_Parthian = _Inscriptional_Parthian // Inscriptional_Parthian is the set of Unicode characters in script Inscriptional_Parthian.
        Javanese               = _Javanese               // Javanese is the set of Unicode characters in script Javanese.
        Kaithi                 = _Kaithi                 // Kaithi is the set of Unicode characters in script Kaithi.
        Kannada                = _Kannada                // Kannada is the set of Unicode characters in script Kannada.
        Katakana               = _Katakana               // Katakana is the set of Unicode characters in script Katakana.
        Kayah_Li               = _Kayah_Li               // Kayah_Li is the set of Unicode characters in script Kayah_Li.
        Kharoshthi             = _Kharoshthi             // Kharoshthi is the set of Unicode characters in script Kharoshthi.
        Khmer                  = _Khmer                  // Khmer is the set of Unicode characters in script Khmer.
        Khojki                 = _Khojki                 // Khojki is the set of Unicode characters in script Khojki.
        Khudawadi              = _Khudawadi              // Khudawadi is the set of Unicode characters in script Khudawadi.
        Lao                    = _Lao                    // Lao is the set of Unicode characters in script Lao.
        Latin                  = _Latin                  // Latin is the set of Unicode characters in script Latin.
        Lepcha                 = _Lepcha                 // Lepcha is the set of Unicode characters in script Lepcha.
        Limbu                  = _Limbu                  // Limbu is the set of Unicode characters in script Limbu.
        Linear_A               = _Linear_A               // Linear_A is the set of Unicode characters in script Linear_A.
        Linear_B               = _Linear_B               // Linear_B is the set of Unicode characters in script Linear_B.
        Lisu                   = _Lisu                   // Lisu is the set of Unicode characters in script Lisu.
        Lycian                 = _Lycian                 // Lycian is the set of Unicode characters in script Lycian.
        Lydian                 = _Lydian                 // Lydian is the set of Unicode characters in script Lydian.
        Mahajani               = _Mahajani               // Mahajani is the set of Unicode characters in script Mahajani.
        Malayalam              = _Malayalam              // Malayalam is the set of Unicode characters in script Malayalam.
        Mandaic                = _Mandaic                // Mandaic is the set of Unicode characters in script Mandaic.
        Manichaean             = _Manichaean             // Manichaean is the set of Unicode characters in script Manichaean.
        Marchen                = _Marchen                // Marchen is the set of Unicode characters in script Marchen.
        Meetei_Mayek           = _Meetei_Mayek           // Meetei_Mayek is the set of Unicode characters in script Meetei_Mayek.
        Mende_Kikakui          = _Mende_Kikakui          // Mende_Kikakui is the set of Unicode characters in script Mende_Kikakui.
        Meroitic_Cursive       = _Meroitic_Cursive       // Meroitic_Cursive is the set of Unicode characters in script Meroitic_Cursive.
        Meroitic_Hieroglyphs   = _Meroitic_Hieroglyphs   // Meroitic_Hieroglyphs is the set of Unicode characters in script Meroitic_Hieroglyphs.
        Miao                   = _Miao                   // Miao is the set of Unicode characters in script Miao.
        Modi                   = _Modi                   // Modi is the set of Unicode characters in script Modi.
        Mongolian              = _Mongolian              // Mongolian is the set of Unicode characters in script Mongolian.
        Mro                    = _Mro                    // Mro is the set of Unicode characters in script Mro.
        Multani                = _Multani                // Multani is the set of Unicode characters in script Multani.
        Myanmar                = _Myanmar                // Myanmar is the set of Unicode characters in script Myanmar.
        Nabataean              = _Nabataean              // Nabataean is the set of Unicode characters in script Nabataean.
        New_Tai_Lue            = _New_Tai_Lue            // New_Tai_Lue is the set of Unicode characters in script New_Tai_Lue.
        Newa                   = _Newa                   // Newa is the set of Unicode characters in script Newa.
        Nko                    = _Nko                    // Nko is the set of Unicode characters in script Nko.
        Ogham                  = _Ogham                  // Ogham is the set of Unicode characters in script Ogham.
        Ol_Chiki               = _Ol_Chiki               // Ol_Chiki is the set of Unicode characters in script Ol_Chiki.
        Old_Hungarian          = _Old_Hungarian          // Old_Hungarian is the set of Unicode characters in script Old_Hungarian.
        Old_Italic             = _Old_Italic             // Old_Italic is the set of Unicode characters in script Old_Italic.
        Old_North_Arabian      = _Old_North_Arabian      // Old_North_Arabian is the set of Unicode characters in script Old_North_Arabian.
