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What is the linux file directory command?

青灯夜游 Original
2022-05-25 18:54:09 12363browse

Linux file directory commands include: 1. ls, used to list directories and file names; 2. cd, used to switch directories; 3. pwd, used to display the current directory; 4. mkdir, used Used to create new directories; 5. rmdir, used to delete empty directories; 6. cp, used to copy files or directories; 7. rm, used to delete files or directories, etc.

What is the linux file directory command?

#The operating environment of this tutorial: linux5.9.8 system, Dell G3 computer.

Common commands for processing files and directories

Next let’s look at a few common commands for processing directories:

  • ls (English spelling: list files): List directories and file names
  • cd (English spelling: change directory): Switch directories
  • pwd (English full spelling: print work directory): Display the current directory
  • mkdir (English full spelling: make directory): Create a new directory
  • rmdir (English full spelling: remove directory) : Delete an empty directory
  • cp (English spelling: copy file): Copy a file or directory
  • rm (English spelling: remove): Delete a file or directory
  • mv (English full spelling: move file): Move files and directories, or modify the names of files and directories

You can useman [command]to view the details of each command Use documentation, such as: man cp.

ls (list directory)

In Linux systems, the ls command may be the most commonly run.


[root@www ~]# ls [-aAdfFhilnrRSt] 目录名称 [root@www ~]# ls [--color={never,auto,always}] 目录名称 [root@www ~]# ls [--full-time] 目录名称

Options and parameters:

  • -a: All files, together with hidden files (files starting with .) are listed together (commonly used )
  • -d: Only list the directory itself, rather than list the file data in the directory (commonly used)
  • -l: List long data strings, including file attributes and permissions, etc. and other data; (commonly used)

List all files in the home directory (including attributes and hidden files)

[root@www ~]# ls -al ~

cd (switch directory)

cd is the abbreviation of Change Directory, which is the command used to change the working directory.


cd [相对路径或绝对路径]
#使用 mkdir 命令创建 runoob 目录 [root@www ~]# mkdir runoob #使用绝对路径切换到 runoob 目录 [root@www ~]# cd /root/runoob/ #使用相对路径切换到 runoob 目录 [root@www ~]# cd ./runoob/ # 表示回到自己的家目录,亦即是 /root 这个目录 [root@www runoob]# cd ~ # 表示去到目前的上一级目录,亦即是 /root 的上一级目录的意思; [root@www ~]# cd ..

You should be able to understand the cd command well after a few more operations.

pwd (Display the current directory)

pwd is the abbreviation ofPrint Working Directory, which is the command to display the current directory.

[root@www ~]# pwd [-P]

Options and parameters:

  • -P: Display the actual path instead of using a link path.

Example: Simply display the current working directory:

[root@www ~]# pwd /root <== 显示出目录啦~

Example displays the actual working directory, not the directory name of the link file itself.

[root@www ~]# cd /var/mail <==注意,/var/mail是一个连结档 [root@www mail]# pwd /var/mail <==列出目前的工作目录 [root@www mail]# pwd -P /var/spool/mail <==怎么回事?有没有加 -P 差很多~ [root@www mail]# ls -ld /var/mail lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Sep 4 17:54 /var/mail -> spool/mail # 看到这里应该知道为啥了吧?因为 /var/mail 是连结档,连结到 /var/spool/mail # 所以,加上 pwd -P 的选项后,会不以连结档的数据显示,而是显示正确的完整路径啊!

mkdir (Create a new directory)

If you want to create a new directory, use mkdir (make directory).


mkdir [-mp] 目录名称

Options and parameters:

  • -m: Configuration file permissions! Direct configuration, no need to look at the default permissions (umask)~
  • -p: Helps you directly create the required directories (including the upper-level directory) recursively!

Example: Please go to /tmp and try to create several new directories to see:

[root@www ~]# cd /tmp [root@www tmp]# mkdir test <==创建一名为 test 的新目录 [root@www tmp]# mkdir test1/test2/test3/test4 mkdir: cannot create directory `test1/test2/test3/test4': No such file or directory <== 没办法直接创建此目录啊! [root@www tmp]# mkdir -p test1/test2/test3/test4

With the -p option added, you can create multi-layer directories for you!

