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Oracle技术网—怎样在查询记录时给记录加锁 Oracle错误 Oracle7 Oracle技术网—Oracle 816中如何启动Enterprise Manager Oracle技术网—Oracle Enterprise Manager(OEM)工具中如何以SYSOPER、SYSDBA方式登录 Oracle技术网—ORACLE数据库应用开发常见问题及排除 Oracle技术网—监听器错误 Oracle技术网—联机热备份失败后,如何打开数据库 Oracle技术网—没有备份、只有归档日志,如何恢复数据文件 Oracle技术网—某个数据文件损坏,如何打开数据库 Oracle技术网—如何使用归档日志进行完全恢复 Oracle技术网—如何正确建立TYPE、partition(分区) Oracle技术网—一个控制文件被损坏,如何启动 Oracle技术网—在SQL*Plus中insert进的都是中文的,为什么一存入服务器后,再select出的就是???了 Oracle技术网—重装Oracle服务器后,以前的数据可以恢复吗 Oracle初学者入门 Oracle技术网—Oracle 8.1.6 for Win2000 系统文件解释 Oracle技术网—Oracle 基本知识 Oracle技术网—Oracle8 数据类型 Oracle技术网—what is sql? Oracle技术网—安装、配置后,SQL*Plus操作初步 Oracle技术网—安装Oracle后,经常使用的修改表空间的SQL代码 Oracle安装、删除 Oracle技术网—Oradim工具的用法 Oracle技术网—WINDOWS NT上,如何删除ORACLE SERVICE Oracle技术网—如何连接两台Oracle服务器 Oracle技术网—如何在Windows 2000下将Oracle完全卸载 Oracle技术网—如何在WINDOWS NT上删除所有的Oracle安装? 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Oracle技术网—如何创建隐藏IP地址的最后一项的函数? Oracle技术网—如何加密Oracle中的存储过程 Oracle技术网—为什么有时ORACLE数据库不用索引来查找数据 Oracle技术网—我的数据库链路为什么不工作 Oracle技术网—一个建立快照的简单例子 Oracle技术网—怎样创建一个简单的自定义过程并引用 Oracle技术网—怎样手工刷新快照 oracle与其他数据库的比较 MySQL 测试 Oracle技术网—Oracle 和 mysql 的一些简单命令对比参照 Oracle技术网—Oracle8i和Microsoft SQL Server7.0比较 Oracle技术网—比较SQL Server与Oracle、DB2 Oracle技术网—各种数据类型的比较 Oracle技术网—戏说SQL—几种SQL 服务器的比较 关键任务      在Internet上运作公司是一项艰苦的任务 其它知识 OEM常见问题及其解决办法 Oracle 8 资料库函式库 Oracle 资料库函式库 Oracle技术网—Decode()函数使用技巧(NT+IIS+ASP+ORACLE) Oracle技术网—Dual伪列 Oracle技术网—NULL 使用详解 Oracle技术网—OLAP及其多维数据分析 Oracle技术网—Oracle for NT系统实用工具介绍 Oracle技术网—ORACLE 用户的规范化管理 Oracle技术网—user、uid伪列 Oracle技术网—大型数据库设计原则 Oracle技术网—留言簿(带Oracle数据库分页的显示功能) Oracle技术网—漫谈oracle中的空值 Oracle技术网—如何正确利用Rownum来限制查询所返回的行数 Oracle技术网—什么是ROWID,为什么需要它 Oracle技术网—数据库技术考试大纲(中级) Oracle技术网—数据库行业的现状和展望 Oracle技术网—在客户端处理Oracle的数据行加锁问题 如何对CLOB行字段执行全文检索 Developer 2000 Oracle技术网—Developer/2000中各键盘触发子所对应的“按键” Oracle技术网—FORM调用REPORT时,如何去掉report server Oracle技术网—FORM中,Exception(例外)都有哪些,如何书写 Oracle技术网—FORM中,FORM中,如何引入图像 Oracle技术网—FORM中,WINDOW标题的设置 Oracle技术网—FORM中,常用快捷键有哪些 Oracle技术网—FORM中,触发子exit_form的两种功能是什么 Oracle技术网—FORM中,当光标走到块的最后一项时,如何让按“enter回车”键时,光标自动走到下一条记录的第一项? 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How To Install Oracle 8.0.5
Onto RedHat Linux 6.0

