Home >Web Front-end >Vue.js >What is the difference between Vue3 and Vue2? Compare it all!
What is the difference between Vue3 and Vue2? The following article will give you a comprehensive comparison of Vue3 and Vue2, and talk about the differences between Vue3 and Vue2. I hope it will be helpful to you!
I have been very interested in Vue3 since it was released, and I have been thinking about putting it into the company's production, but I started to consider a lot of uncertainties. For the time being, I tried some small functions; slowly I found that the form of combined API is very suitable for development (personal feeling), especially after Vue3.2 launched the setup syntax sugar, it was so popular.
Almost all of the company’s new projects later use Vue3. I have been developing with Vue3 for nearly half a year, so I wrote this article to make a comparison and summary of Vue2 and Vue3. First, to make some records of the development using Vue3 during this period, and secondly, to help more friends faster Get started with Vue3. (Learning video sharing: vuejs video tutorial)
This article mainly uses optional API, combined API, and setup syntax sugar to realize their direct differences
First implement the same logic (click to switch page data) and take a look at their direct differences
<template> <div @click="changeMsg">{{msg}}</div> </template> <script> export default { data(){ return { msg:'hello world' } }, methods:{ changeMsg(){ this.msg = 'hello juejin' } } } </script>
<template> <div @click="changeMsg">{{msg}}</div> </template> <script> import { ref,defineComponent } from "vue"; export default defineComponent({ setup() { const msg = ref('hello world') const changeMsg = ()=>{ msg.value = 'hello juejin' } return { msg, changeMsg }; }, }); </script>
<template> <div @click="changeMsg">{{ msg }}</div> </template> <script setup> import { ref } from "vue"; const msg = ref('hello world') const changeMsg = () => { msg.value = 'hello juejin' } </script>
Optional API manages data and methods separately, including later watch, computed, etc., while combined API puts related logic together (similar to native js development).
Setup syntax sugar allows variable methods to eliminate the need to write return, and subsequent components and even custom instructions can be automatically obtained in our template.
We all know that in the combined API, the data in the data function is responsive, and the page will change as the data in the data changes. What if the data function does not exist in the combined API? So in order to solve this problem, Vue3 introduced the ref and reactive functions to make the variables responsive data
<script> import { ref,reactive,defineComponent } from "vue"; export default defineComponent({ setup() { let msg = ref('hello world') let obj = reactive({ name:'juejin', age:3 }) const changeData = () => { msg.value = 'hello juejin' obj.name = 'hello world' } return { msg, obj, changeData }; }, }); </script>
<script setup> import { ref,reactive } from "vue"; let msg = ref('hello world') let obj = reactive({ name:'juejin', age:3 }) const changeData = () => { msg.value = 'hello juejin' obj.name = 'hello world' } </script>
When using ref, you need to add .value when getting the value in js.
reactive is more recommended to define complex data types ref and is more recommended to define basic types
The following table contains: Vue2 and Vue3 life cycle Difference
Vue2(Option API) | Vue3(setup) | Description |
beforeCreate | - | Before instance creation |
created | - | After instance creation |
beforeMount | onBeforeMount | Call before DOM mounting |
mounted | onMounted | DOM mounting completion call |
beforeUpdate | onBeforeUpdate | Called before data update |