        Old_Permic             = _Old_Permic             // Old_Permic is the set of Unicode characters in script Old_Permic.
        Old_Persian            = _Old_Persian            // Old_Persian is the set of Unicode characters in script Old_Persian.
        Old_South_Arabian      = _Old_South_Arabian      // Old_South_Arabian is the set of Unicode characters in script Old_South_Arabian.
        Old_Turkic             = _Old_Turkic             // Old_Turkic is the set of Unicode characters in script Old_Turkic.
        Oriya                  = _Oriya                  // Oriya is the set of Unicode characters in script Oriya.
        Osage                  = _Osage                  // Osage is the set of Unicode characters in script Osage.
        Osmanya                = _Osmanya                // Osmanya is the set of Unicode characters in script Osmanya.
        Pahawh_Hmong           = _Pahawh_Hmong           // Pahawh_Hmong is the set of Unicode characters in script Pahawh_Hmong.
        Palmyrene              = _Palmyrene              // Palmyrene is the set of Unicode characters in script Palmyrene.
        Pau_Cin_Hau            = _Pau_Cin_Hau            // Pau_Cin_Hau is the set of Unicode characters in script Pau_Cin_Hau.
        Phags_Pa               = _Phags_Pa               // Phags_Pa is the set of Unicode characters in script Phags_Pa.
        Phoenician             = _Phoenician             // Phoenician is the set of Unicode characters in script Phoenician.
        Psalter_Pahlavi        = _Psalter_Pahlavi        // Psalter_Pahlavi is the set of Unicode characters in script Psalter_Pahlavi.
        Rejang                 = _Rejang                 // Rejang is the set of Unicode characters in script Rejang.
        Runic                  = _Runic                  // Runic is the set of Unicode characters in script Runic.
        Samaritan              = _Samaritan              // Samaritan is the set of Unicode characters in script Samaritan.
        Saurashtra             = _Saurashtra             // Saurashtra is the set of Unicode characters in script Saurashtra.
        Sharada                = _Sharada                // Sharada is the set of Unicode characters in script Sharada.
        Shavian                = _Shavian                // Shavian is the set of Unicode characters in script Shavian.
        Siddham                = _Siddham                // Siddham is the set of Unicode characters in script Siddham.
        SignWriting            = _SignWriting            // SignWriting is the set of Unicode characters in script SignWriting.
        Sinhala                = _Sinhala                // Sinhala is the set of Unicode characters in script Sinhala.
        Sora_Sompeng           = _Sora_Sompeng           // Sora_Sompeng is the set of Unicode characters in script Sora_Sompeng.
        Sundanese              = _Sundanese              // Sundanese is the set of Unicode characters in script Sundanese.
        Syloti_Nagri           = _Syloti_Nagri           // Syloti_Nagri is the set of Unicode characters in script Syloti_Nagri.
        Syriac                 = _Syriac                 // Syriac is the set of Unicode characters in script Syriac.
        Tagalog                = _Tagalog                // Tagalog is the set of Unicode characters in script Tagalog.
        Tagbanwa               = _Tagbanwa               // Tagbanwa is the set of Unicode characters in script Tagbanwa.
        Tai_Le                 = _Tai_Le                 // Tai_Le is the set of Unicode characters in script Tai_Le.
        Tai_Tham               = _Tai_Tham               // Tai_Tham is the set of Unicode characters in script Tai_Tham.
        Tai_Viet               = _Tai_Viet               // Tai_Viet is the set of Unicode characters in script Tai_Viet.
        Takri                  = _Takri                  // Takri is the set of Unicode characters in script Takri.
        Tamil                  = _Tamil                  // Tamil is the set of Unicode characters in script Tamil.
        Tangut                 = _Tangut                 // Tangut is the set of Unicode characters in script Tangut.
        Telugu                 = _Telugu                 // Telugu is the set of Unicode characters in script Telugu.
        Thaana                 = _Thaana                 // Thaana is the set of Unicode characters in script Thaana.
        Thai                   = _Thai                   // Thai is the set of Unicode characters in script Thai.
        Tibetan                = _Tibetan                // Tibetan is the set of Unicode characters in script Tibetan.
        Tifinagh               = _Tifinagh               // Tifinagh is the set of Unicode characters in script Tifinagh.
        Tirhuta                = _Tirhuta                // Tirhuta is the set of Unicode characters in script Tirhuta.
        Ugaritic               = _Ugaritic               // Ugaritic is the set of Unicode characters in script Ugaritic.
        Vai                    = _Vai                    // Vai is the set of Unicode characters in script Vai.
        Warang_Citi            = _Warang_Citi            // Warang_Citi is the set of Unicode characters in script Warang_Citi.
        Yi                     = _Yi                     // Yi is the set of Unicode characters in script Yi.)

