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JAVA Beginner's Video Tutorial

Introduction >
Chapter1JAVA computer basics

computer overview

07 minutes33 seconds

Computer Hardware and Software Overview

06 minutes24 seconds

Software Development and Computer Languages ​​Overview

05 minutes39 seconds

human-computer interaction

03 minutes09 seconds

Keyboard function keys and shortcut keys

06 minutes34 seconds

How to open a DOS console

02 minutes45 seconds

Common DOS commands explained

11 minutes03 seconds

Extended DOS commands

06 minutes34 seconds
Chapter2JAVA language basics (1)

Java language overview

11 minutes03 seconds

Java language cross-platform principle

09 minutes08 seconds

Overview of JDK and JRE)

03 minutes30 seconds

JDK download process diagram

04 minutes39 seconds

JDK installation process diagram

04 minutes50 seconds

Illustration of the uninstallation process of JDK

04 minutes22 seconds

Introduction to Java development tools and introduction to JDK

04 minutes55 seconds

Writing and running the first HelloWorld case

06 minutes37 seconds

Summary of common problems in development

15 minutes36 seconds

Why configure the path environment variable

05 minutes46 seconds

How to configure Path environment variable 1

04 minutes44 seconds

How to configure Path environment variable 2

05 minutes24 seconds

The role of classpath and its configuration

06 minutes34 seconds

The difference between path and classpath

00 minutes49 seconds

Notepad++ installation and configuration

06 minutes55 seconds

Use Notepad++ to develop programs and compile and run them

01 minutes53 seconds
Chapter3JAVA language basics (2)

Overview and use of keywords

08 minutes02 seconds

Overview and composition rules for identifiers

08 minutes22 seconds

Common naming rules for identifiers

10 minutes43 seconds

Overview of annotations and their classification

09 minutes33 seconds

HelloWorld case added to annotated version

06 minutes31 seconds

The role of comments

06 minutes08 seconds

Overview and use of constants

09 minutes30 seconds

Overview of base systems and illustrations of binary, octal and hexadecimal systems

12 minutes17 seconds

Representation forms of different base data

06 minutes47 seconds

Conversion diagram from arbitrary base to decimal

10 minutes17 seconds

Exercises from arbitrary base to decimal

02 minutes49 seconds

Conversion diagram from decimal to arbitrary base

06 minutes52 seconds

Exercises from decimal to arbitrary base

03 minutes13 seconds

Fast base conversion method

11 minutes51 seconds

Explanation of the original code's complement

13 minutes57 seconds

Practice of inverting and complementing the original code

03 minutes02 seconds

Overview and format of variables

07 minutes25 seconds

Overview and classification of data types

08 minutes44 seconds

Define variables of different data types

09 minutes20 seconds

Things to note when using variables

10 minutes03 seconds

Data type conversion default conversion

07 minutes58 seconds

Illustration of variables of different data types participating in operations

07 minutes02 seconds

Data type conversion cast

05 minutes31 seconds

Questions about forced conversion

04 minutes15 seconds

What is the difference between adding variables and adding constants? Interview questions

09 minutes07 seconds

How to calculate the result after forced conversion of data overflow

08 minutes44 seconds

Character data participates in operations

04 minutes53 seconds

Strings participate in operations

03 minutes54 seconds
Chapter4JAVA language basics (3)

Several minor issues added to data types

14 minutes50 seconds

Basic usage of arithmetic operators

09 minutes46 seconds

Usage of arithmetic operators ++ and --

11 minutes33 seconds

Exercises with arithmetic operators ++ and --

05 minutes40 seconds

Various uses of arithmetic operator +

03 minutes56 seconds

Basic usage of assignment operators

05 minutes37 seconds

Assignment operator interview questions

04 minutes12 seconds

Basic usage of comparison operators and their precautions

09 minutes11 seconds

Basic usage of logical operators

12 minutes52 seconds

The difference between logical operators && and &

07 minutes24 seconds

Basic usage of bit operators 1

11 minutes06 seconds

Characteristics of bitwise XOR operator

03 minutes04 seconds

Bit operations interview questions

09 minutes52 seconds

Basic usage of bit operators 2 and interview questions

13 minutes09 seconds

Basic usage of ternary operator

06 minutes59 seconds

Exercises with the ternary operator

10 minutes26 seconds

An explanation of the basic format of keyboard entry

07 minutes14 seconds

Keyboard entry exercise 1

06 minutes31 seconds

Keyboard entry exercise 2

04 minutes49 seconds

sequential structure statement

04 minutes44 seconds

Select structure if statement format 1

08 minutes08 seconds

Things to note when choosing a structure if statement

09 minutes02 seconds

Select structure if statement format 2

05 minutes16 seconds

Exercises for selecting structure if statement format 2

06 minutes03 seconds

Conversion problem between format 2 of if statement and ternary

08 minutes07 seconds

Select structure if statement format 3

16 minutes26 seconds

Exercises for selecting structure if statement format 3

06 minutes11 seconds

Exercises for selecting structure if statement format 3

12 minutes41 seconds

Nested use of selection structure if statements

04 minutes49 seconds
Chapter5JAVA language basics (4)

The format and explanation of the select structure switch statement

08 minutes28 seconds

Basic use of the switch statement in the selection structure

09 minutes57 seconds

Things to note when choosing a structural switch statement

10 minutes39 seconds

Select structure switch statement exercise 1 to see the program writing results

01 minutes26 seconds

Select structure switch statement exercise 2 multiple choice questions

08 minutes25 seconds

Select structure switch statement exercise 3 expression is a string

04 minutes51 seconds

Respective usage scenarios of the selection structure switch and if statements

08 minutes28 seconds

Loop Structure Loop Statement Overview

04 minutes13 seconds

The format and basic use of the loop structure for statement

08 minutes43 seconds

Things to note about the loop structure for statement

01 minutes37 seconds

Exercise 1 of loop structure for statement to obtain data

04 minutes10 seconds

Exercise 2 Summing Thoughts of Loop Structure for Statement

07 minutes55 seconds

Exercise 3 of even sum of loop structure for statement

05 minutes00 seconds

Exercise 4 factorial of loop structure for statement

03 minutes23 seconds

Exercise 5 Narcissus of loop structure for statement

11 minutes40 seconds

Exercise 6 of improved version of palindrome number for loop structure for statement

