ChatGPT + Midjourney를 사용하여 '왕좌의 게임'의 모든 주인공을 그렸습니다.

풀어 주다: 2023-04-11 21:55:01
2336명이 탐색했습니다.

수많은 미국 드라마를 본 중국인으로서 내 마음 속 미국 드라마 1위는 아직도 미완성인 "왕좌의 게임"입니다. 네, 사람들이 정말 좋아하고 싫어하게 만드는 작품이에요!

'왕좌의 게임'은 미국 드라마의 정점이라고 할 수 있고, 거기에 등장하는 주요 창작자들의 이미지도 국민들의 마음 속에 깊이 뿌리내리고 있지만, 한 사람의 마음 속에는 수천 개의 햄릿이 있다. 수천 명의 독자가 있고 각 독자의 마음 속에는 엄마, 작은 악마, 산시, 에리야 등이 있습니다.

자, 이제 전능한 ChatGPT와 슈퍼 AI 그림 마술 Midjourney가 있습니다. AI의 눈으로 본 '왕좌의 게임'은 어떤 모습일지 살펴보겠습니다.

그리고 '왕좌의 게임'의 원래 이름은 '얼음과 불의 노래'이니까요 ㅎㅎ!

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ChatGPT + Midjourney를 사용하여 왕좌의 게임의 모든 주인공을 그렸습니다.

Jon Snow

Jon Snow is a tall and lean young man with long, curly black hair and striking grey eyes that seem to change color depending on the light. He has a serious and solemn face, with a strong jawline and a furrowed brow that suggests deep thought and introspection.

His build is athletic and muscular, with broad shoulders and a powerful chest that suggest he is physically capable and strong. He moves with grace and confidence, his body well-trained from years of swordplay and training as a member of the Night's Watch.

Despite his rugged appearance, Jon's eyes betray a deep sense of empathy and compassion, reflecting the kindness and wisdom that lie within. He is a natural leader, commanding respect from those around him through his quiet strength and unwavering dedication to his principles.

Overall, Jon Snow is a complex and multifaceted character, with a blend of strength, intelligence, and sensitivity that make him a compelling and memorable figure in the world of fantasy literature.
로그인 후 복사

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미국 TV 시리즈 "왕좌의 게임"의 이미지와 너무 유사합니다. Midjourney도 TV 시리즈의 이미지를 참조하는 것인지 궁금합니다.

여기에서는 두 번째와 세 번째 사진을 선택합니다

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Daenerys Targaryen

Daenerys Targaryen is a beautiful and striking young woman with long, silvery-white hair that falls in loose waves down her back. Her eyes are a deep, violet hue that seem to shine with a fierce intensity, conveying her strength and determination. She has a slender and graceful figure, with delicate features and a regal bearing that suggest her noble birth and royal lineage. Her complexion is fair and flawless, with high cheekbones and full lips that give her a distinct and alluring presence. Despite her beauty and charm, Daenerys is also a formidable warrior and leader, commanding respect and admiration from her followers with her intelligence, strategic prowess, and unwavering dedication to her cause. Her clothing often reflects her power and status, with flowing gowns made of rich fabrics and adorned with intricate embroidery and jewels. She carries herself with poise and grace, exuding an air of confidence and authority that is both inspiring and intimidating. Overall, Daenerys Targaryen is a captivating and complex character, with a unique blend of beauty, strength, and resilience that make her a powerful figure in the world of fantasy literature
로그인 후 복사

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글쎄, 드래곤 마더 없는 미소는 별로 인정이 안 돼~

Tyrion Lannister

Tyrion Lannister is a small-statured man with a round and cherubic face that belies his sharp intellect and cunning wit. He has a mop of unruly, pale blonde hair and mismatched eyes, one green and one black, that give him a distinctive and memorable appearance.

Despite his diminutive size, Tyrion carries himself with an air of confidence and authority, his movements and gestures precise and deliberate. He often dresses in fine clothing made of rich fabrics, which complement his pale complexion and sharp features.

His face is marked by a prominent scar above his left eyebrow, which serves as a constant reminder of the violence and cruelty he has endured in his life. Yet despite the hardships he has faced, Tyrion remains resilient and determined, always seeking to outwit his opponents and emerge victorious in any situation.

His intelligence and strategic thinking are his greatest strengths, and he is highly skilled at manipulating those around him to achieve his goals. He has a sharp tongue and a dry sense of humor, using his wit and charm to disarm his enemies and win over his allies.

Overall, Tyrion Lannister is a complex and fascinating character, with a blend of intelligence, wit, and resilience that make him one of the most memorable figures in the world of fantasy literature.
로그인 후 복사

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Cersei Lannister Baratheon

Cersei Lannister Baratheon is a stunningly beautiful woman with long, golden hair that falls in loose curls around her face and down her back. Her features are sharp and angular, with high cheekbones, a prominent jawline, and piercing green eyes that seem to flash with a dangerous intensity.

She carries herself with a regal bearing, her movements graceful and confident. Her clothing is often adorned with intricate designs and jewels, reflecting her status as one of the most powerful women in the Seven Kingdoms.

Despite her beauty, Cersei is also a formidable and ruthless opponent, with a cunning mind and a fierce determination to protect herself and her family at all costs. Her face is often set in a cold and calculating expression, conveying the danger and power that lie beneath her seemingly perfect exterior.

Cersei is highly intelligent and politically savvy, using her charm and influence to manipulate those around her and gain an advantage in any situation. She is fiercely loyal to her family and will stop at nothing to protect their interests, even if it means resorting to violence and treachery.

Overall, Cersei Lannister Baratheon is a complex and compelling character, with a unique blend of beauty, intelligence, and ruthlessness that make her a powerful figure in the world of fantasy literature.
로그인 후 복사

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TV 시리즈의 포르노 여왕만큼 아름답지는 않습니다! ! !

Arya Stark

Arya Stark is a young girl with a fierce spirit and a determination to survive in a world that is often cruel and unforgiving. Her face is narrow and angular, with sharp features and piercing brown eyes that seem to hold a world of secrets and hidden depths.

Her hair is dark and unruly, often pulled back in a messy braid or left to fall in loose waves around her face. She dresses in practical clothing made for movement and agility, often carrying a sword at her side or hidden on her person.

Despite her youth, Arya is a skilled warrior and survivor, having endured numerous trials and hardships on her journey. She moves with a fluid grace, her movements precise and deliberate, betraying the intense training and discipline she has undergone.

Arya's face is often set in a fierce and determined expression, reflecting her unwavering commitment to her goals and her fierce loyalty to her family. Her intelligence and resourcefulness are her greatest strengths, and she is highly skilled at adapting to new situations and outwitting her enemies.

Overall, Arya Stark is a complex and compelling character, with a unique blend of strength, resilience, and cunning that make her one of the most beloved figures in the world of fantasy literature.
로그인 후 복사

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