这些变量有 * RangeTable 类型。

var (
        ASCII_Hex_Digit                    = _ASCII_Hex_Digit                    // ASCII_Hex_Digit is the set of Unicode characters with property ASCII_Hex_Digit.
        Bidi_Control                       = _Bidi_Control                       // Bidi_Control is the set of Unicode characters with property Bidi_Control.
        Dash                               = _Dash                               // Dash is the set of Unicode characters with property Dash.
        Deprecated                         = _Deprecated                         // Deprecated is the set of Unicode characters with property Deprecated.
        Diacritic                          = _Diacritic                          // Diacritic is the set of Unicode characters with property Diacritic.
        Extender                           = _Extender                           // Extender is the set of Unicode characters with property Extender.
        Hex_Digit                          = _Hex_Digit                          // Hex_Digit is the set of Unicode characters with property Hex_Digit.
        Hyphen                             = _Hyphen                             // Hyphen is the set of Unicode characters with property Hyphen.
        IDS_Binary_Operator                = _IDS_Binary_Operator                // IDS_Binary_Operator is the set of Unicode characters with property IDS_Binary_Operator.
        IDS_Trinary_Operator               = _IDS_Trinary_Operator               // IDS_Trinary_Operator is the set of Unicode characters with property IDS_Trinary_Operator.
        Ideographic                        = _Ideographic                        // Ideographic is the set of Unicode characters with property Ideographic.
        Join_Control                       = _Join_Control                       // Join_Control is the set of Unicode characters with property Join_Control.
        Logical_Order_Exception            = _Logical_Order_Exception            // Logical_Order_Exception is the set of Unicode characters with property Logical_Order_Exception.
        Noncharacter_Code_Point            = _Noncharacter_Code_Point            // Noncharacter_Code_Point is the set of Unicode characters with property Noncharacter_Code_Point.
        Other_Alphabetic                   = _Other_Alphabetic                   // Other_Alphabetic is the set of Unicode characters with property Other_Alphabetic.
        Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point = _Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point // Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point is the set of Unicode characters with property Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point.
        Other_Grapheme_Extend              = _Other_Grapheme_Extend              // Other_Grapheme_Extend is the set of Unicode characters with property Other_Grapheme_Extend.
        Other_ID_Continue                  = _Other_ID_Continue                  // Other_ID_Continue is the set of Unicode characters with property Other_ID_Continue.
        Other_ID_Start                     = _Other_ID_Start                     // Other_ID_Start is the set of Unicode characters with property Other_ID_Start.
        Other_Lowercase                    = _Other_Lowercase                    // Other_Lowercase is the set of Unicode characters with property Other_Lowercase.
        Other_Math                         = _Other_Math                         // Other_Math is the set of Unicode characters with property Other_Math.
        Other_Uppercase                    = _Other_Uppercase                    // Other_Uppercase is the set of Unicode characters with property Other_Uppercase.
        Pattern_Syntax                     = _Pattern_Syntax                     // Pattern_Syntax is the set of Unicode characters with property Pattern_Syntax.
        Pattern_White_Space                = _Pattern_White_Space                // Pattern_White_Space is the set of Unicode characters with property Pattern_White_Space.
        Prepended_Concatenation_Mark       = _Prepended_Concatenation_Mark       // Prepended_Concatenation_Mark is the set of Unicode characters with property Prepended_Concatenation_Mark.
        Quotation_Mark                     = _Quotation_Mark                     // Quotation_Mark is the set of Unicode characters with property Quotation_Mark.
        Radical                            = _Radical                            // Radical is the set of Unicode characters with property Radical.
        STerm                              = _Sentence_Terminal                  // STerm is an alias for Sentence_Terminal.
        Sentence_Terminal                  = _Sentence_Terminal                  // Sentence_Terminal is the set of Unicode characters with property Sentence_Terminal.
        Soft_Dotted                        = _Soft_Dotted                        // Soft_Dotted is the set of Unicode characters with property Soft_Dotted.
        Terminal_Punctuation               = _Terminal_Punctuation               // Terminal_Punctuation is the set of Unicode characters with property Terminal_Punctuation.
        Unified_Ideograph                  = _Unified_Ideograph                  // Unified_Ideograph is the set of Unicode characters with property Unified_Ideograph.
        Variation_Selector                 = _Variation_Selector                 // Variation_Selector is the set of Unicode characters with property Variation_Selector.
        White_Space                        = _White_Space                        // White_Space is the set of Unicode characters with property White_Space.)