03 minutes58 seconds

Exercise 7 Statistical Thoughts on Loop Structure for Statement

04 minutes40 seconds

Exercise 8 of the loop structure for statement while taking the remainder problem

05 minutes22 seconds

The format and basic use of the while statement in the loop structure

05 minutes49 seconds

Exercise 1 Summation Thoughts of Loop Structure While Statement

03 minutes59 seconds

Exercise 2 Statistical Thoughts on Loop Structure While Statement

04 minutes26 seconds

The difference between loop structure while statement and for statement

07 minutes25 seconds

Practice Everest of loop structure while statement

07 minutes44 seconds

The format and basic use of the loop structure do...while statement

05 minutes41 seconds

Differences between three types of loop statements in loop structures

03 minutes20 seconds

Loop structure loop precautions - infinite loop

05 minutes32 seconds

Loop structure loop nesting outputs stars in 4 rows and 5 columns

10 minutes55 seconds

Loop structure loop nesting output equilateral triangle

06 minutes31 seconds

Loop structure multiplication table

07 minutes33 seconds

Control jump statement break statement

11 minutes17 seconds

Control jump statement continue statement

05 minutes24 seconds

Control jump statement return statement

03 minutes44 seconds

The combination of while statement and break uses Xiaofang to save money

10 minutes18 seconds
Chapter6JAVA language basics (5)

Method overview and format description

10 minutes18 seconds

Method definition summation case

06 minutes57 seconds

Method calls with clear return values

07 minutes31 seconds

Method call diagram

07 minutes00 seconds

Exercise 1 of the method to get the larger of two numbers

07 minutes02 seconds

Method Exercise 2 Compare two numbers for equality

05 minutes40 seconds

Method Exercise 3: Obtain the maximum value of three numbers

05 minutes56 seconds

Notes on methods

04 minutes27 seconds

Method call Definition and call of void type method

08 minutes37 seconds

Exercise 4 of the method outputs a star based on the number of rows and columns

03 minutes41 seconds

Method Exercise 5: Output the corresponding multiplication table based on keyboard input

03 minutes19 seconds

Overview and basic usage of method overloading

11 minutes00 seconds

Method overloading practice comparing data for equality

04 minutes40 seconds

Array overview and definition format instructions

09 minutes24 seconds

Initialization of arrays Dynamic initialization

12 minutes44 seconds

Memory allocation in Java and the difference between stack and heap

15 minutes13 seconds

Memory diagram of array 1 an array

08 minutes02 seconds

Array memory diagram 2 two arrays

09 minutes09 seconds

Array memory diagram 3 three arrays

14 minutes30 seconds

Initialization of arrays, static initialization and memory map

07 minutes17 seconds

Two common minor problems with array operations: out-of-bounds and null pointers

05 minutes17 seconds

Array operation 1 traversal

13 minutes31 seconds

Array operation 2 obtains the maximum value

11 minutes35 seconds

Array operations 3 reverse order

11 minutes29 seconds

Array operations 4 table lookup method

03 minutes52 seconds

Array operations 5 basic search

10 minutes39 seconds

Overview of two-dimensional arrays and explanation of format 1

15 minutes11 seconds

Memory diagram of two-dimensional array format 1

05 minutes28 seconds

Explanation of two-dimensional array format 2

07 minutes53 seconds

Memory diagram of two-dimensional array format 2

07 minutes47 seconds

Explanation of two-dimensional array format 3

06 minutes30 seconds

Memory diagram of two-dimensional array format 3

06 minutes28 seconds

Two-dimensional array exercise 1 traversal

10 minutes24 seconds

Two-dimensional array exercise 2 summation

05 minutes29 seconds

Two-dimensional array exercise 3 Yang Hui triangle

12 minutes17 seconds

Question 1: Parameter passing issues and illustrations in Java

15 minutes46 seconds

Thinking Question 2 Analysis of Encryption Issues

09 minutes16 seconds

Question 2 Implementation of the code for encryption issues

10 minutes43 seconds

Question 2: Code improvements for encryption issues

09 minutes30 seconds
Chapter7JAVA object-oriented (1)

Introduction of ideas and overview of process-oriented ideas

04 minutes51 seconds

Overview of ideas and examples

15 minutes42 seconds

Elephant put into refrigerator case

13 minutes10 seconds

development, design and features

03 minutes12 seconds

Classes and Objects

08 minutes14 seconds

Overview of class definitions and analysis of student classes

05 minutes22 seconds

Definition of student class

04 minutes41 seconds

Definition of mobile phone category

03 minutes55 seconds

Student use

11 minutes13 seconds

Use of mobile phones

04 minutes21 seconds

The memory map of an object

13 minutes01 seconds

Memory map of two objects

14 minutes09 seconds

Memory map of three objects

11 minutes32 seconds

The difference between member variables and local variables

11 minutes21 seconds

How to call the method when the formal parameter is the class name

11 minutes00 seconds

Overview and applications of anonymous objects

11 minutes33 seconds

Package overview

18 minutes01 seconds

Encapsulation benefits and design principles

03 minutes07 seconds

Overview and characteristics of the private keyword

05 minutes25 seconds

Private application standard cases

08 minutes06 seconds

Overview and application of this keyword

09 minutes32 seconds

Memory diagram of this keyword

13 minutes00 seconds

Standard mobile phone code and its testing

05 minutes36 seconds

Constructor method overview and format

06 minutes40 seconds

(Overloading and precautions of constructor methods

12 minutes06 seconds

Classification and use of member methods

06 minutes49 seconds

Code and tests for a standard student class

08 minutes51 seconds

A standard mobile phone code and test

06 minutes40 seconds

What is done to create the object

10 minutes06 seconds

When to define member variables

09 minutes43 seconds

Rectangle case exercise

09 minutes44 seconds
Chapter8JAVA object-oriented (2)

Employee case exercises

10 minutes12 seconds

Implement addition, subtraction, multiplication and division by yourself and test it