Example: Create a directory with permissionsrwx--x--x.

[root@www tmp]# mkdir -m 711 test2 [root@www tmp]# ls -l drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jul 18 12:50 test drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jul 18 12:53 test1 drwx--x--x 2 root root 4096 Jul 18 12:54 test2

In the permissions section above, if -m is not added to force configuration properties, the system will use the default properties.

If we use -m, as in the above example we give -m 711 to give the new directory drwx--x--x permissions.

rmdir (delete empty directories)


rmdir [-p] 目录名称

Options and parameters:

  • -p:Start from this directory and delete multiple levels of empty directories at one time

Delete the runoob directory

[root@www tmp]# rmdir runoob/

Delete the directory created in the mkdir instance (under/tmp) !

[root@www tmp]# ls -l <==看看有多少目录存在? drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jul 18 12:50 test drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jul 18 12:53 test1 drwx--x--x 2 root root 4096 Jul 18 12:54 test2 [root@www tmp]# rmdir test <==可直接删除掉,没问题 [root@www tmp]# rmdir test1 <==因为尚有内容,所以无法删除! rmdir: `test1': Directory not empty [root@www tmp]# rmdir -p test1/test2/test3/test4 [root@www tmp]# ls -l <==您看看,底下的输出中test与test1不见了! drwx--x--x 2 root root 4096 Jul 18 12:54 test2

Use the -p option to delete test1/test2/test3/test4 immediately.

However, it should be noted that this rmdir can only delete empty directories. You can use the rm command to delete non-empty directories.

cp (copy files or directories)

cp means copying files and directories.


[root@www ~]# cp [-adfilprsu] 来源档(source) 目标档(destination) [root@www ~]# cp [options] source1 source2 source3 .... directory

Options and parameters:

  • -a:is equivalent to -pdr, as for pdr please Refer to the following instructions; (commonly used)

  • -d:If the source file is the attribute of the link file (link file), copy the link file attribute instead of the file itself ;

  • #-f:means force. If the target file already exists and cannot be opened, remove it and try again;

  • -i:If the target file (destination) already exists, the action will be asked first when overwriting (commonly used)

  • -l:Create a link file of a hard link instead of copying the file itself;

  • -p:Copy the file together with its attributes instead of using the default attributes (commonly used for backup);

  • -r:Recursive continuous copying, used for directory copying behavior; (Commonly used)

  • -s:复制成为符号连结档 (symbolic link),亦即『捷径』文件;

  • -u:若 destination 比 source 旧才升级 destination !

用 root 身份,将 root 目录下的 .bashrc 复制到 /tmp 下,并命名为 bashrc

[root@www ~]# cp ~/.bashrc /tmp/bashrc [root@www ~]# cp -i ~/.bashrc /tmp/bashrc cp: overwrite `/tmp/bashrc'? n <==n不覆盖,y为覆盖

rm (移除文件或目录)


rm [-fir] 文件或目录


  • -f :就是 force 的意思,忽略不存在的文件,不会出现警告信息;
  • -i :互动模式,在删除前会询问使用者是否动作
  • -r :递归删除啊!最常用在目录的删除了!这是非常危险的选项!!!

将刚刚在 cp 的实例中创建的 bashrc 删除掉!

[root@www tmp]# rm -i bashrc rm: remove regular file `bashrc'? y

如果加上 -i 的选项就会主动询问喔,避免你删除到错误的档名!

mv (移动文件与目录,或修改名称)


[root@www ~]# mv [-fiu] source destination [root@www ~]# mv [options] source1 source2 source3 .... directory


  • -f :force 强制的意思,如果目标文件已经存在,不会询问而直接覆盖;
  • -i :若目标文件 (destination) 已经存在时,就会询问是否覆盖!
  • -u :若目标文件已经存在,且 source 比较新,才会升级 (update)


[root@www ~]# cd /tmp [root@www tmp]# cp ~/.bashrc bashrc [root@www tmp]# mkdir mvtest [root@www tmp]# mv bashrc mvtest