CaseRanges 是描述具有非自映射的所有字母的大小写映射的表格。

var CaseRanges = _CaseRanges

类别是一组 Unicode 类别表。

var Categories = map[string]*RangeTable{        "C":  C,        "Cc": Cc,        "Cf": Cf,        "Co": Co,        "Cs": Cs,        "L":  L,        "Ll": Ll,        "Lm": Lm,        "Lo": Lo,        "Lt": Lt,        "Lu": Lu,        "M":  M,        "Mc": Mc,        "Me": Me,        "Mn": Mn,        "N":  N,        "Nd": Nd,        "Nl": Nl,        "No": No,        "P":  P,        "Pc": Pc,        "Pd": Pd,        "Pe": Pe,        "Pf": Pf,        "Pi": Pi,        "Po": Po,        "Ps": Ps,        "S":  S,        "Sc": Sc,        "Sk": Sk,        "Sm": Sm,        "So": So,        "Z":  Z,        "Zl": Zl,        "Zp": Zp,        "Zs": Zs,}

FoldCategory 将类别名称映射到类别外的代码点表,这些代码点在简单大小写折叠的情况下等同于类别内的代码点。如果没有类别名称的条目,则不存在这样的点。

var FoldCategory = map[string]*RangeTable{        "L":  foldL,        "Ll": foldLl,        "Lt": foldLt,        "Lu": foldLu,        "M":  foldM,        "Mn": foldMn,}

FoldScript 将脚本名称映射到脚本外的代码点表,这些代码点在简单案例折叠到脚本内的代码点之后是等同的。如果没有条目名称的条目,则没有这样的条目。

var FoldScript = map[string]*RangeTable{        "Common":    foldCommon,        "Greek":     foldGreek,        "Inherited": foldInherited,}