By: Reuben King <>

Updated January 3, 2000


If you have attempted to install Oracle 8 onto your new RH Linux 6.0 installation, and you are not already an Oracle DBA and quite knowledgeable about all things Linux, you are probably quite frustrated with the installation documentation that is available from Oracle for Linux - the glaring errors, critical omissions, etc.

After fighting with this for well over a day and pouring through discussion threads and any online references I could get my hands on, I finally got the install to work. I thought it might be a good idea for myself to record step-by-step what I did so in the future I will have something to reference, as well as put something up for those of you out there in a similar situation. I hope this helps. Please let me know if there are any mistakes or omissions! I am only a developer - not an Oracle DBA or master (by any means) and only have a basic level of understanding on the ins and outs of Linux. Therefore this advice may be completely worthless to you. However, I do hope you find something of value out of it.

The environment this document was written for is RedHat Linux 6.0 (Hedgwig), Linux kernel v2.2.5-15, running on a Dell Pentium Pro 180 with 128 megs RAM and 2 IDE hard drives. I do not know how these instructions will apply to other versions of Linux, so please let me know if you have success or failure.

-Reuben King


Part I: Installation Preliminaries

System Requirements:

As per the specification in the install guide from Oracle, at least 32 megs of RAM, and swap space equal to three times your physical memory, is recommended.

Disk Space:
Oracle recommends four devices: One for the Oracle software distribution and three for creating an OFA compliant database.

So, how many devices and how big should each device/partition be? This, of course, is one of those difficult decisions which requires answering the elusive question "how much space will I need?". For small development-base installs, you could certainly pack it all into one partition. However, for higher demand and mission-critical situations, this is definitely one of those issues you need to do your homework on and make sure you form a good understanding of your needs. I am setting up a small Oracle development box, so these instructions will reflect the decisions I made in this spirit.

The Oracle Enterprise install takes approximately 400-500 megs. I partitioned my software partition to be 600 megs just to be on safe side. If you have more room to spare, you might want to use it. I also created one 1.5 gig partition to hold my databases, however you could start with significantly less - even around 200 megs I believe will be sufficient just to load the starter database objects. Since I am only setting up a development instance, I am not concerned with splitting the database across multiple devices. In fact, I could have also simply made one large partition and put both the program executables and the database files all in one spot, however for personal druthers I decided not to do this.

I went ahead and recorded the exact steps I went through to partition, format, and mount my drives for Oracle. If you would like to see what I did, go here.


Get The Software:

A single developer license of Oracle is available free of charge from Oracle at (At least this is true as of the date of this writing, August 8 '99).  There is various documentation available both in PDF and HTML form also at  If you experience problems downloading the software, read my notes on the subject.

If you are running RedHat Linux 6.0, or any Linux version which uses the Glibc 2.1 libraries (don't worry if you don't know what that means), you will need an update called "glibcpatch.tgz".  Without this, installation may fail and you will be left scratching your head wondering what the heck a "Segmentation fault" is.  Oracle 8.0.5 was written to the Glibc 2.0 libraries and it breaks in the new Linux environment which has the newer (and improved) 2.1 libraries.  The patch is available via FTP at

In addition to glibcpatch for Redhat, you may need to get these compat RPM's and install them as well (if they aren't installed, the glibcpatch may not run properly):

  • compat-binutils-5.2-
  • compat-egcs-5.2-1.0.3a.1.i386.rpm
  • compat-egcs-c++-5.2-1.0.3a.1.i386.rpm
  • compat-glibc-5.2-
  • compat-libs-5.2-1.i386.rpm

You can get these from or from one of the mirror sites listed at


Unpack The Software

(This is for those of you who are downloading the installer as an archive from Oracle. If you are installing from CD, you may skip this section.)

