directory search
Ruby用户指南 3、开始 4、简单的例子 5、字符串 6、正则表达式 7、数组 8、回到那些简单的例子 9、流程控制 10、迭代器 11、面向对象思维 12、方法 13、类 14、继承 15、重载方法 16、访问控制 17、单态方法 18、模块 19、过程对象 20、变量 21、全局变量 22、实变量 23、局部变量 24、类常量 25、异常处理:rescue 26、异常处理:ensure 27、存取器 28、对象的初始化 29、杂项 RGSS入门教程 1、什么是RGSS 2、开始:最简单的脚本 3、数据类型:数字 4、数据类型:常量与变量 5、数据类型:字符串 6、控制语句:条件分歧语句 7、控制语句:循环 8、函数 9、对象与类 10、显示图片 11、数组 12、哈希表(关联数组) 13、类 14、数据库 15、游戏对象 16、精灵的管理 17、窗口的管理 18、活动指令 19、场景类 Programming Ruby的翻译 Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide 前言 Roadmap 类,对象和变量 容器Containers,块Blocks和迭代Iterators 标准类型 深入方法 表达式Expressions 异常,捕捉和抛出(已经开始,by jellen) 模块 基本输入输出 线程和进程 当遭遇挫折 Ruby和它的世界 Ruby和Web开发 Ruby Tk Ruby 和微软的 Windows 扩展Ruby Ruby语言 (by jellen) 类和对象 (by jellen) Ruby安全 反射Reflection 内建类和方法 标准库 OO设计 网络和Web库 Windows支持 内嵌文档 交互式Ruby Shell 支持 Ruby参考手册 Ruby首页 卷首语 Ruby的启动 环境变量 对象 执行 结束时的相关处理 线程 安全模型 正则表达式 字句构造 程序 变量和常数 字面值 操作符表达式 控制结构 方法调用 类/方法的定义 内部函数 内部变量 内部常数 内部类/模块/异常类 附加库 Ruby变更记录 ruby 1.6 特性 ruby 1.7 特性 Ruby术语集 Ruby的运行平台 pack模板字符串 sprintf格式 Marshal格式 Ruby FAQ Ruby的陷阱

容器,块( Blocks)和迭代器( Iterator)








a = [ 3.14159, "pie", 99 ]
a.type ? Array
a.length ? 3
a[0] ? 3.14159
a[1] ? "pie"
a[2] ? 99
a[3] ? nil
b =
b.type ? Array
b.length ? 0
b[0] = "second"
b[1] = "array"
b ? ["second", "array"]

数组指定索引的下标用[ ]操作符,这实际上也是一个方法,可以在子类中被重载。数组索引从0开始,从左向右技术,如果指定的索引为负数,则表示从右边开始计数(这时候最右边的索引下标为-1,不是0)。

a = [ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ]
a[-1] ? 9
a[-2] ? 7
a[-99] ? nil

你也可以一对数字[start, count]作为下标,这将返回一个数组,包含原数组中从start开始的count个元素。

a = [ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ]
a[1, 3] ? [3, 5, 7]
a[3, 1] ? [7]
a[-3, 2] ? [5, 7]


a = [ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ]
a[1..3] ? [3, 5, 7]
a[1...3] ? [3, 5]
a[3..3] ? [7]
a[-3..-1] ? [5, 7, 9]

[ ]方法有一个对应的[]=方法,这个方法是用来给指定的位置设置新的值,如果数组的下标位置超过了数组的大小,那么指定的下标将被设为指定的值,而中间没有涉及到的位置为设为nil。如下面例子数组最大下标为4,而对a[6]设置新值,a[5]则被设为nil。

a = [ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ] ? [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
a[1] = 'bat' ? [1, "bat", 5, 7, 9]
a[-3] = 'cat' ? [1, "bat", "cat", 7, 9]
a[3] = [ 9, 8 ] ? [1, "bat", "cat", [9, 8], 9]
a[6] = 99 ? [1, "bat", "cat", [9, 8], 9, nil, 99]

如果在[]=方法中下标索引为两个数字(一个开始位置,一个长度)或者一个Range,则对应的一系列值将被重新设置。如果第二个参数即长度为0,则右边的值将被插入当前位置,没有值会被删除。如果[ ]=右边的长度和左边下标中指定的长度不一样,则原数组自动进行调整。

a = [ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ] ? [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
a[2, 2] = 'cat' ? [1, 3, "cat", 9]
a[2, 0] = 'dog' ? [1, 3, "dog", "cat", 9]
a[1, 1] = [ 9, 8, 7 ] ? [1, 9, 8, 7, "dog", "cat", 9]
a[0..3] = [] ? ["dog", "cat", 9]
a[5] = 99 ? ["dog", "cat", 9, nil, nil, 99]



Hashes (sometimes known as associative arrays or dictionaries) are similar to arrays, in that they are indexed collectives of object references.