GraphicRanges 根据 Unicode 定义了一组图形字符。

var GraphicRanges = []*RangeTable{
        L, M, N, P, S, Zs,}

PrintRanges 根据 Go 定义一组可打印的字符。ASCII 空间 U+0020 分开处理。

var PrintRanges = []*RangeTable{
        L, M, N, P, S,}

属性是 Unicode 属性表的集合。

var Properties = map[string]*RangeTable{        "ASCII_Hex_Digit":                    ASCII_Hex_Digit,        "Bidi_Control":                       Bidi_Control,        "Dash":                               Dash,        "Deprecated":                         Deprecated,        "Diacritic":                          Diacritic,        "Extender":                           Extender,        "Hex_Digit":                          Hex_Digit,        "Hyphen":                             Hyphen,        "IDS_Binary_Operator":                IDS_Binary_Operator,        "IDS_Trinary_Operator":               IDS_Trinary_Operator,        "Ideographic":                        Ideographic,        "Join_Control":                       Join_Control,        "Logical_Order_Exception":            Logical_Order_Exception,        "Noncharacter_Code_Point":            Noncharacter_Code_Point,        "Other_Alphabetic":                   Other_Alphabetic,        "Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point": Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point,        "Other_Grapheme_Extend":              Other_Grapheme_Extend,        "Other_ID_Continue":                  Other_ID_Continue,        "Other_ID_Start":                     Other_ID_Start,        "Other_Lowercase":                    Other_Lowercase,        "Other_Math":                         Other_Math,        "Other_Uppercase":                    Other_Uppercase,        "Pattern_Syntax":                     Pattern_Syntax,        "Pattern_White_Space":                Pattern_White_Space,        "Prepended_Concatenation_Mark":       Prepended_Concatenation_Mark,        "Quotation_Mark":                     Quotation_Mark,        "Radical":                            Radical,        "Sentence_Terminal":                  Sentence_Terminal,        "STerm":                              Sentence_Terminal,        "Soft_Dotted":                        Soft_Dotted,        "Terminal_Punctuation":               Terminal_Punctuation,        "Unified_Ideograph":                  Unified_Ideograph,        "Variation_Selector":                 Variation_Selector,        "White_Space":                        White_Space,}

