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Laravel Developer City Front Desk Video Tutorial

Introduction >
Chapter1laravel developer city

laravel developer city front desk

45 minutes27 seconds

Get menu data and share it to all pages

35 minutes37 seconds

Template layout is used to plan the page structure

31 minutes53 seconds

How to create form validation in laravel

50 minutes13 seconds

Add verification code in laravel

33 minutes22 seconds

Login form validation

16 minutes14 seconds

Registration and login

52 minutes36 seconds

auto login

50 minutes43 seconds

Display ads on home page

21 minutes13 seconds

Home Advertising Management

13 minutes53 seconds

Floor sorting

16 minutes44 seconds

Remove the secondary classification from the floor

15 minutes36 seconds

Retrieve recommended products from the floor

16 minutes01 seconds

Product details page data acquisition

54 minutes44 seconds

Generate thumbnails when adding products in the background

18 minutes23 seconds

AJAX login and LAYER plug-in

01 Hours24 minutes50 seconds

AJAXLeave a comment

58 minutes50 seconds

Use middleware to filter a set of routes

08 minutes34 seconds

AJAX to get product reviews

47 minutes17 seconds
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