direktori cari
速查表 核心 jQuery(selector jQuery(html jQuery(callback) jQuery.holdReady(hold) each(callback) size() length selector context get([index]) index([selector|element]) data([key] removeData([name|list]) jQuery.data(element queue(element dequeue([queueName]) clearQueue([queueName]) jQuery.noConflict([extreme]) 选择器 #id element .class * selector1 ancestor descendant parent > child prev + next prev ~ siblings :first :last :not(selector) :even :odd :eq(index) :gt(index) :lt(index) :lang(language) :header :animated :focus :root :target :contains(text) :empty :has(selector) :parent :hidden :visible [attribute] [attribute=value] [attribute!=value] [attribute^=value] [attribute$=value] [attribute*=value] [selector1][selector2][selectorN] :first-child :first-of-type :last-child :last-of-type :nth-child :nth-last-child() :nth-last-of-type() :nth-of-type() :only-child :only-of-type :input :text :password :radio :checkbox :submit :image :reset :button :file :hidden :enabled :disabled :checked :selected 属性 attr(name|pro|key removeAttr(name) prop(name|pro|key removeProp(name) addClass(class|fn) removeClass([class|fn]) toggleClass(class|fn[ html([val|fn]) text([val|fn]) val([val|fn|arr]) 筛选 eq(index|-index) first() last() hasClass(class) filter(expr|obj|ele|fn) is(expr|obj|ele|fn) map(callback) has(expr|ele) not(expr|ele|fn) slice(start children([expr]) closest(expr find(expr|obj|ele) next([expr]) nextAll([expr]) nextUntil([exp|ele][ parent([expr]) parents([expr]) parentsUntil([exp|ele][ prev([expr]) prevAll([expr]) prevUntil([exp|ele][ siblings([expr]) add(expr|ele|html|obj[ andSelf() contents() end() 文档处理 append(content|fn) appendTo(content) prepend(content|fn) prependTo(content) after(content|fn) before(content|fn) insertAfter(content) insertBefore(content) wrap(html|ele|fn) unwrap() wrapAll(html|ele) wrapInner(html|ele|fn) replaceWith(content|fn) replaceAll(selector) empty() remove([expr]) detach([expr]) clone([Even[ CSS css(name|pro|[ jQuery.cssHooks offset([coordinates]) position() scrollTop([val]) scrollLeft([val]) height([val|fn]) width([val|fn]) innerHeight() innerWidth() outerHeight([options]) outerWidth([options]) 事件 ready(fn) on(events off(events bind(type one(type trigger(type triggerHandler(type unbind(type live(type die(type delegate(sel undelegate([sel hover([over toggle(fn blur([[data] change([[data] click([[data] dblclick([[data] error([[data] focus([[data] focusin([data] focusout([data] keydown([[data] keypress([[data] keyup([[data] mousedown([[data] mouseenter([[data] mouseleave([[data] mousemove([[data] mouseout([[data] mouseover([[data] mouseup([[data] resize([[data] scroll([[data] select([[data] submit([[data] unload([[data] 效果 show([speed hide([speed slideDown([speed] slideUp([speed slideToggle([speed] fadeIn([speed] fadeOut([speed] fadeTo([[speed] fadeToggle([speed animate(param stop([cle] delay(duration finish( [queue ] ) jQuery.fx.off jQuery.fx.interval Ajax jQuery.ajax(url load(url jQuery.get(url jQuery.getJSON(url jQuery.getScript(url jQuery.post(url ajaxComplete(callback) ajaxError(callback) ajaxSend(callback) ajaxStart(callback) ajaxStop(callback) ajaxSuccess(callback) jQuery.ajaxPrefilter([type] jQuery.ajaxSetup([options]) serialize() serializeArray() 工具 jQuery.support jQuery.browser jQuery.browser.version jQuery.boxModel jQuery.each(object jQuery.extend([deep] jQuery.grep(array jQuery.makeArray(obj) jQuery.map(array jQuery.inArray(val jQuery.toArray() jQuery.sub() jQuery.when(deferreds) jQuery.merge(first jQuery.unique(array) jQuery.parseJSON(json) jQuery.parseXML(data) jQuery.noop jQuery.proxy(function jQuery.contains(container jQuery.isArray(obj) jQuery.isFunction(obj) jQuery.isEmptyObject(obj) jQuery.isPlainObject(obj) jQuery.isWindow(obj) jQuery.isNumeric(value) jQuery.type(obj) jQuery.trim(str) jQuery.param(obj jQuery.error(message) $.fn.jquery 事件对象 event.currentTarget event.data event.delegateTarget event.isDefaultPrevented() event.isImmediatePropagationStopped() event.isPropagationStopped() event.namespace event.pageX event.pageY event.preventDefault() event.relatedTarget event.result event.stopImmediatePropagation() event.stopPropagation() event.target event.timeStamp event.type event.which 延迟对象 def.done(donCal def.fail(failCal) def.isRejected() def.isResolved() def.reject(args) def.rejectWith(context def.resolve(args) def.resolveWith(context def.then(doneCal def.progress([type] def.pipe([donFil] def.always(alwCal def.notify(args) def.notifyWith(context def.progress(proCal) def.state() 回调函数 callbacks.add(callbacks) callbacks.disable() callbacks.empty() callbacks.fire(arguments) callbacks.fired() callbacks.fireWith([context][ callbacks.has(callback) callbacks.lock() callbacks.locked() callbacks.remove(callbacks) jQuery.callbacks(flags) 关于 关于jQuery API 文档 提交bug及获取更新 其它 正则表达式速查表




