if conditional ...LOGIN

if conditional judgment statement in JavaScript

if conditional judgment statement:

#If the condition is true, what code will be executed; if the condition is not true, what code will be executed

Structure 1: Only judge true (true), if the condition is false, do nothing

if (Conditional judgment: the judgment result is a Boolean value)


The condition is true (true), the executed code


## Structure 2: Both true and false

if (Conditional judgment)


If the condition is true, the code to be executed



The condition is false, the code to be executed Code


# Structure 3: Multi-condition judgment
if(Condition 1)


Code 1;

}else if(Condition 2)


Code 2;

}else if(condition 3)


Code 3;



If none of the above conditions are true, execute this code;


Note: Although there are multiple conditions, there is an "OR" relationship between the conditions. . At any moment, only one condition can be true, and multiple conditions cannot be met at the same time.

        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
        var score=89;
        }else if (score>=60&&score<70){
        }else if(score>=70&&score<80){
        }else if(score>=80&&score<90){
        }else if(score>=90&&score<100){

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<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>php.cn</title> <script> //给一个成绩 var score=89; //判断成绩所属级别 if(score<60){ document.write("对不起,没有及格"); }else if (score>=60&&score<70){ document.write("刚好及格"); }else if(score>=70&&score<80){ document.write("成绩良好"); }else if(score>=80&&score<90){ document.write("成绩优秀"); }else if(score>=90&&score<100){ document.write("试卷这么难,这样的成绩简直逆天"); }else{ document.write("对不起,你的成绩超出系统判断范围,请重新输入"); } </script> </head> <body> </body> </html>
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