updated | onUpdated | Called after the data is updated |
beforeDestroy | onBeforeUnmount | Call before component destruction |
destroyed | onUnmounted | Call after component destruction |
<script> export default { mounted(){ console.log('挂载完成') } } </script>
<script> import { onMounted,defineComponent } from "vue"; export default defineComponent({ setup() { onMounted(()=>{ console.log('挂载完成') }) return { onMounted }; }, }); </script>
<script setup> import { onMounted } from "vue"; onMounted(()=>{ console.log('挂载完成') }) </script>
<template> <div>{{ addSum }}</div> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { a: 1, b: 2 } }, computed: { addSum() { return this.a + this.b } }, watch:{ a(newValue, oldValue){ console.log(`a从${oldValue}变成了${newValue}`) } } } </script>
<template> <div>{{addSum}}</div> </template> <script> import { computed, ref, watch, defineComponent } from "vue"; export default defineComponent({ setup() { const a = ref(1) const b = ref(2) let addSum = computed(() => { return a.value+b.value }) watch(a, (newValue, oldValue) => { console.log(`a从${oldValue}变成了${newValue}`) }) return { addSum }; }, }); </script>
<template> <div>{{ addSum }}</div> </template> <script setup> import { computed, ref, watch } from "vue"; const a = ref(1) const b = ref(2) let addSum = computed(() => { return a.value + b.value }) watch(a, (newValue, oldValue) => { console.log(`a从${oldValue}变成了${newValue}`) }) </script>
<template> <div>{{ watchTarget }}</div> </template> <script setup> import { watchEffect,ref } from "vue"; const watchTarget = ref(0) watchEffect(()=>{ console.log(watchTarget.value) }) setInterval(()=>{ watchTarget.value++ },1000) </script>
computed和watch所依赖的数据必须是响应式的。Vue3引入了watchEffect,watchEffect 相当于将 watch 的依赖源和回调函数合并,当任何你有用到的响应式依赖更新时,该回调函数便会重新执行。不同于 watch的是watchEffect的回调函数会被立即执行,即({ immediate: true })
方式 | Vue2 | Vue3 |
父传子 | props | props |
子传父 | $emit | emits |
父传子 | $attrs | attrs |
子传父 | $listeners | 无(合并到 attrs方式) |
父传子 | provide | provide |
子传父 | inject | inject |
子组件访问父组件 | $parent | 无 |
父组件访问子组件 | $children | 无 |
父组件访问子组件 | $ref | expose&ref |
兄弟传值 | EventBus | mitt |
//父组件 <template> <div> <Child :msg="parentMsg" /> </div> </template> <script> import Child from './Child' export default { components:{ Child }, data() { return { parentMsg: '父组件信息' } } } </script> //子组件 <template> <div> {{msg}} </div> </template> <script> export default { props:['msg'] } </script>
//父组件 <template> <div> <Child :msg="parentMsg" /> </div> </template> <script> import { ref,defineComponent } from 'vue' import Child from './Child.vue' export default defineComponent({ components:{ Child }, setup() { const parentMsg = ref('父组件信息') return { parentMsg }; }, }); </script> //子组件 <template> <div> {{ parentMsg }} </div> </template> <script> import { defineComponent,toRef } from "vue"; export default defineComponent({ props: ["msg"],// 如果这行不写,下面就接收不到 setup(props) { console.log(props.msg) //父组件信息 let parentMsg = toRef(props, 'msg') return { parentMsg }; }, }); </script>
//父组件 <template> <div> <Child :msg="parentMsg" /> </div> </template> <script setup> import { ref } from 'vue' import Child from './Child.vue' const parentMsg = ref('父组件信息') </script> //子组件 <template> <div> {{ parentMsg }} </div> </template> <script setup> import { toRef, defineProps } from "vue"; const props = defineProps(["msg"]); console.log(props.msg) //父组件信息 let parentMsg = toRef(props, 'msg') </script>
//父组件 <template> <div> <Child @sendMsg="getFromChild" /> </div> </template> <script> import Child from './Child' export default { components:{ Child }, methods: { getFromChild(val) { console.log(val) //我是子组件数据 } } } </script> // 子组件 <template> <div> <button @click="sendFun">send</button> </div> </template> <script> export default { methods:{ sendFun(){ this.$emit('sendMsg','我是子组件数据') } } } </script>
