Rumah > tutorial komputer > Penyelesaian masalah > Apa yang perlu dilakukan jika skrin hitam berlaku akibat kegagalan perisian komputer?

Apa yang perlu dilakukan jika skrin hitam berlaku akibat kegagalan perisian komputer?

Lepaskan: 2024-07-30 10:45:28
844 orang telah melayarinya

Apabila komputer anda mengalami kegagalan skrin hitam, ia mungkin disebabkan oleh gangguan perisian. Editor PHP Banana akan memperkenalkan anda kepada masalah perisian biasa yang menyebabkan skrin hitam dan menyediakan penyelesaian. Baca di bawah untuk mengetahui jawapan untuk menyelesaikan masalah skrin hitam pada komputer anda dan mengembalikan peranti anda kepada keadaan berfungsi.

Apa yang perlu dilakukan jika skrin hitam berlaku akibat kegagalan perisian komputer?

1. Apakah yang perlu saya lakukan jika kegagalan skrin hitam disebabkan oleh kegagalan perisian komputer?

Ia sepatutnya disebabkan oleh ketidakserasian antara kelemahan dan sistem komputer atau perisian aplikasi tertentu, dan isu keserasian antara versi sistem atau perisian yang dipasang dan patch yang baru dikeluarkan daripada Microsoft Tekan F8 pada skrin permulaan untuk masuk mod selamat dan buka Butler komputer Tencent, cuba betulkan pepijat.

Dan Pengurus Komputer Tencent juga boleh memadamkan kelemahan tetap, maksudnya, jika komputer anda bercanggah dengan kelemahan terkini, anda hanya boleh memadamnya dalam "Dipasang" dan tidak akan ada masalah. Gunakan Pengurus Komputer Tencent untuk membetulkan kelemahan Pengurus Komputer Tencent menapis tampung dengan bijak dan tidak akan memasang tampung yang tidak digunakan. Langkah: Buka Pengurus Komputer Tencent---Kerentanan Tampalan---Kerentanan Imbas--Kerentanan Sistem Pembaikan Satu klik merujuk kepada kecacatan dalam reka bentuk logik perisian aplikasi atau perisian sistem pengendalian atau ralat yang dijana semasa penulisan ini digunakan oleh penjenayah atau penggodam komputer untuk menyerang atau mengawal keseluruhan komputer dengan menanam Trojan, virus, dsb., dengan itu mencuri data dan maklumat penting dari komputer anda, atau bahkan memusnahkan sistem anda.

Sudah tentu, ia mungkin tidak disebabkan oleh pembetulan pepijat, kerana ia juga mungkin disebabkan oleh kegagalan perkakasan ke papan induk; hubungan yang lemah pada kad grafik dan hubungan yang lemah pada modul memori yang lemah dijangkiti virus CIH dan BIOS rosak;

Mungkin komputer anda sendiri sudah mempunyai bahaya tersembunyi, dan penutupan atau mulakan semula ini hanya mencetuskan kegagalan.

Anda boleh menolak dahulu sama ada terdapat masalah dengan monitor itu sendiri dan sama ada pendawaian selamat Hanya sambungkan monitor ke komputer lain dan cuba, kerana anda berkata terdapat bunyi semasa anda menghidupkannya. Tetapi jika ada bunyi semasa menghidupkan telefon, apakah jenis bunyi itu? Muzik permulaan biasa, atau bunyi lain dari pembesar suara?

Jika yang terakhir, anda boleh menilai di mana masalah itu mungkin berdasarkan ciri-ciri bunyi Contohnya, bunyi yang panjang satu dan dua pendek bermakna mungkin terdapat masalah dengan kad grafik.

2. Menghadapi kegagalan perisian komputer? Ajar anda cara menyelesaikan masalah perisian komputer biasa

Masalah dan penyelesaian perisian komputer biasa

Perisian komputer mungkin menghadapi pelbagai masalah semasa digunakan, seperti ranap program, kegagalan untuk memulakan secara normal, operasi perlahan, dll. Masalah ini membawa kita Kerja dan kehidupan telah membawa banyak kesulitan. Perkara berikut akan memperkenalkan anda kepada beberapa masalah dan penyelesaian perisian komputer biasa, dengan harapan dapat membantu anda menyelesaikan masalah anda dengan cepat.

Masalah perisian komputer 1: Program ranap dan tidak boleh dimulakan

Setelah program ranap dan tidak dapat dimulakan, cuba mulakan semula komputer. Jika masalah masih tidak diselesaikan, anda boleh cuba memasuki mod selamat, melumpuhkan item permulaan sendiri atau menyahpasang perisian yang dipasang baru-baru ini. Jika masalah masih tidak dapat diselesaikan, anda boleh cuba menggunakan fungsi pemulihan sistem untuk memulihkan sistem kepada keadaan normal sebelumnya.

