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Python+artificial intelligence full-stack engineer (Linux basics)

Introduction >
Chapter1Course Introduction

01-Course Arrangement

02 minutes47 seconds

02-Inspirational formula and python experience

07 minutes15 seconds
Chapter2Introduction to operating systems

03-What is an operating system

07 minutes13 seconds

04-Mainstream operating systems in different fields-01-Desktop operating systems

04 minutes32 seconds

05-Mainstream operating systems in different fields-02-Server operating systems

06 minutes25 seconds

06-Mainstream operating systems in different fields-03-Embedded operating systems

02 minutes53 seconds

07-Introduction to virtual machines

05 minutes02 seconds

08-A brief history of operating system development

13 minutes26 seconds

09-Linux kernel version and distribution version

07 minutes48 seconds

10-File directory structure under Linux system

07 minutes59 seconds

11-Ubuntu system directory structure demonstration and introduction

08 minutes35 seconds

12-Basic use of Ubuntu graphical interface

11 minutes44 seconds
Chapter3Introduction to linux commands

13-Linux Command-01-Clear Learning Goals

05 minutes16 seconds

14-Linux Command-02-Enlarge or reduce the font of the terminal window

03 minutes00 seconds

15-Linux Command-03-Clear the operating effects of 6 common terminal commands

05 minutes33 seconds

16-Linux commands-04-6 simple drills on common terminal commands

11 minutes19 seconds

17-Linux Command-05-Terminal Command Format

07 minutes59 seconds

18-Linux Command-06-View terminal command help information

10 minutes30 seconds
Chapter4Directory related commands

19-File and directory commands-01-Clear command classification and learning objectives

01 minutes28 seconds

20-File and directory commands-02-Sharing auto-completion and command selection skills

07 minutes10 seconds

21-File and directory commands-03-View hidden files and return to the previous directory