//父组件 <template> <div> <Child @sendMsg="getFromChild" /> </div> </template> <script> import Child from './Child' import { defineComponent } from "vue"; export default defineComponent({ components: { Child }, setup() { const getFromChild = (val) => { console.log(val) //我是子组件数据 } return { getFromChild }; }, }); </script> //子组件 <template> <div> <button @click="sendFun">send</button> </div> </template> <script> import { defineComponent } from "vue"; export default defineComponent({ emits: ['sendMsg'], setup(props, ctx) { const sendFun = () => { ctx.emit('sendMsg', '我是子组件数据') } return { sendFun }; }, }); </script>
//父组件 <template> <div> <Child @sendMsg="getFromChild" /> </div> </template> <script setup> import Child from './Child' const getFromChild = (val) => { console.log(val) //我是子组件数据 } </script> //子组件 <template> <div> <button @click="sendFun">send</button> </div> </template> <script setup> import { defineEmits } from "vue"; const emits = defineEmits(['sendMsg']) const sendFun = () => { emits('sendMsg', '我是子组件数据') } </script>
子组件使用$attrs可以获得父组件除了props传递的属性和特性绑定属性 (class和 style)之外的所有属性。
//父组件 <template> <div> <Child @parentFun="parentFun" :msg1="msg1" :msg2="msg2" /> </div> </template> <script> import Child from './Child' export default { components:{ Child }, data(){ return { msg1:'子组件msg1', msg2:'子组件msg2' } }, methods: { parentFun(val) { console.log(`父组件方法被调用,获得子组件传值:${val}`) } } } </script> //子组件 <template> <div> <button @click="getParentFun">调用父组件方法</button> </div> </template> <script> export default { methods:{ getParentFun(){ this.$listeners.parentFun('我是子组件数据') } }, created(){ //获取父组件中所有绑定属性 console.log(this.$attrs) //{"msg1": "子组件msg1","msg2": "子组件msg2"} //获取父组件中所有绑定方法 console.log(this.$listeners) //{parentFun:f} } } </script>
//父组件 <template> <div> <Child @parentFun="parentFun" :msg1="msg1" :msg2="msg2" /> </div> </template> <script> import Child from './Child' import { defineComponent,ref } from "vue"; export default defineComponent({ components: { Child }, setup() { const msg1 = ref('子组件msg1') const msg2 = ref('子组件msg2') const parentFun = (val) => { console.log(`父组件方法被调用,获得子组件传值:${val}`) } return { parentFun, msg1, msg2 }; }, }); </script> //子组件 <template> <div> <button @click="getParentFun">调用父组件方法</button> </div> </template> <script> import { defineComponent } from "vue"; export default defineComponent({ emits: ['sendMsg'], setup(props, ctx) { //获取父组件方法和事件 console.log(ctx.attrs) //Proxy {"msg1": "子组件msg1","msg2": "子组件msg2"} const getParentFun = () => { //调用父组件方法 ctx.attrs.onParentFun('我是子组件数据') } return { getParentFun }; }, }); </script>
//父组件 <template> <div> <Child @parentFun="parentFun" :msg1="msg1" :msg2="msg2" /> </div> </template> <script setup> import Child from './Child' import { ref } from "vue"; const msg1 = ref('子组件msg1') const msg2 = ref('子组件msg2') const parentFun = (val) => { console.log(`父组件方法被调用,获得子组件传值:${val}`) } </script> //子组件 <template> <div> <button @click="getParentFun">调用父组件方法</button> </div> </template> <script setup> import { useAttrs } from "vue"; const attrs = useAttrs() //获取父组件方法和事件 console.log(attrs) //Proxy {"msg1": "子组件msg1","msg2": "子组件msg2"} const getParentFun = () => { //调用父组件方法 attrs.onParentFun('我是子组件数据') } </script>
//父组件 <script> import Child from './Child' export default { components: { Child }, data() { return { msg1: '子组件msg1', msg2: '子组件msg2' } }, provide() { return { msg1: this.msg1, msg2: this.msg2 } } } </script> //子组件 <script> export default { inject:['msg1','msg2'], created(){ //获取高层级提供的属性 console.log(this.msg1) //子组件msg1 console.log(this.msg2) //子组件msg2 } } </script>