05 minutes56 seconds

Introduction of static keyword

10 minutes21 seconds

Characteristics of static keyword

08 minutes50 seconds

static memory diagram

16 minutes04 seconds

Precautions for static

08 minutes47 seconds

The difference between static variables and member variables

01 minutes40 seconds

Detailed explanation of the format of the main method

07 minutes50 seconds

Use static in tool classes

11 minutes16 seconds

Improvement of tools

06 minutes30 seconds

Instructions making process

13 minutes05 seconds

Use of tools and instructions

07 minutes00 seconds

How to use the help documentation provided by JDK

13 minutes07 seconds

Learn the random number function of Math class through JDK help documentation

08 minutes48 seconds

Guess the number game case

09 minutes30 seconds

Overview and classification of code blocks

14 minutes19 seconds

Code block to see program writing results

06 minutes52 seconds

Introduction and overview of inheritance

07 minutes45 seconds

Inheritance cases and benefits of inheritance

07 minutes09 seconds

Disadvantages of inheritance

03 minutes09 seconds

Inheritance characteristics of classes in Java

06 minutes48 seconds

Note on implementation of inheritance and when to use inheritance

12 minutes10 seconds

Relationship between member variables in inheritance

08 minutes09 seconds

The difference and application of this and super

07 minutes18 seconds

The relationship between constructors and methods in inheritance

07 minutes43 seconds

Things to note about constructors in inheritance

09 minutes42 seconds

Interview questions in inheritance 1

03 minutes48 seconds

Interview questions 2 in inheritance

04 minutes01 seconds

Interview questions 3 in inheritance

08 minutes18 seconds

Member method relationship in inheritance

04 minutes44 seconds

Application of method overriding

11 minutes46 seconds

Things to note about method overriding

07 minutes21 seconds

Two interview questions

04 minutes29 seconds

Using student and teacher cases before inheritance

05 minutes54 seconds

Student and teacher cases using inheritance

07 minutes14 seconds

Cat and dog case analysis

05 minutes09 seconds

Cat and dog case implementation and testing

09 minutes43 seconds
Chapter9JAVA object-oriented (3)

final keyword introduction

05 minutes41 seconds

The final keyword modifies the characteristics of classes, methods and variables

06 minutes08 seconds

The final keyword modifies local variables

08 minutes43 seconds

Initialization timing of final modified variables

05 minutes25 seconds

Overview and prerequisites for polymorphism

05 minutes06 seconds

Provide code reflection according to the premise of polymorphism

03 minutes41 seconds

Member access characteristics in polymorphism

09 minutes07 seconds

Advantages of polymorphism

20 minutes21 seconds

Disadvantages of polymorphism

02 minutes51 seconds

Upcasting and downcasting in polymorphism

07 minutes21 seconds

The case of Confucius pretending to be a father explains the phenomenon of polymorphism

09 minutes33 seconds

Memory diagram in polymorphic inheritance

09 minutes32 seconds

Memory diagram of object changes in polymorphism

13 minutes11 seconds

Cat and dog case polymorphic version

06 minutes14 seconds

Cases of Northerners and Southerners

07 minutes16 seconds

Polymorphic exercises to see program writing results

05 minutes52 seconds

Introduction of abstract classes

02 minutes44 seconds

Characteristics of abstract classes

13 minutes21 seconds

Characteristics of members of abstract classes

07 minutes54 seconds

Abstract class practice cat and dog case

11 minutes46 seconds

Abstract practice teacher case

07 minutes46 seconds

Abstract practice student case

09 minutes58 seconds

Abstract class practice employee case

17 minutes16 seconds

Small problems in abstract classes

06 minutes19 seconds

Introduction of interface

02 minutes39 seconds

Interface characteristics

09 minutes19 seconds

Interface member characteristics

12 minutes55 seconds

The relationship between classes, classes and interfaces, and interfaces

08 minutes08 seconds

The difference between abstract class and interface

04 minutes27 seconds

Cat and dog case adding high jump function analysis

04 minutes20 seconds

Cat and dog case adds high jump function code implementation

08 minutes45 seconds

Teacher and student cases add smoking function analysis and code implementation

09 minutes50 seconds
Chapter10JAVA object-oriented (4)

Athletes and coaches case studies

10 minutes13 seconds

Athletes and coaches case implementation

14 minutes35 seconds

Athletes and Coaches Case Tests

05 minutes52 seconds

Class name as formal parameter

07 minutes50 seconds

Abstract class name as formal parameter

05 minutes56 seconds

Interface name as formal parameter

05 minutes31 seconds

Class name as return value type

05 minutes41 seconds

Abstract class name as return value type

03 minutes59 seconds

Interface name as return value type

03 minutes23 seconds

chain programming

04 minutes44 seconds

Overview and function of package keyword

05 minutes39 seconds

Package definition and precautions

02 minutes51 seconds

Compile and run packaged classes

06 minutes26 seconds

Access between classes in different packages

07 minutes28 seconds

Overview and use of the import keyword

04 minutes12 seconds

Testing of four permission modifiers

13 minutes34 seconds

Common modifiers used by classes and their components

12 minutes15 seconds

Internal class overview and access characteristics

05 minutes13 seconds

Internal class classification and direct use of member internal classes

07 minutes50 seconds

Common modifiers and applications of member inner classes

14 minutes36 seconds

Interview questions for member internal classes

04 minutes53 seconds

Problem with local inner class accessing local variables

11 minutes31 seconds

Format and understanding of anonymous inner classes

05 minutes50 seconds

Anonymous inner class method call

04 minutes31 seconds

Application of anonymous inner classes in development

06 minutes38 seconds

Anonymous inner class interview questions

06 minutes32 seconds
Chapter11JAVA development tools

Introduction to common development tools

05 minutes32 seconds

Overview of Eclipse and MyEclipse

08 minutes19 seconds

Download, install and uninstall Eclipse

06 minutes58 seconds

How to write a HelloWorld case in Eclipse

15 minutes45 seconds

How to compile and run programs in Eclipse

04 minutes00 seconds

Eclipse Chinese translation and grammar checking tips

08 minutes09 seconds

Eclipse windows and views overview

09 minutes01 seconds

Basic configuration of Eclipse workspace

12 minutes09 seconds

How to use content auxiliary keys in Eclipse

05 minutes32 seconds

How to use shortcut keys in Eclipse

13 minutes44 seconds

Automatic generation of constructor and get_set methods in Eclipse

06 minutes07 seconds

Simplification of inheriting abstract classes or implementing interfaces in Eclipse

05 minutes02 seconds

How to write a standard student class and its test in Eclipse

04 minutes35 seconds

Write high jump interface abstract animal class and concrete animal subclass in Eclipse

