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    How to add the selinux policy access for the new created lin

    2016-06-07 15:39:06原创416

    When you create the linux file node, such as “dev/nfccard0”, you must add the selinux policy for it, or the application can not get the permit to access. this is an example for the system_server to accecc the dev/nfccard0 file node. we c

    When you create the linux file node, such as “dev/nfccard0”, you must add the selinux policy for it, or the application can not get the permit to access.

    this is an example for the system_server to accecc the dev/nfccard0 file node.

    we can do the following three things to mak the system work smoothly.

    1 define the file type

    in the file.te add the below line

    type nfccard_device,dev_type

    2 define the file context

    in the file_context.te add the below line

    /dev/nfccard0 u:object_r:nfccard_devicd:s0

    3 allow the system_server to access it.

    Allow system_server nfccard_device:chr_file rw_file_perms


    Allow system_server nfccard_device:chr_file {read write open getattr ioctl}

    there are many file type , {socket, binder, property,etc}, we must do carefully to avoid influence the system.

    专题推荐:How add the selinux policy acc
    上一篇:LINUX安装ORACLE 9204 报错解决!! 下一篇:Oracle 非系统表空间'noncrit ' 无法使用系统回退段


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