jQuery and (fil...LOGIN

jQuery and (filtering) selectors

And (filter) selector


Usage:$("tr:first");A collection of single elements

Match the first element found


Matches the last element found


Remove so Elements matching the given selector


Matches all elements with even index values, counting from 0


Match all elements with odd index values, counting from 0


Matches an element with a given index value, counting from 0


Matches all elements greater than the given index value, counting from 0


Matches all elements less than the given index value, counting from 0


matches such as h1, Title elements such as h2, h3

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <script src="http://libs.baidu.com/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
        <script >
        function f1(){
            //① :first  找到第一个

            //② :last  找到最后一个

            //③ :eq(下标)  下标从0计算, equal()

            //④ :gt(索引值)  下标大于条件索引值, great than

            //⑤ :lt(索引值)  下标小于条件索引值, less than

            //⑥ :even  下标索引值等于偶数的
            //⑦ :odd  下标索引值等于奇数的

            //⑧ :not(选择器)  去除与“选择器”匹配的元素

            //⑨ :header  获得h1/h2/h3...的标题元素
            <li id="zhang">上海</li>
            <li id="zhao">深圳</li>


        <input type="button" value="触发" onclick="f1()" />
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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>php.cn</title> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <script src="http://libs.baidu.com/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <script > function f1(){ //$("li").css('background-color','blue'); //① :first 找到第一个 //li元素同时,还需要是第一个 $("li:first").css('background-color','blue'); //② :last 找到最后一个 $("li:last").css('background-color','green'); //③ :eq(下标) 下标从0计算, equal() $("li:eq(4)").css('background-color','pink'); //④ :gt(索引值) 下标大于条件索引值, great than $("li:gt(4)").css('color','red'); //⑤ :lt(索引值) 下标小于条件索引值, less than $("li:lt(3)").css('color','orange'); //⑥ :even 下标索引值等于偶数的 $("li:even").css('background-color','gray'); //⑦ :odd 下标索引值等于奇数的 $("li:odd").css('color','red'); //⑧ :not(选择器) 去除与“选择器”匹配的元素 $("li:not(#zhao,#zhang)").css('color','red'); //⑨ :header 获得h1/h2/h3...的标题元素 $(":header").css('color','blue'); } </script> </head> <body> <h1>php.cn</h1> <h2>php.cn</h2> <h3>php.cn</h3> <h4>php.cn</h4> <ul> <li>北京</li> <li id="zhang">上海</li> <li>广州</li> <li id="zhao">深圳</li> <li>杭州</li> <li>武汉</li> <li>南京</li> <li>天津</li> </ul> <input type="button" value="触发" onclick="f1()" /> </body> </html>
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