For this guide, I am going to put the installation software in /oracle_install. The glibcpatch will be placed in /oracle_install/glibcpatch. To start, I am going to have the files Oracle8051EE_Intel.tgz and glibcpatch.tgz inside /oracle_install.

Note: For the first steps of this, it will be necessary to log in as root. This installer is pretty big, too -- You will need about 650 megs of free space in /oracle_install.

Here are the steps to go through to unpack each of the files into the respective locations:
  1. Log in as root
  2. Type "cd /oracle_install"
  3. Unpack the Oracle Enterprise Edition installer using "tar xzvf Oracle8051EE_Intel.tgz". (this is a big file and will take awhile to unpack, so be patient).
  4. Type "mkdir glibcpatch"
  5. Type "cd glibcpatch"
  6. Unpack the Glibcpatch installer using "tar xzvf ../glibcpatch.tgz".
  7. Type "cd ../"


Get Ready To Install

Don't run the installer just yet -- There are some initial things which will need to be done first.

In section 2 of the Oracle Install Guide, "Setting the Environment", there are a number of steps which will need be performed by the root user and then by the oracle user. This begins on page 2-1, but I will summarize below.

Important: Everything I am doing here will be using the bash shell. If you have personal preferences other than this, you will need to make the necessary adjustments to the instructions I am giving.

As the root user:
  • Log in to the root account and perform the following:
  • Create a "dba" user group and optionally a "operator" group. (you don't need an operator group, but you can have one if you want to distinguish between Oracle DBA and Oracle operator accounts):
    1. Use the userconf utility to maintain users and groups.
    2. Select "Group Definitions" and press return.
    3. In the User Groups dialog, press "Add".
    4. For the group name type "dba" (according to the manual, you may select something different but I experienced problems when I did that.)
    5. For create permissions, use the default value of 700.
    6. Select the "Accept" button and then the "Quit" button to return to the main userconf screen.
  • Create a user account to own the Oracle software. For this guide, I will use an account called "oracle", but you may name it whatever you want. (just make sure that the environment variable ORACLE_OWNER is set correctly, as will be shown in a moment):
    1. In userconf, select "User Accounts" and press return.
    2. In the User Accounts dialog, press "Add".
    3. For Login name, type "oracle" (or something different if you prefer).
    4. For group, type "dba" (or whatever you just put in for the dba user group).
    5. For command interpreter, use /bin/bash.
    6. Select the "Accept" button.
    7. You will be prompted for a password for this account. Enter whatever you like.
    8. Press "Quit" and then "Quit" again to exit out of userconf.
  • Create a Local bin directory if you don't have one already; Using the Linux default /usr/local/bin is fine.
  • Run the script using the following commands:
  1. Type "cd /oracle_install/orainst"
  2. Type "export ORACLE_OWNER=oracle" (* Or whatever you just set the Oracle account to be)
  3. Type "./"
  4. Accept the default prompts and the /etc/oratab file will be created.
  • Assign ownership of the Oracle directories to the oracle owner account using the following commands:
    1. Type "chown oracle.dba /oracle"
    2. Type "chown oracle.dba /oracle_db"
  • If you downloaded the compat RPM's listed above, you should install them as follows:
    1. Navigate into the directory where you downloaded the compat RPM's.
    2. Type "rpm -i compat-binutils-5.2-"
    3. Type "rpm -i compat-egcs-5.2-1.0.3a.1.i386.rpm"
    4. Type "rpm -i compat-egcs-c++-5.2-1.0.3a.1.i386.rpm"
    5. Type "rpm -i compat-glibc-5.2-"
    6. Type "rpm -i compat-libs-5.2-1.i386.rpm"
  • (Note: On page 2-4 of the Install Guide there is a section called "Configure the Linux Kernel for Oracle". I skipped this for two reasons -- 1) This is beyond my level of knowledge and I have no idea what it is talking about and 2) My install worked without worrying about this anyway. If this is something you may be concerned with, then by all means check it out)