However, while you index arrays with integers, you can index a hash with objects of any type: strings, regular expressions, and so on. When you store a value in a hash, you actually supply two objects---the key and the value. You can subsequently retrieve the value by indexing the hash with the same key. The values in a hash can be any objects of any type. The example that follows uses hash literals: a list of key => valuepairs between braces.

h = { 'dog' => 'canine', 'cat' => 'feline', 'donkey' => 'asinine' }
h.length ? 3
h['dog'] ? "canine"
h['cow'] = 'bovine'
h[12] = 'dodecine'
h['cat'] = 99
h ? {"cow"=>"bovine", "cat"=>99, 12=>"dodecine", "donkey"=>"asinine", "dog"=>"canine"}

Compared with arrays, hashes have one significant advantage: they can use any object as an index. However, they also have a significant disadvantage: their elements are not ordered, so you cannot easily use a hash as a stack or a queue.

You'll find that hashes are one of the most commonly used data structures in Ruby. A full list of the methods implemented by class Hashstarts on page 317.

Implementing a SongList Container

After that little diversion into arrays and hashes, we're now ready to implement the jukebox's SongList. Let's invent a basic list of methods we need in our SongList. We'll want to add to it as we go along, but it will do for now.

append( aSong ) ? list
Append the given song to the list.
deleteFirst() ? aSong
Remove the first song from the list, returning that song.
deleteLast() ? aSong
Remove the last song from the list, returning that song.
[ anIndex } ? aSong
Return the song identified by anIndex, which may be an integer index or a song title.

This list gives us a clue to the implementation. The ability to append songs at the end, and remove them from both the front and end, suggests a dequeue---a double-ended queue---which we know we can implement using an Array. Similarly, the ability to return a song at an integer position in the list is supported by arrays.

However, there's also the need to be able to retrieve songs by title, which might suggest using a hash, with the title as a key and the song as a value. Could we use a hash? Well, possibly, but there are problems. First a hash is unordered, so we'd probably need to use an ancillary array to keep track of the list. A bigger problem is that a hash does not support multiple keys with the same value. That would be a problem for our playlist, where the same song might be queued up for playing multiple times. So, for now we'll stick with an array of songs, searching it for titles when needed. If this becomes a performance bottleneck, we can always add some kind of hash-based lookup later.

We'll start our class with a basic initializemethod, which creates the Arraywe'll use to hold the songs and stores a reference to it in the instance variable @songs.

class SongList def initialize @songs = end end

The SongList#appendmethod adds the given song to the end of the @songsarray. It also returns self, a reference to the current SongListobject. This is a useful convention, as it lets us chain together multiple calls to append. We'll see an example of this later.

class SongList def append(aSong) @songs.push(aSong) self end end

Then we'll add the deleteFirstand deleteLastmethods, trivially implemented using Array#shiftand Array#pop, respectively.

class SongList def deleteFirst @songs.shift end def deleteLast @songs.pop end end

At this point, a quick test might be in order. First, we'll append four songs to the list. Just to show off, we'll use the fact that appendreturns the SongListobject to chain together these method calls.

list = list. append('title1', 'artist1', 1)). append('title2', 'artist2', 2)). append('title3', 'artist3', 3)). append('title4', 'artist4', 4))

Then we'll check that songs are taken from the start and end of the list correctly, and that nilis returned when the list becomes empty.

list.deleteFirst ? Song: title1--artist1 (1)
list.deleteFirst ? Song: title2--artist2 (2)
list.deleteLast ? Song: title4--artist4 (4)
list.deleteLast ? Song: title3--artist3 (3)
list.deleteLast ? nil

So far so good. Our next method is [], which accesses elements by index. If the index is a number (which we check using Object#kind_of?), we just return the element at that position.

class SongList def [](key) if key.kind_of?(Integer) @songs[key] else # ... end end end

Again, testing this is pretty trivial.

list[0] ? Song: title1--artist1 (1)
list[2] ? Song: title3--artist3 (3)
list[9] ? nil

Now we need to add the facility that lets us look up a song by title. This is going to involve scanning through the songs in the list, checking the title of each. To do this, we first need to spend a couple of pages looking at one of Ruby's neatest features: iterators.