脚本是一组 Unicode 脚本表。

var Scripts = map[string]*RangeTable{        "Adlam":                  Adlam,        "Ahom":                   Ahom,        "Anatolian_Hieroglyphs":  Anatolian_Hieroglyphs,        "Arabic":                 Arabic,        "Armenian":               Armenian,        "Avestan":                Avestan,        "Balinese":               Balinese,        "Bamum":                  Bamum,        "Bassa_Vah":              Bassa_Vah,        "Batak":                  Batak,        "Bengali":                Bengali,        "Bhaiksuki":              Bhaiksuki,        "Bopomofo":               Bopomofo,        "Brahmi":                 Brahmi,        "Braille":                Braille,        "Buginese":               Buginese,        "Buhid":                  Buhid,        "Canadian_Aboriginal":    Canadian_Aboriginal,        "Carian":                 Carian,        "Caucasian_Albanian":     Caucasian_Albanian,        "Chakma":                 Chakma,        "Cham":                   Cham,        "Cherokee":               Cherokee,        "Common":                 Common,        "Coptic":                 Coptic,        "Cuneiform":              Cuneiform,        "Cypriot":                Cypriot,        "Cyrillic":               Cyrillic,        "Deseret":                Deseret,        "Devanagari":             Devanagari,        "Duployan":               Duployan,        "Egyptian_Hieroglyphs":   Egyptian_Hieroglyphs,        "Elbasan":                Elbasan,        "Ethiopic":               Ethiopic,        "Georgian":               Georgian,        "Glagolitic":             Glagolitic,        "Gothic":                 Gothic,        "Grantha":                Grantha,        "Greek":                  Greek,        "Gujarati":               Gujarati,        "Gurmukhi":               Gurmukhi,        "Han":                    Han,        "Hangul":                 Hangul,        "Hanunoo":                Hanunoo,        "Hatran":                 Hatran,        "Hebrew":                 Hebrew,        "Hiragana":               Hiragana,        "Imperial_Aramaic":       Imperial_Aramaic,        "Inherited":              Inherited,        "Inscriptional_Pahlavi":  Inscriptional_Pahlavi,        "Inscriptional_Parthian": Inscriptional_Parthian,        "Javanese":               Javanese,        "Kaithi":                 Kaithi,        "Kannada":                Kannada,        "Katakana":               Katakana,        "Kayah_Li":               Kayah_Li,        "Kharoshthi":             Kharoshthi,        "Khmer":                  Khmer,        "Khojki":                 Khojki,        "Khudawadi":              Khudawadi,        "Lao":                    Lao,        "Latin":                  Latin,        "Lepcha":                 Lepcha,        "Limbu":                  Limbu,        "Linear_A":               Linear_A,        "Linear_B":               Linear_B,        "Lisu":                   Lisu,        "Lycian":                 Lycian,        "Lydian":                 Lydian,        "Mahajani":               Mahajani,        "Malayalam":              Malayalam,        "Mandaic":                Mandaic,        "Manichaean":             Manichaean,        "Marchen":                Marchen,        "Meetei_Mayek":           Meetei_Mayek,        "Mende_Kikakui":          Mende_Kikakui,        "Meroitic_Cursive":       Meroitic_Cursive,        "Meroitic_Hieroglyphs":   Meroitic_Hieroglyphs,        "Miao":                   Miao,        "Modi":                   Modi,        "Mongolian":              Mongolian,        "Mro":                    Mro,        "Multani":                Multani,        "Myanmar":                Myanmar,        "Nabataean":              Nabataean,        "New_Tai_Lue":            New_Tai_Lue,        "Newa":                   Newa,        "Nko":                    Nko,        "Ogham":                  Ogham,        "Ol_Chiki":               Ol_Chiki,        "Old_Hungarian":          Old_Hungarian,        "Old_Italic":             Old_Italic,        "Old_North_Arabian":      Old_North_Arabian,        "Old_Permic":             Old_Permic,        "Old_Persian":            Old_Persian,        "Old_South_Arabian":      Old_South_Arabian,        "Old_Turkic":             Old_Turkic,        "Oriya":                  Oriya,        "Osage":                  Osage,        "Osmanya":                Osmanya,        "Pahawh_Hmong":           Pahawh_Hmong,        "Palmyrene":              Palmyrene,        "Pau_Cin_Hau":            Pau_Cin_Hau,        "Phags_Pa":               Phags_Pa,        "Phoenician":             Phoenician,        "Psalter_Pahlavi":        Psalter_Pahlavi,        "Rejang":                 Rejang,        "Runic":                  Runic,        "Samaritan":              Samaritan,        "Saurashtra":             Saurashtra,        "Sharada":                Sharada,        "Shavian":                Shavian,        "Siddham":                Siddham,        "SignWriting":            SignWriting,        "Sinhala":                Sinhala,        "Sora_Sompeng":           Sora_Sompeng,        "Sundanese":              Sundanese,        "Syloti_Nagri":           Syloti_Nagri,        "Syriac":                 Syriac,        "Tagalog":                Tagalog,        "Tagbanwa":               Tagbanwa,        "Tai_Le":                 Tai_Le,        "Tai_Tham":               Tai_Tham,        "Tai_Viet":               Tai_Viet,        "Takri":                  Takri,        "Tamil":                  Tamil,        "Tangut":                 Tangut,        "Telugu":                 Telugu,        "Thaana":                 Thaana,        "Thai":                   Thai,        "Tibetan":                Tibetan,        "Tifinagh":               Tifinagh,        "Tirhuta":                Tirhuta,        "Ugaritic":               Ugaritic,        "Vai":                    Vai,        "Warang_Citi":            Warang_Citi,        "Yi":                     Yi,}

