This article mainly shares with you a summary of the ultimate Linux penetration testing commands. The following is a penetration testing memo for Linux machines. They are some typical commands during later development or when performing command injection and other operations. They are designed for testers to perform local enumeration. For inspection purposes.
Command |
Description |
##netstat -tulpn
| Display the network port corresponding to the process ID (PID) in Linux.
watch ss -stplu
| Watch TCP, UDP ports in real time through sockets.
lsof -i
| Display confirmed connections.
macchanger -m MACADDR INTR
| Change the MAC address on KALI Linux.
ifconfig eth0
| Set the ID address in Linux.
ifconfig eth0:1
| Add an IP address to an existing network interface in Linux.
ifconfig eth0 hw ether MACADDR
| Use ifconfig to modify the MAC address in Linux.
ifconfig eth0 mtu 1500
| Use ifconfig in Linux to modify the MTU size and change 1500 to the MTU you want.
dig -x
| Perform a reverse lookup of the IP address.
| Perform reverse lookup on an IP address, suitable for situations where dig is not installed.
dig @ -t AXFR
| Use dig to perform a DNS zone transfer.
host -l nameserver
| Use host to perform a DNS zone transfer.
nbtstat -A x.x.x.x
| Get the domain name corresponding to the IP address.
ip addr add dev eth0
| Add a hidden IP address to Linux that will not be displayed when executing the ifconfig command.
tcpkill -9 host
| Block access to from the host.
echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
| Enable IP forwarding and turn the Linux box into a router - this is convenient Routing traffic is controlled through this box.
echo "" > /etc/resolv.conf
| Use Google's DNS.
System information command
is useful for local enumeration checks.
| Description
showLinux Currently logged in user. |
Displays the currently logged in users and groups to the user. |
Displays the last logged in user. |
Display the mounted driver. |
df -h
Display disk usage with human-readable output. |
echo "user:passwd" | chpasswd
Reset password with one line of command. |
getent passwd
List users on Linux. |
strings /usr/local/bin/blah
Display the contents of non-text files, for example: what is in a binary file. |
uname -ar
Displays the running kernel version. |
Add a new path to facilitate local file system (FS) operations. |
Displays the history of bash scripts executed by the user before, as well as the commands typed. |
Redhat/CentOS/RPM based distribution
YUM Command
RPM-based systems use a package manager. You can use these commands to get useful information about installed packages or other tools.
Description |
cat /etc/redhat-release
Displays the Redhat/CentOS version number. |
rpm -qa
List all installed RPM packages on RPM-based Linux. |
rpm -q --changelog openvpn
Check whether the installed RPM is patched for CVE. You can use the grep command to filter out output related to CVE. |
Command |
Description |
##yum update
| Use YUM updates all RPM packages and also shows which ones are out of date.
yum update httpd
| Update individual packages, in this case HTTPD (Apache).
yum install package
| Use YUM to install a package.
yum --exclude=package kernel* update
| Exclude a package from updating when using YUM.
yum remove package
| Use YUM to remove the package.
yum erase package
| Use YUM to delete the package.
yum list package
| List information about yum packages.
yum provides httpd
| Displays the purpose of a package, for example: Apache HTTPD Server.
yum info httpd
| Display package information, architecture, version and other information.
yum localinstall blah.rpm
| Use YUM to install the local RPM, install from the repository.
yum deplist package
| Display the provider information of the package.
yum list installed | more
| List all installed packages.
yum grouplist | more
| Display all YUM groups.
yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'
| Install YUM group.
Debian/Ubuntu/.deb based distribution
| Description
cat /etc/debian_version
| Displays the Debian version number.
cat /etc/*-release
| Display Ubuntu version number.
dpkg -l
| List all installed packages on Debian/.deb based Linux distributions.
Linux User Management
| Description
useradd new-user
| Create a new Linux user.
passwd username
| Reset the Linux user password. If you are the root user, just enter the password.
deluser username
| Delete a Linux user.
Linux decompression command
How to parse different compressed packages (tar, zip, gzip, bzip2, etc.) on Linux, and others Tips for searching and other operations in compressed files.
| Description
Extract the files in the zip package on Linux. |
zipgrep *.txt
Search in a zip archive. |
tar xf archive.tar
Extract the files in the tarball on Linux. |
tar xvzf archive.tar.gz
Extract the files in the tar.gz package on Linux. |
tar xjf archive.tar.bz2
Extract the files in the tar.bz2 package on Linux. |
tar ztvf file.tar.gz | grep blah
Search in a tar.gz file. |
gzip -d archive.gz
Extract files in gzip on Linux. |
zcat archive.gz
Read a gz file without decompression on Linux. |
zless archive.gz
Use fewer commands to achieve the same function of .gz compressed package. |
zgrep 'blah' /var/log/maillog*.gz
Search the contents of the .gz compressed package on Linux, for example, if the search is compressed log file. |
vim file.txt.gz
Use vim to read .txt.gz files (my personal favorite). |
upx -9 -o output.exe input.exe
Use UPX to compress .exe files on Linux. |
Linux Compression Command
Linux 文件命令
Description |
zip -r /dir/*
| Create a .zip file on Linux.