Masalah perisian komputer 2: Perisian berjalan perlahan

Perisian yang perlahan mungkin disebabkan oleh konfigurasi perkakasan komputer yang rendah, versi perisian yang rendah atau penggunaan sumber sistem yang tinggi. Penyelesaian termasuk menaik taraf konfigurasi perkakasan, menaik taraf versi perisian, membersihkan sampah sistem dan mengoptimumkan tetapan sistem.

Masalah perisian komputer tiga: Antara muka perisian mempunyai aksara yang bercelaru atau paparan yang tidak normal

Apabila antara muka perisian mempunyai aksara yang bercelaru atau paparan yang tidak normal, anda boleh cuba mengemas kini pemacu paparan atau menukar tetapan paparan perisian. Di samping itu, menyemak sama ada tetapan bahasa sistem pengendalian serasi dengan bahasa perisian juga merupakan arah untuk menyelesaikan masalah.

Masalah perisian komputer empat: perisian tidak bertindak balas

Ketidaktindak balas perisian sering disebabkan oleh konflik perisian, memori yang tidak mencukupi atau pepijat dalam perisian itu sendiri. Penyelesaian termasuk menutup perisian yang tidak bertindak balas, mengosongkan memori, menaik taraf versi perisian atau mencari perisian alternatif.

Ringkasnya, apabila menghadapi masalah perisian komputer, anda harus menganalisisnya dengan tenang dan menyelesaikannya dengan teratur mengikut punca masalah. Saya harap kaedah yang disediakan dalam artikel ini dapat membantu anda dan membolehkan anda menyelesaikan pelbagai masalah perisian komputer dengan mudah.

Terima kasih kerana membaca artikel ini. Saya berharap melalui artikel ini, anda boleh belajar cara menyelesaikan masalah perisian komputer biasa dengan cepat, menjadikan operasi komputer anda lebih lancar dan kerja dan kehidupan anda lebih cekap.

3. Perisian pengesanan kegagalan perkakasan komputer

Apabila terdapat masalah dengan komputer anda, perkara pertama yang perlu dipertimbangkan ialah sama ada ia adalah kegagalan perkakasan atau masalah perisian. Sebagai alat yang sangat diperlukan dalam kerja dan kehidupan harian kita, komputer boleh menyebabkan kita banyak kesulitan apabila ia tidak berfungsi. Oleh itu, adalah penting untuk memahami cara komputer anda mengesan kegagalan perkakasan dan masalah perisian.

Pengesanan kerosakan perkakasan komputer

Apabila berhadapan dengan kerosakan perkakasan komputer, anda boleh mengesannya melalui kaedah berikut:

Check whether hardware connections are loose, such as memory modules, hard drives, graphics cards, etc., and make sure they are installed securely. Run the hardware diagnostic tool to check whether the hardware is working properly. Observe whether the computer makes abnormal sounds during startup, which may be a symptom of hardware failure.

Computer detection of hardware faults requires patience and care. Sometimes the problem may be hidden deep and requires careful investigation to find the root cause.

Troubleshooting computer software problems

If your computer runs slowly or has software problems such as a blue screen, you can troubleshoot through the following methods:

Perform virus scanning to ensure that the system is not infected by malware. Check for system updates. Sometimes software problems are caused by the system not being updated in time. Clean up system junk files, free up disk space, and optimize system performance.

Computer detection software problems require certain computer knowledge and experience, and proficiency in the use of operating systems and commonly used software in order to locate and solve problems more quickly.

How to comprehensively detect computer problems

Sometimes computer failure may be the result of the joint action of hardware and software, so comprehensive testing is required to find the exact problem:

Run diagnostic tools to check whether the hardware is normal. Check the system logs and analyze the reasons why the software is running abnormally. Reinstall the operating system to eliminate possible system problems.

Comprehensive detection of computer problems requires a comprehensive and systematic analysis. We cannot only look at hardware or software one-sidedly, but solve computer failures from a holistic perspective.


As an indispensable tool for modern people, computers play an important role in work and life. When a computer malfunctions, it is crucial to detect the problem promptly and accurately. By learning how computers detect hardware failures and software problems, you can better maintain and protect your computer, and improve work efficiency and quality of life.

4. How to choose suitable computer hardware fault detection software | Recommended computer hardware fault detection software

Why do you need computer hardware fault detection software?

With the widespread use of computers, hardware failures have become a problem that plagues many users. When a computer problem occurs, it is often difficult to accurately determine whether the fault point is in the hardware part. At this time, computer hardware fault detection software becomes a good solution.