func In

func In(r rune, ranges ...*RangeTable) bool


func Is

func Is(rangeTab *RangeTable, r rune) bool

Is 报告符文是否在指定的范围表中。

func IsControl

func IsControl(r rune) bool

IsControl 报告符文是否是控制角色。C(其他)Unicode 类别包含更多代码点,例如代理; 使用 Is(C, r) 来测试它们。

func IsDigit

func IsDigit(r rune) bool

IsDigit 报告符文是否为十进制数字。

func IsGraphic

func IsGraphic(r rune) bool

IsGraphic 报告符文是否被Unicode定义为Graphic。这些字符包括类别 L,M,N,P,S,Zs 中的字母,标记,数字,标点,符号和空格。

func IsLetter

func IsLetter(r rune) bool

IsLetter 报告符文是否为字母(L类)。

func IsLower

func IsLower(r rune) bool

IsLower 报告符文是否是小写字母。

func IsMark

func IsMark(r rune) bool

IsMark 报告符文是否为标记符(M类)。

func IsNumber

func IsNumber(r rune) bool

IsNumber 报告符文是否是一个数字(类别N)。

func IsOneOf

func IsOneOf(ranges []*RangeTable, r rune) bool

IsOneOf 报告符文是否是其中一个范围的成员。函数“In”提供了更好的签名,应优先使用 IsOneOf。

func IsPrint

func IsPrint(r rune) bool

IsPrint 报告符文是否被 Go 定义为可打印。这些字符包括类别 L,M,N,P,S 和 ASCII 空格字符中的字母,标记,数字,标点,符号和 ASCII 空格字符。除了唯一的空格字符是 ASCII 空格 U+0020 之外,该分类与 IsGraphic 相同。

func IsPunct

func IsPunct(r rune) bool

IsPunct 报告符文是否是 Unicode 标点符号(类别 P)。

func IsSpace

func IsSpace(r rune) bool

IsSpace 报告符文是否是由 Unicode 的空白属性定义的空格字符; 在拉丁美洲1空间

'\t', '\n', '\v', '\f', '\r', ' ', U+0085 (NEL), U+00A0 (NBSP).

间距字符的其他定义由类别 Z 和属性 Pattern_White_Space 设置。

func IsSymbol

func IsSymbol(r rune) bool

IsSymbol 报告符文是否是一个象征性的特征。

func IsTitle

func IsTitle(r rune) bool

IsTitle 报告符文是否是一个标题大小写字母。

func IsUpper

func IsUpper(r rune) bool

IsUpper 报告符文是否是大写字母。

func SimpleFold

func SimpleFold(r rune) rune

SimpleFold 在 Unicode 定义的简单大小写折叠下迭代 Unicode 代码点。在相当于符文的代码点(包括符文本身)中,SimpleFold返回最小的符文> r,否则最小的符文> = 0.如果r不是有效的 Unicode 代码点,则 SimpleFold(r) 返回 r。


SimpleFold('A') = 'a'SimpleFold('a') = 'A'SimpleFold('K') = 'k'SimpleFold('k') = '\u212A' (Kelvin symbol, K)SimpleFold('\u212A') = 'K'SimpleFold('1') = '1'SimpleFold(-2) = -2


package mainimport ("fmt""unicode")func main() {
	fmt.Printf("%#U\n", unicode.SimpleFold('A'))      // 'a'
	fmt.Printf("%#U\n", unicode.SimpleFold('a'))      // 'A'
	fmt.Printf("%#U\n", unicode.SimpleFold('K'))      // 'k'
	fmt.Printf("%#U\n", unicode.SimpleFold('k'))      // '\u212A' (Kelvin symbol, K)
	fmt.Printf("%#U\n", unicode.SimpleFold('\u212A')) // 'K'
	fmt.Printf("%#U\n", unicode.SimpleFold('1'))      // '1'}

func To

func To(_case int, r rune) rune

将符号映射到指定的情况:UpperCase, LowerCase 或 TitleCase。


package mainimport ("fmt""unicode")func main() {const lcG = 'g'
	fmt.Printf("%#U\n", unicode.To(unicode.UpperCase, lcG))
	fmt.Printf("%#U\n", unicode.To(unicode.LowerCase, lcG))
	fmt.Printf("%#U\n", unicode.To(unicode.TitleCase, lcG))const ucG = 'G'
	fmt.Printf("%#U\n", unicode.To(unicode.UpperCase, ucG))
	fmt.Printf("%#U\n", unicode.To(unicode.LowerCase, ucG))
	fmt.Printf("%#U\n", unicode.To(unicode.TitleCase, ucG))}