tar cf archive.tar files
Create a tar file on Linux. |
tar czf archive.tar.gz files
Create a tar.gz file on Linux. |
tar cjf archive.tar.bz2 files
Create a tar.bz2 file on Linux. |
gzip file
Create a .gz file on Linux. |
命令 |
描述 |
df -h blah |
在 Linux 上显示文件/目录的大小。 |
diff file1 file2 |
在 Linux 上比对/显示两个文件之间的差别。 |
md5sum file |
在 Linux 上生成 MD5 摘要。 |
md5sum -c blah.iso.md5 |
在 Linux 上检查文件的 MD5 摘要,这里假设文件和 .md5 处在相同的路径下。 |
file blah |
在 Linux 上查找出文件的类型,也会将文件是 32 还是 64 位显示出来。 |
dos2unix |
将 Windows 的行结束符转成 Unix/Linux 的。 |
base64 < input-file > output-file |
对输入文件进行 Base64 编码,然后输出一个叫做 output-file 的 Base64 编码文件。 |
base64 -d < input-file > output-file |
对输入文件进行 Base64 解码,然后输出一个叫做 output-file 的 Base64 解码文件。 |
touch -r ref-file new-file |
使用来自于引用文件的时间戳数据创建一个新文件,放上 -r 以简单地创建一个文件。 |
rm -rf |
不显示确认提示就删除文件和目录。 |
Samba 命令
从 Linux 连接到 Samba 共享。
$ smbmount //server/share /mnt/win -o user=username,password=password1 $ smbclient -U user \\\\server\\share $ mount -t cifs -o username=user,password=password //x.x.x.x/share /mnt/share
打破 shell 的限制
要谢谢 G0tmi1k((或者他参考过的内容)。
Python 小技巧:
python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
echo os.system('/bin/bash')
/bin/sh -i
Misc 命令
命令 |
描述 |
init 6 |
从命令行重启 Linux 。 |
gcc -o output.c input.c |
编译 C 代码。 |
gcc -m32 -o output.c input.c |
交叉编译 C 代码,在 64 位 Linux 上将编译出 32 位的二进制文件。 |
关闭 bash 历史日志记录功能。 |
rdesktop X.X.X.X |
从 Linux 连接到 RDP 服务器。 |
kill -9 $$ |
关掉当前的会话。 |
chown user:group blah |
修改文件或者目录的所有者。 |
chown -R user:group blah |
修改文件或者目录,以及目录下面文件/目录的拥有者 —— 递归执行 chown。 |
chmod 600 file |
修改文件/目录的权限设定, 详情见 [Linux 文件系统权限](#linux-file-system-permissions) 。 |
清除 bash 历史:
$ ssh user@X.X.X.X | cat /dev/null > ~/.bash_history
Linux 文件系统权限
取值 |
意义 |
777 |
rwxrwxrwx 没有限制,完全可读可写可执行(RWX),用户可以做任何事情。 |
755 |
rwxr-xr-x 拥有者可完全访问,其他人只能读取和执行文件。 |
700 |
rwx------ 拥有者可完全访问,其他人都不能访问。 |
666 |
rw-rw-rw- 所有人可以读取和写入,但不可执行。 |
644 |
rw-r--r-- 拥有者可以读取和写入,其他人只可以读取。 |
600 |
rw------- 拥有者可以读取和写入,其他人都不能访问。 |
Linux File System Penetration Testing Memo
Directory |
Description |
/ |
/ is also known as the "slash" or root. |
/bin |
A common program shared by the system, system administrators, and users. |
/boot |
Boot file, boot loader (grub), kernel, vmlinuz |
/dev |
Contains references to system devices and files with special attributes. |
/etc |
Important system configuration files. |
/home |
The home directory of the system user. |
/lib |
Library files, including files for all types of programs required by the system and users. |
/lost+found |
Failed file operations will be saved here. |
/mnt |
The standard mount point for external file systems. |
/media |
Mount point for external file systems (or some distributions). |
/net |
The standard mount point of the entire remote file system - nfs. |
/opt |
Generally contains some additional or third-party software. |
/proc |
A virtual file system that contains information about system resources. |
/root |
The home directory of the root user. |
/sbin |
A program used by systems and system administrators. |
/tmp |
The temporary space used by the system will be cleared when restarting. |
/usr |
Programs, libraries, documentation, etc. for use by all user-related programs. |
/var |
Stores all variable files and temporary files created by users, such as log files, mail queues, print spoolers, web servers, databases, etc. . |
Interesting Files/Directories in Linux
If you want to try privilege escalation/perform post-development, these are some commands worth checking out.
Path |
Description |
| Includes local Linux users.
| Contains the hashed local account password.
| Contains local account groups.
| Contains the service network initialization script - it should be worth taking a look at what is installed.
| The hostname of the system.
| Network interfaces.
| System DNS service.
| System environment variables.
| SSH key.
| User’s bash history log.
| Linux system log files are generally stored here.
| UNIX system log files are generally stored here.
/var/log/httpd/access.log | The usual path where Apache access log files exist.
| Mounted file system.
## Related recommendations:
mysql creation, deletion of users and authorization (linux test)_MySQL
How to use the sed command and awk command in linux
Linux command line summary
The above is the detailed content of Summary of Ultimate Linux Penetration Testing Commands. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!