10 minutes39 seconds

22-File and Directory Commands-04-Listing and File Size Options for ls

11 minutes17 seconds

23-File and directory commands-05-Combined use of ls and wildcards

08 minutes30 seconds

24-File and directory commands-06-Wildcard character group

02 minutes47 seconds

25-File and directory commands-07-Common parameters of cd command

08 minutes01 seconds

26-File and directory commands-08-Relative paths and absolute paths

04 minutes58 seconds
Chapter5File related commands

09-Extensions to touch and mkdir commands

06 minutes03 seconds

10-Extensions to the rm command

06 minutes19 seconds

11-Goal determination and graphical interface demonstration

02 minutes20 seconds

12-tree View the directory structure in a tree diagram

05 minutes36 seconds

cp command to copy files

05 minutes35 seconds

cp command -i option prompt before overwriting

04 minutes55 seconds

cp command -r option to copy directory

03 minutes04 seconds

mv command moves files or directories

04 minutes00 seconds

mv command to rename files or directories

07 minutes35 seconds

Basic usage and comparison of cat and more

07 minutes18 seconds

The -b and -n options of the cat command output line numbers

03 minutes41 seconds

grep to find file contents

07 minutes30 seconds

grep pattern search at the beginning/end of the line

05 minutes14 seconds

echo and redirection

09 minutes45 seconds

The concept and basic use of pipelines

06 minutes03 seconds
Chapter6Remote management commands

Shut down and restart

04 minutes48 seconds

The concept of network card and IP address

08 minutes38 seconds

Introduction to the functions of ifconfig and ping

02 minutes44 seconds

ifconfig queries network card information

05 minutes41 seconds

ping test network connection

07 minutes58 seconds

An introduction to how SSH works

04 minutes38 seconds

The concept of domain name and port number

09 minutes52 seconds

Introduction to ssh command format and determination of drill goals

04 minutes00 seconds

Mac computer uses ssh to connect to ubuntu

06 minutes40 seconds

PuTTY installation and exit login

03 minutes54 seconds

Installation of XShell - free and setting language

04 minutes31 seconds

scp function and command format

06 minutes13 seconds

Demo of scp in Mac terminal

07 minutes20 seconds

FileZilla file transfer under Windows

05 minutes37 seconds

Determine the target/understand the .ssh directory

07 minutes45 seconds

Password-free login setup steps

09 minutes18 seconds

How password-free login works

03 minutes53 seconds

Configure an alias for a remote computer

08 minutes41 seconds
Chapter7User rights

learning target

01 minutes13 seconds

Basic concepts of users/permissions/groups

02 minutes59 seconds

Introduction to ls -l output information

06 minutes03 seconds

Extension of the meaning of ls -l hard link number

07 minutes41 seconds

chmod changes file permissions

09 minutes33 seconds

chmod changes directory permissions

05 minutes58 seconds

Super user introduction

03 minutes59 seconds
Chapter8Group management

Add group/delete group/confirm group information

06 minutes35 seconds

Group exercise goals determined

02 minutes26 seconds

Walkthrough for chgrp to modify the group to which a directory belongs

05 minutes41 seconds
Chapter9User Management

Create new users useradd and passwd

10 minutes50 seconds

The role of the m option and deleting user userdel

06 minutes52 seconds

id view UID and GID and introduction to passwd file

09 minutes57 seconds


03 minutes27 seconds

usermod sets primary and additional groups

11 minutes42 seconds

usermod specifies user login shell

07 minutes21 seconds

which view command location

06 minutes48 seconds

su switches users

09 minutes10 seconds

Introduction to permission commands and walkthrough of chown/chgrp

05 minutes32 seconds

Introduction to numerical representation of chmod

07 minutes18 seconds

chmod walkthrough -R recursively changes directory permissions

06 minutes23 seconds
Chapter10system message

learning target

01 minutes21 seconds

Date and cal check system time

01 minutes35 seconds

df and du check disk and directory space usage

04 minutes53 seconds

Introduction to process concept

04 minutes38 seconds

Basic use of ps command

07 minutes24 seconds

Basic usage of top command

03 minutes13 seconds

Basic usage of kill command

06 minutes29 seconds
Chapter11Other commands

Learning objectives and basic use of find command

07 minutes14 seconds

Introduction to the concept of file soft links

02 minutes37 seconds

Determination of drill steps for file soft links

02 minutes43 seconds

Walkthrough implementation of file soft links

10 minutes03 seconds

File hard link walkthrough

06 minutes57 seconds

Introduction to how file soft and hard links work

04 minutes45 seconds
Chapter12Pack and compress

Introduction to tar package and command format introduction

04 minutes04 seconds

Packing and unpacking walkthrough

06 minutes42 seconds

Introduction and walkthrough of gzip compression and decompression

07 minutes54 seconds

Introduction and walkthrough of bzip2 compression and decompression

09 minutes36 seconds
Chapter13ubuntu software installation

Introduction to apt and command format introduction

03 minutes19 seconds

apt software installation walkthrough

03 minutes49 seconds

Set up software source

06 minutes48 seconds
Chapter14vi editor

The purpose of learning vi

01 minutes49 seconds

vi and vim and the characteristics of vi

06 minutes47 seconds

Open or create a new file

05 minutes16 seconds

Open the file and define the specified line

04 minutes55 seconds

Delete swap file

04 minutes40 seconds

Responsibilities and switching methods

06 minutes41 seconds

Work mode switching drill

07 minutes45 seconds

Learning roadmap

04 minutes47 seconds

Direction and intraline movement

05 minutes41 seconds

Line jump and page up and down

06 minutes01 seconds

Paragraph switching and bracket switching

04 minutes14 seconds

Use markers to return to previously edited code locations

04 minutes21 seconds

Three ways to select text

06 minutes15 seconds

Introduction to undo and redo commands

02 minutes01 seconds

Delete command walkthrough

07 minutes00 seconds

Undo and Undo

01 minutes26 seconds

Copy and paste walkthrough

03 minutes41 seconds

The contents of the system clipboard cannot be pasted using p

07 minutes48 seconds

Replace command

03 minutes31 seconds

Indentation and repetition

05 minutes20 seconds

Find a string or word

05 minutes39 seconds

Global replacement

02 minutes45 seconds

Replace viewable area

03 minutes20 seconds

Confirm replacement

04 minutes14 seconds

6 commands to enter edit mode

06 minutes09 seconds

Use with numbers

04 minutes53 seconds

Use visual blocks to add comments to multiple lines of code

05 minutes25 seconds

Last line command expansion

09 minutes31 seconds

w command phased backup code

05 minutes36 seconds

Split screen command walkthrough

08 minutes04 seconds
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