//父组件 <script> import Child from './Child' import { ref, defineComponent,provide } from "vue"; export default defineComponent({ components:{ Child }, setup() { const msg1 = ref('子组件msg1') const msg2 = ref('子组件msg2') provide("msg1", msg1) provide("msg2", msg2) return { } }, }); </script> //子组件 <template> <div> <button @click="getParentFun">调用父组件方法</button> </div> </template> <script> import { inject, defineComponent } from "vue"; export default defineComponent({ setup() { console.log(inject('msg1').value) //子组件msg1 console.log(inject('msg2').value) //子组件msg2 }, }); </script>
//父组件 <script setup> import Child from './Child' import { ref,provide } from "vue"; const msg1 = ref('子组件msg1') const msg2 = ref('子组件msg2') provide("msg1",msg1) provide("msg2",msg2) </script> //子组件 <script setup> import { inject } from "vue"; console.log(inject('msg1').value) //子组件msg1 console.log(inject('msg2').value) //子组件msg2 </script>
$parent: 子组件获取父组件Vue实例,可以获取父组件的属性方法等
$children: 父组件获取子组件Vue实例,是一个数组,是直接儿子的集合,但并不保证子组件的顺序
import Child from './Child' export default { components: { Child }, created(){ console.log(this.$children) //[Child实例] console.log(this.$parent)//父组件实例 } }
//父组件 <template> <div> <Child ref="child" /> </div> </template> <script> import Child from './Child' export default { components: { Child }, mounted(){ //获取子组件属性 console.log(this.$refs.child.msg) //子组件元素 //调用子组件方法 this.$refs.child.childFun('父组件信息') } } </script> //子组件 <template> <div> <div></div> </div> </template> <script> export default { data(){ return { msg:'子组件元素' } }, methods:{ childFun(val){ console.log(`子组件方法被调用,值${val}`) } } } </script>
//父组件 <template> <div> <Child ref="child" /> </div> </template> <script> import Child from './Child' import { ref, defineComponent, onMounted } from "vue"; export default defineComponent({ components: { Child }, setup() { const child = ref() //注意命名需要和template中ref对应 onMounted(() => { //获取子组件属性 console.log(child.value.msg) //子组件元素 //调用子组件方法 child.value.childFun('父组件信息') }) return { child //必须return出去 否则获取不到实例 } }, }); </script> //子组件 <template> <div> </div> </template> <script> import { defineComponent, ref } from "vue"; export default defineComponent({ setup() { const msg = ref('子组件元素') const childFun = (val) => { console.log(`子组件方法被调用,值${val}`) } return { msg, childFun } }, }); </script>
//父组件 <template> <div> <Child ref="child" /> </div> </template> <script setup> import Child from './Child' import { ref, onMounted } from "vue"; const child = ref() //注意命名需要和template中ref对应 onMounted(() => { //获取子组件属性 console.log(child.value.msg) //子组件元素 //调用子组件方法 child.value.childFun('父组件信息') }) </script> //子组件 <template> <div> </div> </template> <script setup> import { ref,defineExpose } from "vue"; const msg = ref('子组件元素') const childFun = (val) => { console.log(`子组件方法被调用,值${val}`) } //必须暴露出去父组件才会获取到 defineExpose({ childFun, msg }) </script>
,原理还是 EventBus
//组件1 <template> <div> <button @click="sendMsg">传值</button> </div> </template> <script> import Bus from './bus.js' export default { data(){ return { msg:'子组件元素' } }, methods:{ sendMsg(){ Bus.$emit('sendMsg','兄弟的值') } } } </script> //组件2 <template> <div> 组件2 </div> </template> <script> import Bus from './bus.js' export default { created(){ Bus.$on('sendMsg',(val)=>{ console.log(val);//兄弟的值 }) } } </script> //bus.js import Vue from "vue" export default new Vue()
npm i mitt -S
import mitt from 'mitt' const Mitt = mitt() export default Mitt
//组件1 <template> <button @click="sendMsg">传值</button> </template> <script> import { defineComponent } from "vue"; import Mitt from './mitt.js' export default defineComponent({ setup() { const sendMsg = () => { Mitt.emit('sendMsg','兄弟的值') } return { sendMsg } }, }); </script> //组件2 <template> <div> 组件2 </div> </template> <script> import { defineComponent, onUnmounted } from "vue"; import Mitt from './mitt.js' export default defineComponent({ setup() { const getMsg = (val) => { console.log(val);//兄弟的值 } Mitt.on('sendMsg', getMsg) onUnmounted(() => { //组件销毁 移除监听 Mitt.off('sendMsg', getMsg) }) }, }); </script>
