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What is the difference between modifier v-model and .sync? A brief analysis of differences and comparisons

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What is the difference between modifier v-model and .sync? The following article will talk about the differences between v-model and .sync modifier. I hope it will be helpful to you!

What is the difference between modifier v-model and .sync? A brief analysis of differences and comparisons

In the daily development process, the v-model command is often used. Generally speaking, v-model Directives create two-way data binding on forms and elements, but v-model is essentially syntactic sugar. When it comes to syntax sugar, we have to mention another two-way binding syntax sugar that has similar functions to v-model, that is.sync modifier. Here is a summary of the two:

1. v-model

1. Function

I believe that friends who have used the vue framework will not be unfamiliar with this command. v-model is used to perform , , Two-way binding of data on elements. (Learning video sharing: vue video tutorial)

For example:

When we enter a certain value in the input box, the value in the data below is You can directly get the value we entered without having to operate the dom element to obtain it.

1. Essence

v-model is essentially a syntactic sugar. Our habitual writing method is like this:


But actually the complete writing method is like this:

By comparing the syntactic sugar and the original writing method, we can get: When adding the v-model attribute to the element, the value will be used as the attribute of the element by default, and the input event will be used as the trigger event for real-time delivery of value.

Note: Not all elements that can perform two-way data binding are input events!

3. Special usage

Generally, we use v-model mainly for two-way binding of data. It is very convenient to obtain the value entered by the user, but in some special cases, we can also use v-model for two-way binding of data between parent and child components.

A father component and son component are defined here, and the son component is introduced into the father component, and v-model is bound to the son component to pass the value. At this time we need to receive and use this value in the son component:

Note: The value accepted here must be value. If you write it with another name, an error will be reported!

The parent component passes the value to the child component. The data cannot be modified directly in the child component. If you modify it directly, an error will be reported.

What is the difference between modifier v-model and .sync? A brief analysis of differences and comparisons

When When we need to modify this value, we need to pass it to the parent component for modification.

This requires defining a custom event on the child component in the parent component, through the child component $emit('custom event name','value') Method passes the value into the parent component.

But we cannot use custom events here because we use v-model to pass values, so we can only use input events to make modifications.

Use the $emit() method in the child component. Call the event in the parent component and pass the value

This completes the bidirectional data between the parent and child components. Binding effect

2. .sync modifier

1. Function

.sync The modifier can realize two-way binding between parent and child components, and can realize the child component to modify the value of the parent component synchronously. Compared with v-model, the sync modifier is Much simpler:

2. The essence


The value passing and receiving here are not the same as the normal parent component passing value to the child component. The only difference is that when the subcomponent returns a value, the event name called by $emit must be update:property name. If the event name is written incorrectly, no error will be reported, but there will be no error at that time. Change, this needs to be noted.


v-model and .sync: The same thing: they are both syntax sugar, and they can realize data communication in parent-child components.

Differences: Different formats, v-model="num" :num.sync="num"

v-model:@input value :num.sync:@update:num

Also, v-model can only be used once, and .sync can be used multiple times.

[Related video tutorial recommendations: vuejs entry tutorial, web front-end entry]

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