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Dugu Jiujian (1)_HTML5 video tutorial

Introduction >
Chapter1Introduction to front-end development tools

Installation and activation of Chrome Google Chrome Access Assistant

08 minutes29 seconds

Sublime Text3 editor configuration and plug-in installation

07 minutes10 seconds

Atom editor configuration and plug-in, theme installation and uninstallation

08 minutes27 seconds

Installation and configuration of browser real-time refresh tool BrowserSync

10 minutes35 seconds
Chapter2HTML document structure and tags

The structure of HTML5 documents

05 minutes58 seconds

HTML5 tags, attributes and elements

04 minutes57 seconds
Chapter3Introduction to common HTML elements

Paragraphs, headings and formatted text

04 minutes47 seconds

Detailed explanation of inline text labels

08 minutes17 seconds

Data display tool_table

05 minutes34 seconds

The source of vivid web pages_picture elements

02 minutes01 seconds

Data classification methods: ordered lists and unordered lists

08 minutes08 seconds
Chapter4Introduction to common HTML form elements

Review of form elements [image, text and music version]

14 minutes00 seconds

Detailed explanation of attributes in <form> tag

09 minutes40 seconds

Commonly used form control elements (1)

07 minutes03 seconds

Commonly used form control elements (2)

05 minutes02 seconds

Commonly used form control elements (3)

08 minutes09 seconds

Commonly used form control elements (4)

05 minutes52 seconds
Chapter5Introduction to new form elements in HTML5

HTML5 new form attributes (1)

07 minutes56 seconds

HTML5 new form attributes (2)

05 minutes46 seconds

HTML5 new form type (1)

09 minutes46 seconds

HTML5 new form type (2)

04 minutes34 seconds

HTML5 new form type (3)

02 minutes44 seconds
Chapter6Introduction to new video and audio elements in HTML5

Introduction to video tag <video>

05 minutes17 seconds

Introduction to the audio tag <audio>

04 minutes02 seconds
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