块和迭代器Blocks and Iterators

下面,我们要在SongList中修改[ ] 方法,使它能接受一个字符串参数,返回以此为标题的歌曲的。看起来我们很容易可以实现:我们有一个包含了很多Song对象的对象的数组,我们只需循环遍历整个数组,找到匹配的那个就可以了。

class SongList def [](key) if key.kind_of?(Integer) return @songs[key] else for i in 0...@songs.length return @songs[i] if key == @songs[i].name end end return nil end end




class SongList def [](key) if key.kind_of?(Integer) result = @songs[key] else result = @songs.find { |aSong| key == } end return result end end


class SongList def [](key) return @songs[key] if key.kind_of?(Integer) return @songs.find { |aSong| == key } end end






def threeTimes yield yield yield end threeTimes { puts "Hello" }
Hello Hello Hello

这个块(用两个大括号定义)赋给了一个方法threeTimes,在这个方法里面,yield执行了3次,每次执行它都会调用给定的block,即打印一个欢迎语句。使块变得有趣的是你可以给块传递参数,并且从块中得到结果。下面例子,我们将会得到小于一个指定值得Fibonacci 数列。

def fibUpTo(max) i1, i2 = 1, 1 # parallel assignment while i1 <= max yield i1 i1, i2 = i2, i1+i2 end end fibUpTo(1000) { |f| print f, " " }
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987

在这个例子中,yield接收一个参数,这个参数将会在执行的时候传递给指定的块。在块的定义中,参数用两个竖线括起来,放在最前面。在这个例子中f用来接收yield传递的参数,所以,这个块才能打印这个序列。一个块可以接受任意个参数。如果一个块的参数和yield中传递的参数个数不一样,将会怎样呢?很巧合,这和我们在并行赋值(parallel assignment)中谈到的原则一样(如果一个block只接收一个参数,而yield提供的参数多于1个,那么这些参数将被转化为一个数组。)



class Array
def find
for i in 0...size
value = self[i]
return value if yield(value)
return nil
[1, 3, 5, 7, 9].find {|v| v*v > 30 } ? 7



[ 1, 3, 5 ].each { |i| puts i }
1 3 5


["H", "A", "L"].collect { |x| x.succ } ? ["I", "B", "M"]

Ruby 和 C++ 、 Java的比较


迭代器不仅仅用在数组和哈希等集合结构上,它也能返回上面Fibonacci 例子中那样的序列值,Ruby中的输入输出类也用到了迭代器,这些类实现了迭代器接口,每次返回一个I/O流的下一行。

f ="testfile") f.each do |line| print line end f.close
This is line one This is line two This is line three And so on...


sumOfValues "Smalltalk method" ^self values inject: 0 into: [ :sum :element | sum + element value]


Ruby 没有inject方法,但我们可以很容易的写一个,在这个例子中我们把它加入Array类。

class Array
def inject(n)
each { |value| n = yield(n, value) }
def sum
inject(0) { |n, value| n + value }
def product
inject(1) { |n, value| n * value }
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ].sum ? 15
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ].product ? 120




class File def File.openAndProcess(*args) f =*args) yield f f.close() end end File.openAndProcess("testfile", "r") do |aFile| print while aFile.gets end
This is line one This is line two This is line three And so on...





class File def File.myOpen(*args) aFile =*args) # If there's a block, pass in the file and close # the file when it returns if block_given? yield aFile aFile.close aFile = nil end return aFile end end



bStart ="Start") bPause ="Pause") # ...


class StartButton < Button def initialize super("Start") # invoke Button's initialize end def buttonPressed # do start actions... end end

bStart =


class JukeboxButton < Button def initialize(label, &action) super(label) @action = action end def buttonPressed end end bStart ="Start") { songList.start } bPause ="Pause") { songList.pause }

上面代码的关键点在JukeboxButton#initialize的第二个参数,这个参数前面带有一个&符号,在Ruby中代表这个参数是一个块,这个块将会被转化为一个Proc对象,并关联道相应变量。在本例中我们把它赋给实例变量@action 。当回调方法buttonPressed执行时,我们用方法Proc#call来调用相应的block。



def nTimes(aThing)
return proc { |n| aThing * n }
p1 = nTimes(23) ? 69 ? 92
p2 = nTimes("Hello ") ? "Hello Hello Hello "


Extracted from the book "Programming Ruby - The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide"
Copyright © 2001 by Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. This material may be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication License, v1.0 or later (the latest version is presently available at

Distribution of substantively modified versions of this document is prohibited without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

Distribution of the work or derivative of the work in any standard (paper) book form is prohibited unless prior permission is obtained from the copyright holder.
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