05 minutes42 seconds

How to generate a jar package in Eclipse and import it into a new project

05 minutes51 seconds

How to create help documents and use jar packages in Eclipse

05 minutes44 seconds

How to delete projects and import projects in Eclipse

04 minutes06 seconds

Small issues to pay attention to when importing projects into Eclipse

04 minutes51 seconds

Things to note when receiving projects during Eclipse development

03 minutes04 seconds

Basic use of debug in Eclipse

14 minutes52 seconds

Eclipse looks at parameter passing issues in Java

07 minutes51 seconds

API overview

03 minutes25 seconds

Learn the similarities and differences between Chinese and programming languages

07 minutes28 seconds

Overview of Object class

03 minutes34 seconds

hashCode() method of Object class

04 minutes49 seconds

getClass() method of Object class

04 minutes07 seconds

toString() method of Object class

13 minutes04 seconds

equals() method of Object class

13 minutes19 seconds

Code optimization of equals() method of Object class

11 minutes20 seconds

finalize() method and clone() method of Object class

11 minutes38 seconds
Chapter12JAVA common objects (1)

Scanner overview and construction method principles

09 minutes51 seconds

Explanation of hasNextXxx() and nextXxx() methods of Scanner class

06 minutes22 seconds

Scanner to obtain data minor problems and solutions

11 minutes02 seconds

Overview of the String class

05 minutes08 seconds

String class constructor

13 minutes14 seconds

Characteristics of String cannot be changed once assigned

07 minutes48 seconds

The difference between String literal objects and objects created by constructors

06 minutes55 seconds

String interview questions look at the program writing results

05 minutes13 seconds

Judgment function of String class

12 minutes09 seconds

Simulated user login case

08 minutes17 seconds

Breakpoint to view simulated user login case

04 minutes10 seconds

The enhanced version of the simulated user login case joins the guessing game

05 minutes37 seconds

Breakpoint view simulated user login case enhanced version joins the guessing game

04 minutes28 seconds

Get function of String class

13 minutes26 seconds

String traversal

04 minutes18 seconds

Cases of counting the number of uppercase, lowercase and numeric characters

08 minutes43 seconds

Breakpoint to view statistics on the number of uppercase, lowercase and numeric characters

02 minutes50 seconds

Conversion function of String class

12 minutes04 seconds

Convert the first letter of the string to uppercase and the rest to lowercase

05 minutes18 seconds

Other functions of String class

07 minutes01 seconds

Source code analysis of compareTo() method of String class

10 minutes26 seconds

A case of concatenating int arrays into strings

05 minutes28 seconds

An improved version of the case of concatenating int arrays into strings

02 minutes45 seconds

String reversal case

07 minutes38 seconds

Illustration of case ideas for finding the number of occurrences of a small string in a large string

09 minutes18 seconds

Case code implementation of finding the number of occurrences of a small string in a large string

07 minutes03 seconds

Find the number of occurrences of a small string in a large string case code optimization

02 minutes38 seconds

Breakpoint to view the case of finding the number of occurrences of a small string in a large string

03 minutes53 seconds

Overview of StringBuffer

12 minutes13 seconds

Constructor method of StringBuffer class

09 minutes22 seconds

Added functionality to StringBuffer

09 minutes03 seconds

StringBuffer deletion function

06 minutes42 seconds

StringBuffer replacement function

03 minutes13 seconds
Chapter13JAVA common objects (2)

StringBuffer reverse function

02 minutes26 seconds

StringBuffer interception function

04 minutes08 seconds

Conversion between StringBuffer and String

07 minutes18 seconds

Example of concatenating arrays into strings in a specified format

05 minutes17 seconds

String reversal function example

05 minutes25 seconds

Determine whether a string is symmetrical case

07 minutes17 seconds

Two small interview questions about StringBuffer

06 minutes08 seconds

String and StringBuffer are passed as parameters respectively

09 minutes48 seconds

Illustration of the principle of advanced bubble sorting of arrays

14 minutes14 seconds

Array advanced bubble sort code implementation

12 minutes15 seconds

Illustration of the principle of advanced selection sorting of arrays

12 minutes55 seconds

Array advanced selection sort code implementation

08 minutes17 seconds

Sorting characters in a string case

04 minutes32 seconds

Illustration of the principle of advanced binary search in arrays

11 minutes16 seconds

Array advanced binary search code implementation

07 minutes22 seconds

Things to note when using binary search

03 minutes01 seconds

Overview and use of Arrays tool class

07 minutes37 seconds

Source code analysis of Arrays tool class

14 minutes20 seconds

Introduction of basic type wrapper classes

08 minutes28 seconds

Integer constructor

04 minutes03 seconds

Conversion between String and int types

09 minutes09 seconds

Operation of base conversion in Integer

09 minutes14 seconds

New features of JDK5: automatic boxing and unboxing

08 minutes47 seconds

Interview questions about direct assignment of Integer

08 minutes51 seconds

Overview of Character

03 minutes17 seconds

Explanation of common methods of Character

04 minutes18 seconds

Count the number of uppercase, lowercase and number occurrences in a string

05 minutes51 seconds

How to verify a QQ number case

09 minutes30 seconds

Overview and basic use of regular expressions

04 minutes28 seconds

Regular expression composition rules

13 minutes14 seconds

Regular expression judgment function

07 minutes35 seconds

Verification email case

07 minutes47 seconds

Regular expression split function

08 minutes28 seconds
Chapter14JAVA common objects (3)

A small exercise in splitting functions

05 minutes16 seconds

Sorting numbers in a string case

06 minutes40 seconds

Regular expression replacement function

06 minutes02 seconds

Overview of Patterns and Matchers

06 minutes07 seconds

Regular expression acquisition function

09 minutes37 seconds

Math class overview and method usage

17 minutes10 seconds

How to get random number cases in any range

07 minutes49 seconds

Overview and method usage of Random class

08 minutes54 seconds

An explanation of the garbage collection method gc() in the System class

09 minutes11 seconds

Explanation of exit() and currentTimeMillis() in System class

09 minutes07 seconds

Explanation of arraycopy() in System class

06 minutes05 seconds

Overview and construction method of BigInteger

05 minutes20 seconds

The use of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of BigInteger

04 minutes20 seconds

Introduction and overview of BigDecimal

06 minutes53 seconds

Use of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of BigDecimal

07 minutes49 seconds

Overview and construction method of Date

06 minutes48 seconds

Conversion between date and milliseconds in Date class

03 minutes33 seconds

DateFormat implements mutual conversion between dates and strings

18 minutes27 seconds

Writing and testing cases for date tool classes

09 minutes37 seconds

How many days have you been in this world? Case Study

06 minutes47 seconds

Overview of the Calendar class and methods for obtaining calendar fields

11 minutes15 seconds

add() and set() methods of Calendar class

06 minutes08 seconds

How to get the number of days in February of any year

06 minutes32 seconds
Chapter15JAVA collection framework (1)

