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Detailed explanation of the introduction and usage of the die function

2018-05-09 15:30:365303browse

This article is a detailed analysis and introduction to the differences between die(), exit(), and return in PHP. Friends who need it can refer to die() to stop the program running. The output content exit is to stop the program running and does not output. The content return is the return value, die is to stop when an error is encountered, exit is to stop directly, and does not run subsequent code, exit() can display the content. return is a pure return value, but subsequent code will not be run. exit(0): run the program normally and exit the program; exit(1): abnormal operation causes the program to exit; return(): return function, if in the main function , the function will exit and return a value. In detail: 1. return returns the function value, which is a keyword; exit is a function. 2. Return is at the language level, which represents the return of the call stack; exit is at the system call level, which represents the end of a process. 3. Return is the exit (return) of the function; exit is the exit of the process. 4. retu

1. Analysis of the differences between die(), exit(), and return in php

Introduction: This article The article is a detailed analysis and introduction to the differences between die(), exit(), and return in PHP. Friends who need it can refer to

2. The use of linear-gradient Detailed explanation

Detailed explanation of the introduction and usage of the die function

Introduction: This time I will bring you a detailed explanation of the use of linear-gradient. Use linear-gradient What are the precautions? The following is a practical case, let’s take a look.

3. How to use linear-gradient linear gradient of CSS3

Detailed explanation of the introduction and usage of the die function

Introduction: This time I will bring you how to use the linear-gradient linear gradient of CSS3. What are the precautions for using the linear-gradient linear gradient of CSS3? The following is a practical case, let’s take a look.

4. Detailed explanation of linear-gradient and radial-gradient in CSS3

Introduction: This article mainly introduces about CSS The relevant information on gradients mainly shares the knowledge of linear-gradient and radial-gradient in CSS3, giving you another perspective on using gradients. The article introduces it in detail through sample codes. Friends who need it can refer to it. I hope it can help. Everyone.

5. jQuery.die() function usage detailed example

Detailed explanation of the introduction and usage of the die function

Introduction: The die() function is used to remove the event handler function of one or more events bound to the matching element. The die() function is mainly used to unblock the event processing function bound by the live() function. This function belongs to a jQuery object (instance).

6. Usage examples of die() method in jQuery

Detailed explanation of the introduction and usage of the die function

##Introduction: This article mainly introduces the usage of the die() method in jQuery. The example analyzes the function, definition and removal of one or more elements added to the specified element through the live() method. For tips on using event handlers, friends in need can refer to

7. Introduction to the use of jQuery’s .live() and .die()

Detailed explanation of the introduction and usage of the die function

Introduction: Many developers are aware of jQuery’s .live() method. Most of them know what this function does, but they don’t know what it does. I don’t know how it is implemented, so it’s not that comfortable to use. And they have never heard of the .die() method that unbinds the .live() event. Even if you are familiar with this, are you aware of .die()?

8. Magical conic-gradient cone gradient

Detailed explanation of the introduction and usage of the die function

Introduction: Thanks to Master LeaVerou for allowing us to use such wonderful attributes in advance. What is conic-gradient? Speaking of conic-gradient, we have to mention its other two brothers: linear-gradient: linear gradient radial-gradient: radial gradient. These two should be understood and used by many people.

9. Introduction to the replacement method of die, browser, live, sub, toggle deleted in jquery1.9

Detailed explanation of the introduction and usage of the die function

Introduction: Copyright belongs to the author. For commercial reprinting, please contact the author for authorization. For non-commercial reprinting, please indicate the source. Link: http://caibaojian.com/jquery1-9-tutorial.html Source: http://caibaojian.com There are several changes in jQuery 1.9, the most important ones are browser, live, die, sub mentioned in the title, Toggle these. If you encounter that the advanced version does not work but the lower version does, then you need to find out whether it is the impact of the version upgrade. I have also reprinted an article "API Guide for Upgrading and Deleting jQuery 1.9" before

10. live() and die() have been removed from jquery, and the new version of event binding Detailed explanation of the method of determining on() and off()

Detailed explanation of the introduction and usage of the die function

##Introduction: The editor will show you Here is an article about jquery that removes live() and die(), and the new event binding on() and off() methods. The editor thinks it’s pretty good, so I’ll share it with you now and give it as a reference. Let’s follow the editor and take a look

11. Detailed explanation of the use of .die() and .live() in jQuery

Detailed explanation of the introduction and usage of the die function

#Introduction: Many developers know jQuery’s .live() method. Most of them know what this function does, but they don’t know how to implement it. , so it’s not that comfortable to use. And they have never heard of the .die() method that unbinds the .live() event. Even if you are familiar with this, are you aware of .die()?