func ToLower

func ToLower(r rune) rune

ToLower 将符文映射为小写字母。


package mainimport ("fmt""unicode")func main() {const ucG = 'G'
	fmt.Printf("%#U\n", unicode.ToLower(ucG))}

func ToTitle

func ToTitle(r rune) rune

ToTitle 将符文映射到标题大小写。


package mainimport ("fmt""unicode")func main() {const ucG = 'g'
	fmt.Printf("%#U\n", unicode.ToTitle(ucG))}

func ToUpper

func ToUpper(r rune) rune

ToUpper 将符文映射为大写。


package mainimport ("fmt""unicode")func main() {const ucG = 'g'
	fmt.Printf("%#U\n", unicode.ToUpper(ucG))}

键入 CaseRange

CaseRange 表示简单(一个代码点到一个代码点)大小写转换的一系列 Unicode 代码点。范围从 Lo 到 Hi 包含,固定步幅为 1. Deltas 是要添加到代码点以达到该角色不同情况的代码点的数字。他们可能是消极的。如果为零,则表示该角色处于相应的情况。有一个特殊情况代表交替对应的上和下对的序列。它与一个固定的 Delta 相似

{UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}

常数 UpperLower 具有不可能的增量值。

type CaseRange struct {
        Lo    uint32
        Hi    uint32
        Delta d}

键入 Range16

Range16 表示一系列16位 Unicode 代码点。范围从 Lo 到 Hi 包含并且具有指定的步幅。

type Range16 struct {
        Lo     uint16
        Hi     uint16
        Stride uint16}

键入 Range32

Range32 代表一系列 Unicode 代码点,当一个或多个值不适合16位时使用。范围从 Lo 到 Hi 包含并且具有指定的步幅。 Lo 和 Hi 必须始终> = 1 << 16。

type Range32 struct {
        Lo     uint32
        Hi     uint32
        Stride uint32}

键入 RangeTable

RangeTable 通过列出集合中代码点的范围来定义一组 Unicode 代码点。范围在两个切片中列出以节省空间:16位范围片段和32位范围片段。这两个切片必须按排序顺序且不重叠。另外,R32 应该只包含 > = 0x10000(1 << 16) 的值。

type RangeTable struct {
        R16         []Range16
        R32         []Range32
        LatinOffset int // number of entries in R16 with Hi <= MaxLatin1}

键入 SpecialCase

SpecialCase 代表语言特定的案例映射,如土耳其语。SpecialCase 的方法自定义(通过覆盖)标准映射。

type SpecialCase []CaseRange
var AzeriCase SpecialCase = _TurkishCase
var TurkishCase SpecialCase = _TurkishCase


package mainimport ("fmt""unicode")func main() {
	t := unicode.TurkishCaseconst lci = 'i'
	fmt.Printf("%#U\n", t.ToLower(lci))
	fmt.Printf("%#U\n", t.ToTitle(lci))
	fmt.Printf("%#U\n", t.ToUpper(lci))const uci = 'İ'
	fmt.Printf("%#U\n", t.ToLower(uci))
	fmt.Printf("%#U\n", t.ToTitle(uci))
	fmt.Printf("%#U\n", t.ToUpper(uci))}

func (SpecialCase) ToLower

func (special SpecialCase) ToLower(r rune) rune

ToLower 将符文映射为小写,优先考虑特殊映射。

func (SpecialCase) ToTitle

func (special SpecialCase) ToTitle(r rune) rune

ToTitle 将符文映射为标题情况,优先考虑特殊映射。

func (SpecialCase) ToUpper

func (special SpecialCase) ToUpper(r rune) rune

ToUpper 将符文映射为大写,优先考虑特殊映射。


  •   没有完整大小写折叠的机制,也就是说,对于在输入或输出中涉及多个符文的字符。




| .. |

| utf16 | 打包 utf16 实现 UTF-16 序列的编码和解码。|

| utf8 | 打包 utf8 实现函数和常量以支持以 UTF-8 编码的文本。|

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