The role of computer hardware fault detection software

Computer hardware fault detection software can help us quickly and accurately locate computer hardware fault points, provide detailed information about the hardware status and troubleshooting suggestions. Through detection software, we can easily understand the health status of computer core, storage, graphics card and other hardware components, and promptly discover and solve potential problems.

How to choose suitable computer hardware fault detection software?

When choosing computer hardware fault detection software, we need to consider the following points:

Functional comprehensiveness: Choose software with comprehensive hardware detection functions that can meet the needs of different users. The software should be able to detect core hardware such as CPU, memory, hard disk, and graphics card, and provide detailed fault diagnosis reports. Ease of use: The software interface is friendly and the operation is simple and clear. Even non-professional users can easily get started. Moreover, the software can automatically detect and analyze without excessive user intervention. Compatibility: The software should be compatible with various models and brands of computers and support different operating systems, such as Windows, Mac, etc. User reputation: Refer to reviews and recommendations from other users to choose a software that has been extensively verified.

Several computer hardware fault detection software that are worth recommending

Among the many computer hardware fault detection software, we have selected the following software that are worth recommending:

1. AIDA64

AIDA64 is a powerful and widely recognized software Hardware detection software, which provides detailed hardware information and stability testing, and can detect multiple hardware components such as CPU, memory, hard disk, and graphics card.

2. CPU-Z

CPU-Z is a lightweight hardware information tool that can provide detailed hardware information such as CPU, memory, motherboard, etc., and can also perform performance testing and temperature monitoring.

3. MSI Afterburner

MSI Afterburner is a professional graphics card overclocking and monitoring software that can help users adjust graphics card performance and monitor graphics card temperature, load and other parameters.


Choosing appropriate computer hardware fault detection software can help us better protect computer hardware and solve potential fault problems. Through reasonable selection and use, we can discover and solve computer faults in advance and improve the computer experience.

Thank you for reading this article. I believe that by understanding how to choose suitable computer hardware fault detection software, you can better maintain and protect your computer and avoid the inconvenience caused by hardware faults.

5. How to use software to detect computer hardware failures


As an indispensable tool in modern life, computers often encounter various failures. Hardware failure is one of the more common problems. In order to detect and solve computer hardware faults in time, we can use some specialized software to detect them.

What is computer hardware fault detection software?

Computer hardware fault detection software is a tool that checks and evaluates the status and performance of computer hardware by running various testing and analysis programs. It can help users identify hardware problems and provide corresponding solutions.

Commonly used computer hardware fault detection software

The following are some commonly used computer hardware fault detection software:

1. CPU-Z: A free and powerful software used to detect the computer's central processing unit (CPU) and motherboard , memory and other hardware information. 2. GPU-Z: Used to detect the status and performance of the computer's graphics card and provide detailed graphics card parameters and statistics. 3. CrystalDiskInfo: Used to detect the health and performance of the hard drive and provide real-time reports on the hard drive's SMART (Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology) information. 4. Memtest86: Used to detect memory module errors and failures, which can help users quickly discover memory problems that may cause computer crashes or instability. 5. Prime95: Used to test the stability and performance of the CPU and help users find possible hardware problems.

How to use computer hardware fault detection software?

Using computer hardware fault detection software usually requires the following steps:

Download and install the hardware fault detection software suitable for your computer system. Open the software, read the instructions and help documents provided by the software, and become familiar with the functions and operation methods of the software. Select specific hardware test items as needed, such as CPU, GPU, memory or hard drive. Run the test program and wait for the test to complete. Review the test results and reports and note any anomalies or errors. Take appropriate measures based on the test results to repair or replace the problematic hardware.


Computer hardware fault detection software is an important tool to help us discover and solve computer hardware problems. By using these software, we can detect potential failures in time and take appropriate measures to repair or replace problematic hardware parts. Choosing software that is suitable for your computer system and using it according to the correct steps will improve the stability and performance of your computer.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope this article can help you understand how to use software to detect computer hardware failures and solve corresponding problems.

6. How to use software to check computer hardware faults

Why you need to use software to check computer hardware faults

Computer hardware faults are one of the problems that people who use computers often face. If you encounter computer performance degradation, abnormal noise, blue screen of death, etc., it is likely that there is a problem with the hardware components. However, it is not easy to pinpoint the specific point of failure and determine whether the hardware is damaged. At this time, it is particularly important to use some professional software tools to check the status of the computer hardware.

Recommended Software Tools

Here are some commonly used software tools that can help you check for computer hardware failures and identify possible problems:

CrystalDiskInfo - This is a software used to detect and monitor the health of your hard drive. It can display hard drive temperature, S.M.A.R.T. information, and various error and warning messages. Memtest86 - This is a software used to test computer memory for errors. By running the test when the computer starts, it can detect any problems in the memory. Prime95 - This is a software for testing CPU stability. It loads and stresses the CPU by running various mathematical calculations to detect any potential failures. GPU-Z - This is software for displaying and monitoring graphics card information. It provides detailed data on graphics card specifications, sensor information, and graphics memory usage. HWMonitor - This is software for monitoring computer hardware temperature, voltage, and fan speed. It helps you understand the working status of various hardware components.