    As the oracle user:

    • Log in to the oracle account and perform the following:
    • Set permissions for file creation. Type "umask 022" to accomplish this.
    • Set Environment Variables. There are several environment variables which need to be set for the oracle account. Modify .bash_profile file in the home directory ("~/") as follows:
      1. Using the text editor of your choice, append the following to the end of the .bash_profile script:

      2. Adjust the above variables appropriately. Refer to pages 2-9 thru 2-11 of the Oracle Install Guide for descriptions of each of these variables (and others).
      3. After changes are complete, you may log out and log back in or simply execute the .bash_profile script to update the environment with the new settings.

    Note: In this document, when I refer to paths such as $ORACLE_HOME/bin, this refers to the setting you just placed in that file above. The oracle account's login script sets the variables which will tell both Oracle and the Oracle Installer where you want Oracle to live, what user is the Oracle owner, etc. Remember this!


    Part II: Software Installation

    Start The Installer:

    Note: You must run the installer while logged in as the oracle account. Do Not run the installer as root!

    Hopefully the installer you have matches the one I have and you can follow the screens step-by-step as I have outlined below. If something has changed, it shouldn't be a big deal and you should be able to approximate. One important lesson with the Oracle installer is to resist the temptation to let it "Create DB Objects" at the first pass. By choosing this, the installer will probably fail and leave you wondering why. One of the reasons behind this is because it will attempt to execute several programs to create the database objects. However, because of the glibc 2.0 vs. 2.1 problem I mentioned earlier, these programs will core dump and thus the installer will fail. Instead, run the installer once to install the software, then run the glibcpatch to update the software, then run the installer again to create the database objects.

    Step-by-step instructions follow:
    • Log in as the oracle account.
    • At the command line type "cd /oracle_install/orainst"
    • Next, type "./orainst" to launch installer
    • Once inside installer, do the following:
      1. At "Install Type" screen, choose "Default Install"
      2. Read the preamble.txt screen and click "OK"
      3. Read the "README.FIRST" screen and click "OK"
      4. At "Installation Activity Choice", select "Install, Upgrade, or De-Install Software" and click "OK"
      5. At "Installation Options", select "Install New Product - Do Not Create DB Objects" and click "OK"
      6. At "Environment Variables", the values for ORACLE_BASE and ORACLE_HOME should be set to the settings you placed in your .bash_profile script. Click OK if they are or change.
      7. It will present you with the settings you chose, verify and click "OK"
      8. You will now be in the "Software Asset Manager" screen.
        • On the left will be a selection box of all the features available to install and on the right will be a box with all the features installed.
        • In the box on the left, select "Oracle8 Enterprise (RDBMS)" by scrolling to it and pressing the space bar to toggle.
        • Note: You may select other software components to install, but this guide is only written for installing only the basic Oracle 8 server.
        • Click the "Install" button in the middle to install.
        • It will now install Oracle and any necessary support files. If it mentions anything about ULIMIT not being set, just click OK and ignore it.
        • Now is a good time for a stretch/coffee/cigarette break. It will take about 5-10 minutes to fully install.
        • Eventually it will report that it is complete. (Hopefully!) Click "OK" to return to the Software Asset Manager screen.
      9. Click "Exit" to leave the installer.
    • For those systems with glibc version 2.1 or above (of which RedHat Linux 6 is a member), we must now run the glibcpatch to relink the files just installed from the new version of glibc to the older 2.0 version:
      • At the command line, type "cd /oracle_install/glibcpatch"
      • Next, type "./"
      • This too will take several minutes, so sit back and relax. You will probably see a bunch of "file not found" errors flash by -- ignore these, for they mean nothing.
    • Now, go back to the installer by typing cd /oracle_install/orainst and then ./orainst
    • Back in the installer, do the following:
      1. At "Install Type" screen, choose "Default Install"
      2. Click "OK" to get through the preamble.txt and README.FIRST screens.
      3. At "Installation Activity Choice", select "Create/Upgrade Database Objects" and click "OK".
      4. At "Database Options" select "Create Database Objects" and click "OK".
      5. At "Environment Variables" nothing should have changed, so just click "OK".
      6. Again, it will ask you to verify your decisions. Do so and click "OK".
      7. You should now be back in the "Software Asset Manager" screen.
        • In the box on the left, again select "Oracle8 Enterprise (RDBMS)"
        • Click "Install"
        • It will then begin installing once again.
        • At the "Database Action" screen, select "Create Product DB Objects" and then click "OK".
        • You will then be prompted for your database mount points. Enter the three mount points you created earlier for your database and click "OK". I will use "/oracle_db/db1", "/oracle_db/db2" and "/oracle_db/db3" as my mount points. (huh huh huhhuhuh huh i said mount...)
        • This operation too will take a few minutes, so don't panic.
        • At successful completion, click "OK", and you will return to the Software Asset Manager screen.
      8. Click "Exit" to leave the installer.
    • That's it! Since SQL scripts are executed against the server you installed to create the database objects, successful completion of the above indicates a properly installed system.
    • Note: You may go back into the Oracle installer to install anything else, but be sure to choose "Add/Upgrade Software" in the "Installation Choice" screen. Also, you will probably need to rerun the glibcpatch as instructed above if you are installing new components.


