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Linux development video tutorial

Introduction >
Chapter1vim introduction

vi introduction

10 minutes27 seconds

Explanation of vi three mode commands

34 minutes34 seconds

vim plug-in installation

41 minutes26 seconds

vim plug-in use

12 minutes38 seconds

git installation

00 minutes41 seconds

Scheduled Tasks

46 minutes07 seconds
Chapter2Introduction to shell programming


47 minutes27 seconds

shell variable assignment and reference

06 minutes32 seconds

shell flow control

15 minutes28 seconds

Detailed explanation of smart_tar script

04 minutes12 seconds

shell flow control

59 minutes38 seconds

shell completed

30 minutes52 seconds


06 minutes22 seconds

awk exercise

08 minutes39 seconds


52 minutes23 seconds


58 minutes19 seconds

linux performance analysis

44 minutes28 seconds

daily analysis

15 minutes49 seconds
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