$.Callbacks()的内部提供了jQuery的$.ajax() 和 $.Deferred() 基本功能组件。它可以用来作为类似基础定义的新组件的功能。

$.Callbacks() 支持的方法,包括 callbacks.add(),callbacks.remove(), callbacks.fire() and callbacks.disable().






以下是两个样品的方法命名fn1 and fn2:

jQuery 代码:
function fn1( value ){
    console.log( value );

function fn2( value ){
    fn1("fn2 says:" + value);
    return false;


var callbacks = $.Callbacks();
callbacks.add( fn1 );
callbacks.fire( "foo!" ); // outputs: foo!

callbacks.add( fn2 );
callbacks.fire( "bar!" ); // outputs: bar!, fn2 says: bar!


用于以上的两个具体的方法: .add() 和 .fire() .add() 支持添加新的回调回调列表, 而.fire() 提供了一种用于处理在同一列表中的回调方法的途径.

另一种方法由$.Callbacks 的remove(),用于从回调列表中删除一个特定的回调。下面是.remove() 使用的一个例子:

var callbacks = $.Callbacks();
callbacks.add( fn1 );
callbacks.fire( "foo!" ); // outputs: foo!

callbacks.add( fn2 );
callbacks.fire( "bar!" ); // outputs: bar!, fn2 says: bar!

callbacks.fire( "foobar" ); 

// only outputs foobar, as fn2 has been removed.

支持的 Flags描述:

这个 flags 参数是$.Callbacks()的一个可选参数, 结构为一个用空格标记分隔的标志可选列表,用来改变回调列表中的行为 (比如. $.Callbacks( 'unique stopOnFalse' )).


可用的 flags:

  • once: 确保这个回调列表只执行一次(像一个递延 Deferred).
  • memory: 保持以前的值和将添加到这个列表的后面的最新的值立即执行调用任何回调 (像一个递延 Deferred).
  • unique: 确保一次只能添加一个回调(所以有没有在列表中的重复).
  • stopOnFalse: 当一个回调返回false 时中断调用




$.Callbacks( 'once' ):

var callbacks = $.Callbacks( "once" );
callbacks.add( fn1 );
callbacks.fire( "foo" );
callbacks.add( fn2 );
callbacks.fire( "bar" );
callbacks.remove( fn2 );
callbacks.fire( "foobar" );


$.Callbacks( 'memory' ):

var callbacks = $.Callbacks( "memory" );
callbacks.add( fn1 );
callbacks.fire( "foo" );
callbacks.add( fn2 );
callbacks.fire( "bar" );
callbacks.remove( fn2 );
callbacks.fire( "foobar" );