    Everything should have worked along the same track as what I just laid out. If it didn't and your Oracle installation did not work, and you followed my instructions to the letter, then here are a few quick suggestions:
    • Try deleting everything and starting over from scratch. Use rm -rf /oracle

      +       solaris_rel=5;

              if (solaris_rel > ows_sol_rel)

      *** ows/3.0/install/wrb.ins~    Tue Jun 30 02:12:36 1998
      --- ows/3.0/install/wrb.ins     Sun Dec 27 23:39:07 1998
      *** 1204,1209 ****
      --- 1204,1210 ----

      +       solaris_rel=5;

              if (solaris_rel > ows_sol_rel)

      *** ows/3.0/install/ows.ins~    Tue Jun 30 02:12:32 1998
      --- ows/3.0/install/ows.ins     Sun Dec 27 23:43:02 1998
      *** 431,436 ****
      --- 431,437 ----

      +       solaris_rel=5;

              if (solaris_rel > ows_sol_rel)

      After applying the patches, you can install the product.

      3.2 Post-install patches

      After installation, you can apply the following patch:
      *** owsctl.orig Wed Dec 30 14:55:28 1998
      --- owsctl      Wed Dec 30 14:56:17 1998
      *** 224,233 ****

              OPTION="$1"     # save the option
      !       if [ "$1" = "WRB" -o "$1" = "wrb" -o "$1" = "-p" -o "$1" = "-e" -o "$1"
      = "NCX" -o "$1" = "ncx" ]
                      $CONTROLPATH/wrbctl $OPTION $@
      !       elif [ "$1" = "CARTRIDGE" -o "$1" = "cartridge" -o "$1" = "-p" ]
                      $CONTROLPATH/wrbctl $OPTION $@
      --- 224,233 ----

              OPTION="$1"     # save the option
      !       if [ "x$1" = "xWRB" -o "x$1" = "xwrb" -o "x$1" = "x-p" -o "x$1" = "x-e"
      -o "x$1" = "xNCX" -o "x$1" = "xncx" ]
                      $CONTROLPATH/wrbctl $OPTION $@
      !       elif [ "x$1" = "xCARTRIDGE" -o "x$1" = "xcartridge" -o "x$1" = "x-p" ]
                      $CONTROLPATH/wrbctl $OPTION $@

      The patch is optional in that owsctl does work without it, but generates some annoying errors.

      4. Known problems

      • When an instance of a listener (oraweb) terminates, it sometimes coredumps. The cause has not been investigated yet.
      • Oraweb leaves a lot of zombies. This may be related to the previous bullet.
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