//组件1 <template> <button @click="sendMsg">传值</button> </template> <script setup> import Mitt from './mitt.js' const sendMsg = () => { Mitt.emit('sendMsg', '兄弟的值') } </script> //组件2 <template> <div> 组件2 </div> </template> <script setup> import { onUnmounted } from "vue"; import Mitt from './mitt.js' const getMsg = (val) => { console.log(val);//兄弟的值 } Mitt.on('sendMsg', getMsg) onUnmounted(() => { //组件销毁 移除监听 Mitt.off('sendMsg', getMsg) }) </script>
我们都知道Vue中的props是单向向下绑定的;每次父组件更新时,子组件中的所有props都会刷新为最新的值;但是如果在子组件中修改 props ,Vue会向你发出一个警告(无法在子组件修改父组件传递的值);可能是为了防止子组件无意间修改了父组件的状态,来避免应用的数据流变得混乱难以理解。
//父组件 <template> <div> <!-- 完整写法 <Child :msg="msg" @update:changePval="msg=$event" /> --> <Child :changePval.sync="msg" /> {{msg}} </div> </template> <script> import Child from './Child' export default { components: { Child }, data(){ return { msg:'父组件值' } } } </script> //子组件 <template> <div> <button @click="changePval">改变父组件值</button> </div> </template> <script> export default { data(){ return { msg:'子组件元素' } }, methods:{ changePval(){ //点击则会修改父组件msg的值 this.$emit('update:changePval','改变后的值') } } } </script>
//父组件 <template> <div> <!-- 完整写法 <Child :msg="msg" @update:changePval="msg=$event" /> --> <Child v-model:changePval="msg" /> {{msg}} </div> </template> <script setup> import Child from './Child' import { ref } from 'vue' const msg = ref('父组件值') </script> //子组件 <template> <button @click="changePval">改变父组件值</button> </template> <script setup> import { defineEmits } from 'vue'; const emits = defineEmits(['changePval']) const changePval = () => { //点击则会修改父组件msg的值 emits('update:changePval','改变后的值') } </script>
的完整写法为:msg="msg" @update:changePval="msg=$event"
<template> <div> <button @click="toPage">路由跳转</button> </div> </template> <script> export default { beforeRouteEnter (to, from, next) { // 在渲染该组件的对应路由被 confirm 前调用 next() }, beforeRouteEnter (to, from, next) { // 在渲染该组件的对应路由被 confirm 前调用 next() }, beforeRouteLeave ((to, from, next)=>{//离开当前的组件,触发 next() }), beforeRouteLeave((to, from, next)=>{//离开当前的组件,触发 next() }), methods:{ toPage(){ //路由跳转 this.$router.push(xxx) } }, created(){ //获取params this.$router.params //获取query this.$router.query } } </script>
<template> <div> <button @click="toPage">路由跳转</button> </div> </template> <script> import { defineComponent } from 'vue' import { useRoute, useRouter } from 'vue-router' export default defineComponent({ beforeRouteEnter (to, from, next) { // 在渲染该组件的对应路由被 confirm 前调用 next() }, beforeRouteLeave ((to, from, next)=>{//离开当前的组件,触发 next() }), beforeRouteLeave((to, from, next)=>{//离开当前的组件,触发 next() }), setup() { const router = useRouter() const route = useRoute() const toPage = () => { router.push(xxx) } //获取params 注意是route route.params //获取query route.query return { toPage } }, }); </script>
<template> <div> <button @click="toPage">路由跳转</button> </div> </template> <script> export default { beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next) { // 在渲染该组件的对应路由被 confirm 前调用 next() }, }; </script> <script setup> import { useRoute, useRouter,onBeforeRouteLeave, onBeforeRouteUpdate } from 'vue-router' const router = useRouter() const route = useRoute() const toPage = () => { router.push(xxx) } //获取params 注意是route route.params //获取query route.query //路由守卫 onBeforeRouteUpdate((to, from, next)=>{//当前组件路由改变后,进行触发 next() }) onBeforeRouteLeave((to, from, next)=>{//离开当前的组件,触发 next() }) </script>
The above is the detailed content of What is the difference between Vue3 and Vue2? Compare it all!. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!