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Introduction >
Chapter1Preparation before development

Get to know C language

History of C language

Common knowledge about C language

C language development software and hardware environment selection

HelloWorld in C language under Linux platform

Use SublimeText to develop C language programs on the Linux platform

Build the EclipseCDT integrated development environment on the Linux platform

Build CLion integrated development environment on Linux platform

Configuring the GNU environment on Windows platforms

Use SublimeText to develop C language programs on the Windows platform

Use VisualStudio to develop C language programs on Windows platform

Build EclipseCDT integrated development environment on Windows platform

Install Xcode integrated development environment on Mac platform

Use SublimeText to write C language programs on the Mac platform

Build Eclipse CDT integrated development environment on Mac platform

Build CLion integrated development environment on Mac platform

Chapter2Basic data types commonly used in C language

constants and variables

Integer data

real data

Character data

Custom types using typedef

Chapter3Process control and looping

if statement

switch statement

goto statement

for loop

while loops and do-while loops

Chapter4Common operators in C language

mathematical operators

Logical Operators

Bit operations

Bit operation example of extracting color channel

Chapter5C language input and output

Output characters and strings

Formatted output

Enter characters

Formatted input

Chapter6C language array

one-dimensional array

Two-dimensional array

character array

Chapter7C language string operations

String concatenation

Format string

String and basic data type conversion

String comparison

String interception

Chapter8C language function

Declare function

main function parameters and return value

variable parameter

multi-file program

Chapter9Commonly used preprocessing in C language

Default constant

Conditional preprocessing

Prevent repeated introduction of header files

Macro function

Macro function parameter connection

Macro function variable parameters

Chapter10How to use pointers in C language

Basic introduction to pointers

function pointer

untyped pointer

Chapter11structures and communities


structure pointer


Chapter12File operations in C language

write out file

read file

Format writing and reading files

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