How to use these software tools

It is very simple to use the above recommended software tools to check computer hardware faults:

First, download and install the corresponding software. Then, open the software and follow the instructions provided by the software. Based on the results displayed by the software, you can determine whether there is a problem with the hardware and the specific cause of the failure.


Using software tools to check computer hardware failures is a convenient and fast way. These tools can provide detailed hardware information and fault diagnosis results, helping users accurately locate problems and take corresponding solutions. If you encounter computer hardware failure, you may wish to try using the recommended software tools above to check.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope this article will help you understand how to use software to check computer hardware faults.

7. Computer troubleshooting tool: recommend several efficient fault detection software

Why do you need fault detection software?

In modern society, computers have become an indispensable tool in people's work and life. However, computers may also encounter various malfunctions during long-term use, such as blue screens, slow operation, and crashes. In order to quickly locate and solve these faults, we need to use professional fault detection software.

Commonly used fault detection software recommendations

Below we will recommend several powerful, easy-to-use and widely recognized fault detection software for everyone to choose from.

1. PC-Doctor

PC-Doctor is a comprehensive computer fault detection software with extensive hardware and software support. It can help users detect computer hardware failures, security issues and performance bottlenecks, and provide detailed reports and recommendations.

2. CPU-Z

CPU-Z is a software specially used to detect computer CPU related information. It can display detailed information such as CPU model, main frequency, cache, etc. to help users understand the performance of the computer's CPU.

3. MemTest86

MemTest86 is a software specially designed to detect memory faults. It can conduct a comprehensive test on computer memory and help users find memory problems such as failure, instability, and overheating.

4. CrystalDiskInfo

CrystalDiskInfo is a software used to detect the health of hard drives. It can display the temperature, SMART status, health and other information of the hard drive to help users predict the lifespan and failure risk of the hard drive.

How to choose fault detection software?

When choosing fault detection software, we should consider the following aspects:

Functional comprehensiveness: Does the software support the hardware and software we need to detect? Can comprehensive troubleshooting capabilities be provided? Ease of use: Is the software user-friendly and easy to use? Are clear detection reports and solutions provided? Good reputation: Does it have high user reviews and recommendations? Does it have reliable manufacturer background and technical support?


For computer failure problems, fault detection software is an essential tool for us. By choosing the right software, we can quickly and accurately locate computer faults and take appropriate solutions. Among the many fault detection software, PC-Doctor, CPU-Z, MemTest86 and CrystalDiskInfo are the software we recommend. I hope this article will help you choose fault detection software.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. I hope these recommended fault detection software can play an excellent role in your computer troubleshooting process.

8. Detailed explanation of computer hardware and software detection methods|Computer troubleshooting skills

Detailed explanation of computer hardware and software detection methods

In the process of using the computer, sometimes you will encounter various fault problems, such as black screen, blue screen, crash, etc. This Sometimes it is necessary to test the computer hardware and software in order to locate and solve the problem. This article will introduce some commonly used computer detection methods to help you quickly find out the cause of the fault and repair it.

Hardware detection method

Computer hardware includes motherboard, processor, memory module, hard disk, graphics card, etc. Failure may cause the computer to not work properly. The following are some commonly used hardware detection methods:

View Device Manager: Open the Device Manager to check whether the computer hardware is working properly. By viewing Device Manager, you can learn about the status of your hardware devices, whether drivers are installed correctly, and whether conflicts exist. Run hardware diagnostic tools: Most computer brands provide hardware diagnostic tools that can be run to detect hardware failures. These tools can automatically check hardware devices and report the results. Check Hardware Connections: Sometimes computer hardware failure can be caused by connection issues, so it is very important to check the hardware connections. You can check whether the power cord, data cable, plug, etc. are connected securely.

Software detection method

Computer software includes operating systems, drivers, applications, etc. Software failures may cause the computer to fail to operate normally. The following are some commonly used software detection methods:

View Task Manager: Open Task Manager to see which programs are running and understand the system resources they occupy. By checking the Task Manager, you can determine whether there are programs running abnormally. Run anti-virus software: Sometimes computer problems are caused by viruses or malware, so running anti-virus software for a full scan is necessary. Antivirus software can detect and remove potential threats. Update drivers: Drivers are the bridge between computer hardware and operating system. Updating drivers can solve certain software compatibility issues. You can download the latest driver from the official website and install it according to the instructions.

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