JAVA collection framework (1)

10 minutes41 seconds

Memory diagram for array of objects

08 minutes19 seconds

The origin of sets and their differences from arrays

07 minutes56 seconds

Collection inheritance system diagram

10 minutes26 seconds

Collection function overview

13 minutes06 seconds

Basic functional testing of Collection collection

11 minutes55 seconds

Advanced functional testing of Collections

09 minutes43 seconds

Collection traversal, set to array traversal

06 minutes16 seconds

Collection stores custom objects and iterates through cases

05 minutes35 seconds

Iterator traversal of collections

08 minutes55 seconds

Collection stores custom objects and iterates through cases

04 minutes59 seconds

Discussion on issues using iterators

05 minutes21 seconds

Illustration of steps for using collections

07 minutes12 seconds

The principle and source code analysis of iterators

14 minutes36 seconds

Collection stores strings and traverses

04 minutes12 seconds

Collection stores student objects and traverses

06 minutes49 seconds

List stores strings and traverses

02 minutes59 seconds

Characteristics of List collection

05 minutes51 seconds

List stores student objects and traverses

02 minutes52 seconds

Overview and testing of unique features of List collection

10 minutes42 seconds

Unique traversal function of List collection

04 minutes01 seconds

List stores custom objects and traverses

04 minutes00 seconds

Unique functions of ListIterator

10 minutes54 seconds

Causes and solutions of concurrent modification exceptions

09 minutes22 seconds

Data structures stack and queue

11 minutes05 seconds

Data structures arrays and linked lists

17 minutes20 seconds

Characteristics of the three subclasses of List

07 minutes41 seconds

ArrayList stores strings and traverses

05 minutes15 seconds

ArrayList stores custom objects and traverses

05 minutes15 seconds

Vector’s unique features

07 minutes26 seconds

Unique functions of LinkedList

06 minutes44 seconds

Remove duplicate string elements from the ArrayList collection Case 1

08 minutes29 seconds

Breakpoint view to remove duplicate elements case 1

03 minutes20 seconds

Remove duplicate string elements from the ArrayList collection Case 2

08 minutes54 seconds
Chapter16JAVA collection framework (2)

Case of removing duplicate custom object elements from ArrayList collection

09 minutes46 seconds

Collection code to implement stack structure using LinkedList

04 minutes14 seconds

Use LinkedList to simulate a collection of stack data structures and merge test cases

06 minutes53 seconds

Generics Overview and Basic Usage

14 minutes59 seconds

ArrayList stores strings and traverses the generic version

03 minutes42 seconds

ArrayList stores custom objects and traverses the generic version

07 minutes48 seconds

Introducing generics through Object transformation issues

06 minutes04 seconds

Overview and use of generic classes

08 minutes42 seconds

Overview and use of generic methods

08 minutes51 seconds

Overview and use of generic interfaces

05 minutes47 seconds

Advanced generic wildcards

08 minutes04 seconds

Enhance the overview and use of for

10 minutes42 seconds

ArrayList stores strings and traverses the enhanced for version

02 minutes46 seconds

ArrayList stores custom objects and traverses the enhanced for version

06 minutes52 seconds

Overview and use of static imports

06 minutes05 seconds

Overview and use of variable parameters

09 minutes44 seconds

Use of the asList() method of the Arrays tool class

05 minutes36 seconds

Case illustration of collection nested storage and traversal elements

07 minutes28 seconds

Case code implementation of collection nested storage and traversal elements

08 minutes07 seconds

Generating 10 random numbers between 1 and 20 requires that the random numbers cannot be repeated.

06 minutes35 seconds

Case of inputting multiple data with the keyboard and outputting the maximum value on the console

09 minutes43 seconds

Source code analysis of toString() method of ArrayList collection

09 minutes57 seconds

User login registration case analysis illustration

09 minutes05 seconds

Detailed analysis of user login registration cases and implementation of subcontracting

09 minutes42 seconds

User login registration case implementation of user basic description class and user operation interface

05 minutes43 seconds

User login registration case specific implementation of user operation class

04 minutes47 seconds

Implementation of user test class for user login registration case

13 minutes35 seconds

User login registration case user test class small problem solving

04 minutes01 seconds

User login registration case join the guessing number game

08 minutes55 seconds

Console shopping management system function demonstration

13 minutes59 seconds

Set collection overview and characteristics

07 minutes22 seconds

HashSet stores strings and traverses

02 minutes58 seconds

Source code analysis of HashSet to ensure element uniqueness

20 minutes19 seconds
Chapter17JAVA collection framework (3)

HashSet stores custom objects and traverses

06 minutes25 seconds

HashSet code implementation and illustration to ensure element uniqueness

26 minutes03 seconds

HashSet stores custom objects and iterates through exercises

08 minutes07 seconds

Overview and use of LinkedHashSet

03 minutes34 seconds

TreeSet stores elements of type Integer and traverses them

05 minutes46 seconds

Source code analysis of TreeSet to ensure element sorting

11 minutes21 seconds

The principles and diagrams of TreeSet to ensure element uniqueness and natural ordering

12 minutes28 seconds

TreeSet stores custom objects and traverses exercise 1

12 minutes26 seconds

TreeSet stores custom objects and traverses Exercise 2

06 minutes10 seconds

The principle and code implementation of TreeSet to ensure element uniqueness and comparator sorting

10 minutes05 seconds

Reinterpretation of the source code of TreeSet's add() method and summary of TreeSet's sorting of elements

06 minutes47 seconds

Generate 10 random numbers between 1-20 and require that the random numbers cannot be repeated. Simple version of the case