$.Callbacks( 'unique' ):

var callbacks = $.Callbacks( "unique" );
callbacks.add( fn1 );
callbacks.fire( "foo" );
callbacks.add( fn1 ); // repeat addition
callbacks.add( fn2 );
callbacks.fire( "bar" );
callbacks.remove( fn2 );
callbacks.fire( "foobar" );



$.Callbacks( 'stopOnFalse' ):

function fn1( value ){
    console.log( value );
    return false;

function fn2( value ){
    fn1("fn2 says:" + value);
    return false;

var callbacks = $.Callbacks( "stopOnFalse");
callbacks.add( fn1 );
callbacks.fire( "foo" );
callbacks.add( fn2 );
callbacks.fire( "bar" );
callbacks.remove( fn2 );
callbacks.fire( "foobar" );

因为$.Callbacks() 支持一个列表的flags而不仅仅是一个,设置几个flags,有一个累积效应,类似“&&”。这意味着它可能结合创建回调名单,unique 和确保如果名单已经触发,将有更多的回调调用最新的触发值 (i.e.$.Callbacks("unique memory")).


$.Callbacks( 'unique memory' ):

function fn1( value ){
    console.log( value );
    return false;

function fn2( value ){
    fn1("fn2 says:" + value);
    return false;
var callbacks = $.Callbacks( "unique memory" );
callbacks.add( fn1 );
callbacks.fire( "foo" );
callbacks.add( fn1 ); // repeat addition
callbacks.add( fn2 );
callbacks.fire( "bar" );
callbacks.add( fn2 );
callbacks.fire( "baz" );
callbacks.remove( fn2 );
callbacks.fire( "foobar" );

Flag结合体是使用的$.Callbacks()内部的.done() 和 .fail()一个递延容器-它们都使用 $.Callbacks('memory once').

$.Callbacks 方法也可以被分离, 为方便起见应该有一个需要定义简写版本:

var callbacks = $.Callbacks(),
    add = callbacks.add,
    remove = callbacks.remove,
    fire = callbacks.fire;

add( fn1 );
fire( "hello world");
remove( fn1 );

$.Callbacks, $.Deferred and Pub/Sub

pub / sub( Observer模式)背后的一般思路 是促进应用程序的松散耦合。而比对其他对象的方法调用的单个对象,一个对象,而不是另一个对象的一个特定的任务或活动,并通知当它发生。观察家也被称为订阅者,我们指的出版商(或主体)观察对象。出版商事件发生时通知用户

作为一个组件$.Callbacks()创造能力,它可以实现一个pub / sub系统只使用回调列表。使用$.Callbacks作为主题队列,发布和订阅的主题系统可以实现如下:

var topics = {};

jQuery.Topic = function( id ) {
    var callbacks,
        topic = id && topics[ id ];
    if ( !topic ) {
        callbacks = jQuery.Callbacks();
        topic = {
            publish: callbacks.fire,
            subscribe: callbacks.add,
            unsubscribe: callbacks.remove
        if ( id ) {
            topics[ id ] = topic;
    return topic;


// Subscribers
$.Topic( "mailArrived" ).subscribe( fn1 );
$.Topic( "mailArrived" ).subscribe( fn2 );
$.Topic( "mailSent" ).subscribe( fn1 );

// Publisher
$.Topic( "mailArrived" ).publish( "hello world!" );
$.Topic( "mailSent" ).publish( "woo! mail!" );

// Here, "hello world!" gets pushed to fn1 and fn2
// when the "mailArrived" notification is published
// with "woo! mail!" also being pushed to fn1 when
// the "mailSent" notification is published. 


// subscribe to the mailArrived notification
$.Topic( "mailArrived" ).subscribe( fn1 );

// create a new instance of Deferreds
var dfd = $.Deferred();

// define a new topic (without directly publishing)
var topic = $.Topic( "mailArrived" );

// when the deferred has been resolved, publish a 
// notification to subscribers
dfd.done( topic.publish );

// Here the Deferred is being resolved with a message
// that will be passed back to subscribers. It's possible to
// easily integrate this into a more complex routine
// (eg. waiting on an ajax call to complete) so that
// messages are only published once the task has actually
// finished.
dfd.resolve( "its been published!" );
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