将刚刚的目录名称更名为 mvtest2

[root@www tmp]# mv mvtest mvtest2

Linux 文件内容查看


  • cat 由第一行开始显示文件内容
  • tac 从最后一行开始显示,可以看出 tac 是 cat 的倒着写!
  • nl 显示的时候,顺道输出行号!
  • more 一页一页的显示文件内容
  • less 与 more 类似,但是比 more 更好的是,他可以往前翻页!
  • head 只看头几行
  • tail 只看尾巴几行

你可以使用man [命令]来查看各个命令的使用文档,如 :man cp。




cat [-AbEnTv]


  • -A :相当於 -vET 的整合选项,可列出一些特殊字符而不是空白而已;
  • -b :列出行号,仅针对非空白行做行号显示,空白行不标行号!
  • -E :将结尾的断行字节 $ 显示出来;
  • -n :列印出行号,连同空白行也会有行号,与 -b 的选项不同;
  • -T :将 [tab] 按键以 ^I 显示出来;
  • -v :列出一些看不出来的特殊字符

检看 /etc/issue 这个文件的内容:

[root@www ~]# cat /etc/issue CentOS release 6.4 (Final) Kernel \r on an \m


tac与cat命令刚好相反,文件内容从最后一行开始显示,可以看出 tac 是 cat 的倒着写!如:

[root@www ~]# tac /etc/issue Kernel \r on an \m CentOS release 6.4 (Final)




nl [-bnw] 文件


  • -b :指定行号指定的方式,主要有两种:
    -b a :表示不论是否为空行,也同样列出行号(类似 cat -n);
    -b t :如果有空行,空的那一行不要列出行号(默认值);
  • -n :列出行号表示的方法,主要有三种:
    -n ln :行号在荧幕的最左方显示;
    -n rn :行号在自己栏位的最右方显示,且不加 0 ;
    -n rz :行号在自己栏位的最右方显示,且加 0 ;
  • -w :行号栏位的占用的位数。

实例一:用 nl 列出 /etc/issue 的内容

[root@www ~]# nl /etc/issue 1 CentOS release 6.4 (Final) 2 Kernel \r on an \m



[root@www ~]# more /etc/man_db.config # # Generated automatically from man.conf.in by the # configure script. # # man.conf from man-1.6d ....(中间省略).... --More--(28%) <== 重点在这一行喔!你的光标也会在这里等待你的命令

在 more 这个程序的运行过程中,你有几个按键可以按的:

  • 空白键 (space):代表向下翻一页;
  • Enter :代表向下翻『一行』;
  • /字串 :代表在这个显示的内容当中,向下搜寻『字串』这个关键字;
  • :f :立刻显示出档名以及目前显示的行数;
  • q :代表立刻离开 more ,不再显示该文件内容。
  • b 或 [ctrl]-b :代表往回翻页,不过这动作只对文件有用,对管线无用。



[root@www ~]# less /etc/man.config # # Generated automatically from man.conf.in by the # configure script. # # man.conf from man-1.6d ....(中间省略).... : <== 这里可以等待你输入命令!


  • 空白键 :向下翻动一页;
  • [pagedown]:向下翻动一页;
  • [pageup] :向上翻动一页;
  • /字串 :向下搜寻『字串』的功能;
  • ?字串 :向上搜寻『字串』的功能;
  • n :重复前一个搜寻 (与 / 或 ? 有关!)
  • N :反向的重复前一个搜寻 (与 / 或 ? 有关!)
  • q :离开 less 这个程序;




head [-n number] 文件


  • -n :后面接数字,代表显示几行的意思
[root@www ~]# head /etc/man.config

默认的情况中,显示前面 10 行!若要显示前 20 行,就得要这样:

[root@www ~]# head -n 20 /etc/man.config




tail [-n number] 文件


  • -n :后面接数字,代表显示几行的意思
  • -f :表示持续侦测后面所接的档名,要等到按下[ctrl]-c才会结束tail的侦测
[root@www ~]# tail /etc/man.config # 默认的情况中,显示最后的十行!若要显示最后的 20 行,就得要这样: [root@www ~]# tail -n 20 /etc/man.config


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