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About Laravel receiving data analysis from front-end ajax

2018-06-13 14:03:471485browse

This article mainly introduces the example code for Laravel to receive data from the front-end ajax. It has certain reference value. Interested friends can refer to it.

I recently had time to organize the company's projects and solve the problems encountered. So let’s count today as a study note!

I am currently taking notes on a project. The technology stack is as follows: vue.js laravel mongodb

First of all, I have to lament the magic of vue. After the project last night, I will review the entire project. Let’s summarize the technologies used and the pitfalls we have encountered. Today we will record an example of the front-end transmitting data to the back-end and laravel receiving it.

I did not use vue-resource for the front-end ajax plug-in. To be honest, I encountered pitfalls when using it, so I used axios.js, which is easy to use and smaller than vue-resource.

Let’s look at the front-end code (omitting the vue logic part):


this.email and this.pass are the form data filled in by the user. Click to log in to execute this method (the verification data format is not question).

Let’s see how Laravel receives these two values:

We create a Model file of GUser.php in the app folder, with the following content:

    return $res;

Then in the app Create a GUserController.php file under /Http/Controllers with the following content:

    $pass = $request->input('pass');
    $res = GUser::login($email);
    return $res;

Of course, the pass value is not used here, and I have omitted the login verification logic here.

Then configure in the routing file web.php:


This is the end.

The above is the entire content of this article. I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study. For more related content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

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The above is the detailed content of About Laravel receiving data analysis from front-end ajax. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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