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Access object properties and methods

Accessing the properties of an object

In JavaScript, you can use "." and "[]" to access the properties of an object.

1. Use "." to access object properties


Where objectName is the object name and propertyName is the property name.

2. Use "[ ]" to access object properties


Where objectName is the object name and propertyName is the property name.

Methods to access objects

In JavaScript, you can only use "." to access methods of objects.



Among them, objectName is the object name and methodName() is the function name.

Example: Create a Person class:

        function Person() {
  " 张三 ";  // 定义一个属性 name
  " 男 ";  // 定义一个属性 sex
            this.age=22;  // 定义一个属性 age
            this.say=function(){  // 定义一个方法 say()
                return "嗨!大家好,我的名字是 " + + " ,性别是 " + + ",今年 " + this.age +"岁!";
        var zhangsan=new Person();
        alert("姓名:";  // 使用“.”来访问对象属性
        alert("年龄:"+zhangsan["age"]);  // 使用“[ ]”来访问对象属性
        alert(zhangsan.say());   // 使用“.”来访问对象方法

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<html><span style="font-size:18px;"> <head> <script language="javascript"> function Person() {}; var p1 = new Person(); = "拉拉"; window.alert(; var al = "na" + "me"; window.alert(p1[al]); </script> </head> <body> </body> </span> </html>
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