04 minutes05 seconds

Case study of inputting student information with the keyboard and sorting it by total score and then outputting it on the console

14 minutes43 seconds

Map collection overview and features

10 minutes34 seconds

Function overview of Map collection

08 minutes08 seconds

Basic functional testing of Map collection

12 minutes53 seconds

Map collection acquisition function test

04 minutes53 seconds

Map collection traversal to find the key value

07 minutes20 seconds

Traversing the Map collection to find the key and value of the key-value pair object

07 minutes19 seconds

Comparison of two methods of Map collection traversal

11 minutes06 seconds

A case where the HashMap collection key is Stirng and the value is String

07 minutes36 seconds

A case where the HashMap collection key is an Integer and the value is a String

05 minutes35 seconds

The case where the HashMap collection key is String and the value is Student

05 minutes28 seconds

The case where the HashMap collection key is Student and the value is String

06 minutes04 seconds

Overview and use of LinkedHashMap

03 minutes58 seconds

TreeMap collection key is a String value is a case of String

04 minutes13 seconds

The case where the TreeMap collection key is Student and the value is String

07 minutes05 seconds

Case illustration of counting the number of occurrences of each character in a string

10 minutes32 seconds

Case code implementation for counting the number of occurrences of each character in a string

07 minutes51 seconds

Breakpoint to view statistics of the number of occurrences of each character in a string

06 minutes02 seconds

Case of HashMap collection nested HashMap collection

11 minutes27 seconds

Case of HashMap collection nested ArrayList collection

04 minutes38 seconds

Case of ArrayList collection nested HashMap collection

03 minutes56 seconds
Chapter18JAVA collection framework (4)

Aggregate multiple levels of nested data analysis

07 minutes36 seconds

Collection of multi-level nested code manifestations

12 minutes40 seconds

The difference between HashMap and Hashtable

06 minutes17 seconds

Overview of the Collections utility class

02 minutes47 seconds

Explanation of common methods of Collections tool class

08 minutes30 seconds

ArrayList stores custom objects and sorts cases

10 minutes00 seconds

Simulate the card shuffling and dealing of Landlords

14 minutes53 seconds

Illustration of the principle of simulating the card shuffling, dealing and sorting of cards in Landlord

08 minutes28 seconds

Code implementation to simulate Doudizhu shuffling and dealing cards and sorting the cards

14 minutes48 seconds

Summary of characteristics and data structures of collections

10 minutes23 seconds

How to choose which collection to use?

05 minutes28 seconds

Summary of common functions and traversal methods of various collections

05 minutes13 seconds
Chapter19JAVA IO stream (1)

Overview of IO streaming technology

13 minutes25 seconds

Overview and classification of exceptions

15 minutes27 seconds

How the JVM handles exceptions by default

05 minutes01 seconds

Handling exceptions using try...catch 1

09 minutes06 seconds

Handling exceptions using try...catch 2

15 minutes12 seconds

JDK7’s handling solution for multiple exceptions

05 minutes12 seconds

The difference between compile-time exceptions and run-time exceptions

07 minutes21 seconds

Several common methods of Throwable

10 minutes54 seconds

Handling exceptions using throws

09 minutes15 seconds

Overview of throw and the difference from throws

08 minutes01 seconds

How to handle exceptions?

02 minutes26 seconds

Characteristics and functions of finally keyword

08 minutes13 seconds

Interview questions: The difference between final, finally and finalize

05 minutes39 seconds

Interview question: If there is return before finally

07 minutes04 seconds

An overview of variations in exception handling and custom exceptions

05 minutes43 seconds

Implementation and testing of custom exceptions

09 minutes35 seconds

Unusual precautions

07 minutes03 seconds

Overview and construction method of File class

08 minutes56 seconds

File class creation function

16 minutes14 seconds

Delete function of File class

10 minutes12 seconds

Renaming function of File class

05 minutes05 seconds

Judgment function of File class

04 minutes13 seconds

File class acquisition function

05 minutes39 seconds

Advanced acquisition functions of File class

04 minutes44 seconds

Example of outputting the file name with the specified suffix in the specified directory

04 minutes04 seconds

File filter improvement case for outputting file names with specified suffixes in specified directories

09 minutes16 seconds

Source code of list() method with file name filter

04 minutes13 seconds

Batch modification of file names case

13 minutes32 seconds

Recursion overview and considerations

16 minutes04 seconds

Ideas and illustrations of recursive problem solving

11 minutes10 seconds

Code implementation and memory diagram for recursively finding factorial

11 minutes26 seconds

Breakpoint to view the execution process of recursive factorial calculation

02 minutes03 seconds

Immortal Rabbit Problem Case

14 minutes01 seconds
Chapter20JAVA IO stream (2)

Example of recursively outputting the absolute paths of all java files in a specified directory

07 minutes30 seconds

Recursively delete directory with content case

06 minutes39 seconds

Breakpoint to view the execution process of deleting a directory with content

05 minutes14 seconds

Overview and classification of IO flows

10 minutes23 seconds

Overview of IO stream base class and a simple requirements analysis

06 minutes11 seconds

Constructor of FileOutputStream

08 minutes53 seconds

FileOutputStream writes data

09 minutes56 seconds

Three write() methods of FileOutputStream

06 minutes43 seconds

FileOutputStream writes data to implement line breaks and append writing

10 minutes07 seconds

FileOutputStream writes data and adds exception handling

07 minutes45 seconds

FileInputStream reads data

12 minutes34 seconds

Byte stream copy text file case 1

08 minutes26 seconds

How does the computer recognize and concatenate two bytes into Chinese?