12. Detailed analysis of jQuery.die() function

Detailed explanation of the introduction and usage of the die function

Introduction: This function was added in jQuery 1.3. It was marked as obsolete starting from jQuery 1.7 and was removed in jQuery 1.9. It mainly has the following two forms of usage:

13. jQuery: Detailed explanation of the use of die()

Detailed explanation of the introduction and usage of the die function

Introduction: This article mainly introduces the usage of the die() method in jQuery. It analyzes the function, definition and removal of all the die() methods through live() with examples. This method adds one or more event handlers to the specified element. Friends who need it can refer to

14. php error control operator @ or die() Detailed explanation of example usage

Detailed explanation of the introduction and usage of the die function

## Introduction: PHP supports an error control operator: @. When placed before a PHP expression, any error message that expression may produce is ignored. If a custom error handling function is set with set_error_handler(), it will still be called, but this error handling function can (and should) call error_reporting(), and this function will return 0 when there is @ before the error statement.


die() function 10 recommended content


简介:赋值运算符号:=,+=,-=,*=,/=,%=,.=比较运算符号:>,<,==,>=,<=,===,!=,!==逻辑运算符 and或者&&、or或||、not或!、xorxor 不同为真,相同为假die()输出一条消息,并退出当前脚本<?php /** &

16. 浅谈 linear-gradient的实例用法总结

Detailed explanation of the introduction and usage of the die function

简介:XML布局文件在文件夹res/layout中存放着xml格式的布局文件布局方式主要是LinearLayout(线性布局) 、TableLayout(表格布局)、RelativeLayout(相对布局) 当然还有AbsoluteLayout、(绝对布局)、FrameLayout(帧布局)等等他们之间也可以通过嵌套达到更好的界面效果我按照个人的理解将常用的属性整理了一下可能不科学&...

17. 有关php die()函数的文章推荐10篇

Detailed explanation of the introduction and usage of the die function

简介:赋值运算符号:=,+=,-=,*=,/=,%=,.=比较运算符号:>,<,==,>=,<=,===,!=,!==逻辑运算符 and或者&&、or或||、not或!、xorxor 不同为真,相同为假die()输出一条消息,并退出当前脚本<?php /** &

18. 深入详解CSS3中斜向线性渐变lineaer-gradient

Detailed explanation of the introduction and usage of the die function

简介:一、问题没有想得那么简单 提问,使用CSS3 gradient渐变,在一个400*300的div层上实现一个(100px, 100px)到(200px, 200px)由红到黄的斜向线性渐变,该如何实现?  //zxx: 这里的讨论CSS3渐变都是基于新式规范写法,且忽略私有前缀  我们可能知道水平渐变的实现,类似这样:

19. 关于CSS3中linear-gradient参数的详解

Detailed explanation of the introduction and usage of the die function


20. CSS linear-gradient() 的语法详解

Detailed explanation of the introduction and usage of the die function

简介:CSS linear-gradient() 函数创建一个表示颜色线性渐变的 。该函数的结果是CSS 数据类型的对象。像任何其他渐变,CSS线性渐变不是一个CSS   ,而是一个没有内在尺寸的图像; 也就是说,它既不具有 固有的或首选的尺寸,也不具有比率。它的具体尺寸将与其适用的元素的尺寸匹配。  线性梯度由一个轴 (梯度线) 定义,其上的每个点具有不同的颜色。垂直线到渐变线有一种单一颜色,在渐变线上的一个点。

21. CSS3中linear-gradient的实例详解

Detailed explanation of the introduction and usage of the die function

简介:《CSS3 经典教程系列》的前一篇文章向大家详细介绍了 text-shadow 文本阴影特性的用法,今天这篇文章我们在一起来看看 CSS3 中实现渐变效果的 Gradient 属性的具体用法。在以前,渐变效果和阴影、圆角效果一样都是做成图片,直接编写  CSS 代码就可以实现。

22. Detailed explanation of how to use lineaer-gradient in CSS3

Detailed explanation of the introduction and usage of the die function

Introduction : This article introduces you to the use of lineaer-gradient in CSS3 in detail. I hope it will be helpful to your learning

23. Gradient compatible with multiple browsers Detailed explanation of how to write

Detailed explanation of the introduction and usage of the die function

Introduction: To be compatible with multiple browsers, you need to write corresponding CSS for each browser. Browsers that are too old can only use images as backgrounds. The following is the current support for gradients in the five major browsers

##24. In-depth understanding of CSS3 gradients (Gradients)

Detailed explanation of the introduction and usage of the die function

Introduction: CSS3 gradients allow you to display a smooth transition between two or more specified colors. Transition. Previously, you had to use images to achieve these effects. However, by using CSS3 gradients, you can reduce download events and bandwidth usage. Additionally, elements with gradients look better when zoomed in because the gradient is generated by the browser.

25. gradient gradient IE compatible processing method explanation

Detailed explanation of the introduction and usage of the die function

Introduction: This article explains in detail the gradient gradient IE compatible processing method

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