03 minutes36 seconds

Byte stream copy text file case 2

02 minutes45 seconds

Byte stream copy picture case

02 minutes57 seconds

Byte stream copy video case 1

04 minutes40 seconds

FileInputStream reads data one byte array at a time

17 minutes58 seconds

Comparison of two ways to read data using FileInputStream

07 minutes54 seconds

Byte stream copy text file case 3

03 minutes37 seconds

Byte stream copy video case 2

02 minutes48 seconds

BufferedOutputStream writes data

09 minutes12 seconds

BufferedInputStream reads data

04 minutes15 seconds

Four ways of byte stream copying MP4 and testing efficiency

10 minutes44 seconds

Reasons and formats for the occurrence of conversion streams

07 minutes16 seconds

Overview of coding tables and common coding tables

15 minutes02 seconds

Encoding and decoding issues in String class

14 minutes09 seconds

Use of conversion stream OutputStreamWriter

08 minutes59 seconds

Use of conversion stream InputStreamReader

05 minutes13 seconds

5 ways to write data in character streams

12 minutes20 seconds

Two ways to read data from character streams

03 minutes42 seconds

Character stream copy text file case 1

05 minutes48 seconds

Character stream copy text file case 2

08 minutes41 seconds

Character stream copy text file case 3

03 minutes29 seconds
Chapter21JAVA IO stream (3)

The use of character buffer output stream BufferedWriter

05 minutes05 seconds

The use of character buffer input stream BufferedReader

02 minutes59 seconds

Character buffer stream copy text file case 1

03 minutes22 seconds

Special features of character buffer streams

08 minutes07 seconds

Character buffer stream copy text file case 2

02 minutes51 seconds

IO flow summary diagram

08 minutes50 seconds

5 ways to copy text files

09 minutes36 seconds

4 ways to copy pictures

10 minutes38 seconds

Example of storing data in a collection into a text file

04 minutes33 seconds

Store data in text files into collections case

03 minutes58 seconds

Randomly obtain name cases from text files

03 minutes34 seconds

Copy single-level folder case

08 minutes32 seconds

Copy the file with the specified suffix in the specified directory and modify the name case

12 minutes32 seconds

Breakpoint to view the execution process of copying files and modifying the suffix name case

06 minutes49 seconds

Copy multi-level folder case

10 minutes26 seconds

Case study of inputting student information using the keyboard, sorting it by total score and writing it into a text file

13 minutes41 seconds

Example of sorting strings in one file and then writing them to another file

04 minutes47 seconds

Custom class simulates BufferedReader's readLine() function case

18 minutes43 seconds

Use cases for LineNumberReader

04 minutes24 seconds

Custom class simulates LineNumberReader's function case of getting line numbers

09 minutes07 seconds

Knowledge review of login registration cases

09 minutes05 seconds

Login registration case IO version implementation

18 minutes06 seconds

Overview and explanation of data input and output flows

09 minutes20 seconds

Overview and explanation of memory operation flow

10 minutes53 seconds

Overview and features of print streams

07 minutes44 seconds

PrintWriter is used as a subclass of Writer

02 minutes21 seconds

PrintWriter implements automatic refresh and line wrapping

07 minutes27 seconds

Print flow improvement copy text file case

06 minutes17 seconds

Overview of standard input and output streams and the nature of output statements

06 minutes27 seconds

Three ways to achieve keyboard entry

09 minutes50 seconds
Chapter22JAVA IO stream (4)

Output statements are improved with character buffer streams

07 minutes12 seconds

Random access flow overview and writing out data

07 minutes31 seconds

Random access streams read data and manipulate file pointers

05 minutes29 seconds

Combined streams read the contents of two files and copy them into one file

11 minutes01 seconds

Merge streams to read the contents of multiple files and copy them into one file

06 minutes25 seconds

Overview and use of serialization and deserialization streams

15 minutes38 seconds

How to solve the yellow warning line problem during serialization

10 minutes35 seconds

How to prevent object member variables from being serialized

02 minutes18 seconds

Overview of Properties and use as a Map collection

06 minutes46 seconds

Use of special functions of Properties

07 minutes09 seconds

Load() and store() functions of Properties

12 minutes51 seconds

Determine whether the specified key exists in the file. If so, modify the value.

04 minutes15 seconds

How to make the guessing number game only playable 5 times

11 minutes08 seconds

Introduction to NIO and a case of NIO under JDK7

11 minutes44 seconds
Chapter23JAVA multi-threading (1)

The introduction of multi-threaded programs

09 minutes24 seconds

Process overview and the significance of multiple processes

15 minutes36 seconds

Overview of threads and the significance of multithreading

08 minutes02 seconds

Examples of multithreading and the difference between parallelism and concurrency

05 minutes08 seconds

Is the running principle of Java program and the startup of JVM multi-threaded?

05 minutes48 seconds

How to implement multi-threading and multi-threading method 1 ideas

06 minutes29 seconds

Code implementation of multi-threading mode 1

14 minutes28 seconds

Get and set thread object name

17 minutes28 seconds

Thread scheduling and getting and setting thread priority

12 minutes44 seconds

Thread control sleeping thread

05 minutes36 seconds

Thread control - joining thread

04 minutes12 seconds

Thread control courtesy thread

04 minutes09 seconds

Thread control daemon thread

07 minutes51 seconds

Thread control interrupt thread

07 minutes55 seconds

Thread life cycle diagram

09 minutes39 seconds

The idea and code implementation of multi-threading mode 2

07 minutes29 seconds

Graphical comparison and differences between two methods of multithreading

06 minutes59 seconds

Case Study of Selling Movie Tickets by Inheriting Thread Class

10 minutes44 seconds

Case Study of Selling Movie Tickets by Implementing Runnable Interface

04 minutes20 seconds

Analysis of the reasons why there are same tickets and negative tickets when buying movie tickets

13 minutes04 seconds

Analysis of the causes of thread safety issues

05 minutes30 seconds

Synchronized code blocks solve thread safety issues

07 minutes58 seconds

Explanation of synchronized code blocks solving thread safety issues

05 minutes25 seconds

Characteristics, benefits and drawbacks of synchronization

04 minutes22 seconds

Fast locks for synchronized code and problems with application of synchronization methods and locks

12 minutes33 seconds

Review of previous thread-safe classes

04 minutes27 seconds

Overview and use of Lock after JDK5

13 minutes02 seconds

Overview and use of deadlock problems

13 minutes22 seconds

Producer-consumer problem description diagram

06 minutes26 seconds
Chapter24JAVA multi-threading (2)

Producer consumer problem code 1

11 minutes33 seconds

Producer consumer question code 2 and solve thread safety issues

13 minutes25 seconds

Illustration of the producer-consumer waiting wake-up mechanism idea

07 minutes18 seconds

Code implementation of producer-consumer waiting wake-up mechanism

10 minutes13 seconds

Code analysis of producer-consumer waiting wake-up mechanism

06 minutes35 seconds

Thread state transition diagram and common execution situations

02 minutes56 seconds

Overview and use of thread groups

13 minutes07 seconds

Producer-consumer waiting wake-up mechanism code optimization

07 minutes28 seconds

Overview and use of thread pools

17 minutes37 seconds

The idea and code implementation of multi-threading mode 3

07 minutes28 seconds

Summing case of multi-threading mode 3

06 minutes51 seconds

Implementing multi-threaded programs using anonymous inner classes

07 minutes09 seconds

Overview and use of timers

12 minutes26 seconds

Multiple execution code embodiment of scheduled tasks

02 minutes27 seconds

Delete specified directories with content regularly

09 minutes49 seconds

Common interview questions about multithreading

07 minutes28 seconds
Chapter25JAVA design patterns

An overview of common object-oriented design principles

09 minutes27 seconds

Overview and classification of design patterns

10 minutes24 seconds

Overview and use of simple factory pattern

14 minutes57 seconds

Overview and use of the factory method pattern

08 minutes47 seconds

Singleton pattern: Hungry style

08 minutes07 seconds

The lazy style of singleton pattern

08 minutes02 seconds

Java code in singleton mode embodies the Runtime class

07 minutes44 seconds
Chapter26JAVA GUI

GUI overview and the difference between GUI and CLI

03 minutes55 seconds

The difference between java.awt and javax.swing packages

03 minutes16 seconds

Component inheritance diagram in GUI

08 minutes25 seconds

HelloWorld form case

10 minutes19 seconds

Optimize HelloWorld form case code

07 minutes52 seconds

Overview and examples of event listening mechanism principles

10 minutes13 seconds

Form close case

04 minutes58 seconds

Adapter design pattern explained

09 minutes40 seconds

Adapter class improves form closing case

02 minutes07 seconds

Add a button to the form and add an event case to the button

17 minutes37 seconds

Transfer text box value to text field case

12 minutes09 seconds

Change the background color by moving the mouse over the button case

11 minutes12 seconds

How to control that only numeric characters can be entered in the text box

12 minutes35 seconds

First level menu case

08 minutes47 seconds

Multi-level menu case

08 minutes33 seconds

Overview and use of Netbeans

09 minutes37 seconds

Simulation of four arithmetic operations cases

18 minutes13 seconds

Modify the icon code of the form

07 minutes53 seconds

How to set the code to center the form

06 minutes44 seconds

How to modify the code of the form's skin

11 minutes02 seconds

Add checksum prompts to four arithmetic operations cases

09 minutes23 seconds

Review of the package structure of user login registration

03 minutes51 seconds

Implementation of basic functions of user login and registration

08 minutes23 seconds

User login and registration interface implementation

04 minutes53 seconds

User login and registration interface jumps

05 minutes32 seconds

The final version of user login registration

12 minutes42 seconds

User login registration to join four arithmetic operations cases

10 minutes36 seconds
Chapter27JAVA network programming

Network Programming Overview

04 minutes19 seconds

Network model overview and illustration

13 minutes08 seconds

Overview of the three elements of network programming

06 minutes31 seconds

Overview of IP in the Three Elements of Network Programming 1

15 minutes15 seconds

IP Overview of Three Elements of Network Programming 2

05 minutes34 seconds

Overview and use of the InetAddress class

08 minutes06 seconds

Ports of the three elements of network programming

03 minutes46 seconds

Protocols of the three elements of network programming

07 minutes03 seconds

Socket communication principle diagram

04 minutes39 seconds

UDP protocol sends data

11 minutes09 seconds

UDP protocol receives data

09 minutes38 seconds

Diagram of sending and receiving data using UDP protocol

03 minutes56 seconds

UDP protocol sending and receiving data code optimization

06 minutes03 seconds

The data on the sending end comes from the keyboard entry case

06 minutes26 seconds

DOS window demonstration simple chat applet

02 minutes51 seconds

Multi-threaded chat room program

06 minutes57 seconds

Demonstration of a GUI version of the chat program case

09 minutes23 seconds

TCP protocol sends data

07 minutes36 seconds

TCP protocol receives data

09 minutes30 seconds

Illustration of sending and receiving data using TCP protocol

09 minutes25 seconds

The server gives the client a feedback case

06 minutes08 seconds

Client keyboard input server console output

09 minutes37 seconds

Client keyboard input server writes to text file

06 minutes13 seconds

Client reads text file server console output

05 minutes01 seconds

TCP protocol upload text file

05 minutes05 seconds

TCP upload text file and give feedback

11 minutes31 seconds

TCP protocol uploads pictures and gives feedback

10 minutes04 seconds

Thoughts on uploading multiple clients to one server

04 minutes24 seconds

Multi-threading improves the case of multiple clients uploading files

07 minutes49 seconds
Chapter28JAVA Reflection

Class loading overview and loading timing

06 minutes39 seconds

Overview and classification of class loaders

07 minutes43 seconds

Reflection overview

05 minutes45 seconds

Three ways to obtain class file objects

12 minutes22 seconds

Obtain the no-argument constructor through reflection and use

13 minutes05 seconds

Obtain the parameterized constructor through reflection and use

04 minutes52 seconds

Get the private constructor via reflection and use

07 minutes36 seconds

Get member variables through reflection and use

10 minutes40 seconds

Obtain member methods with no parameters and return values ​​through reflection and use

08 minutes04 seconds

Obtain member methods with parameters and return values ​​through reflection and use

04 minutes49 seconds

Run configuration file contents via reflection

10 minutes39 seconds

Bypassing generic checks via reflection

06 minutes23 seconds

Write a general method to set a certain property of an object to a specified value through reflection

07 minutes33 seconds

Lead intermediaries through user additions, deletions, modifications and student logins and registrations

12 minutes49 seconds

Overview and implementation of dynamic agents

17 minutes16 seconds

Overview and use of template design patterns

13 minutes40 seconds

Decoration mode overview and usage

17 minutes56 seconds
Chapter29JAVA JDK5 new features

Review of new features of JDK5

02 minutes37 seconds

Implement your own enumeration class

14 minutes17 seconds

Implement enum class through enum

09 minutes38 seconds

Notes on enumerations

04 minutes02 seconds

Common ways to enumerate classes

08 minutes24 seconds

Review and explanation of six new features of JDK7

11 minutes51 seconds

Download, install and uninstall JDK

08 minutes39 seconds

Interfaces can also have methods

09 minutes42 seconds
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