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Top 10 Best-Selling NFT Collections This Week: Solana Monkey Business Leads In Sales

풀어 주다: 2024-07-21 17:36:11
130명이 탐색했습니다.

The non-fungible token market has started making positive growth after suffering a challenging bear market, which left many non-fungible token collections plunging in trading sales volume and floor prices in the past several months.

Top 10 Best-Selling NFT Collections This Week: Solana Monkey Business Leads In Sales

The non-fungible token market has shown signs of positive growth after enduring a challenging bear market that caused many NFT collections to experience a significant drop in trading sales volume and floor prices over the past several months. Here are some of the top-selling NFT collections this week:

1. Solana Monkey Business Leads In Sales

Solana Monkey Business is a non-fungible token collection created on the Solana blockchain network. The collection features a limited supply of 5,000 randomly generated 24×24 pixel monkey NFTs. This week, Solana Monkey Business has emerged as the most-selling NFT collection. In the past seven days, the collection has raised a trading sales volume of $4.5 million, marking a 78% increase from the past week.

Source: tiexo.com, Top selling NFTs by volume in the past seven days

2. Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT Collection

Bored Ape Yacht Club is a flagship non-fungible token collection for the digital asset incubation studio Yuga Labs. The collection features a limited edition of 10,000 NFTs hosted on the Ethereum blockchain network. This week, Bored Ape Yacht Club is the second top-selling NFT collection. In the past seven days, the collection has raised a trading sales volume of $4.05 million. Bored Ape NFT trading sales volume has surged 26% from the past week.

3. Froganas NFT Collection

Froganas is a non-fungible token collection from the digital artist Tee. The collection features a limited supply of 5,555 humanoid frogs hosted on the Solana blockchain network. This week, Froganas is the third top-selling NFT collection. In the past seven days, the collection has amassed a trading sales volume of $3.57 million. However, Froganas NFT sales volume has fallen by 26% this week from the past week.

4. Milady Maker NFT Collection

Milady Maker is a non-fungible token collection from the digital asset incubation studio Remilia. The collection features a limited supply of 10,000 NFTs hosted on the Ethereum blockchain network. This week, Milady Maker is the fourth most-selling NFT collection. In the past seven days, the collection has amassed a trading sales volume of $3.25 million. Milady Maker NFT trading sales volume has soared 21% this week from the past week.

5. Pudgy Penguins NFT Collection

Pudgy Penguins is a non-fungible token collection featuring a limited set of 8,888 cute penguin birds hosted on the Ethereum blockchain network. This week, Pudgy Penguins is the fifth most-selling NFT collection. In the past seven days, the collection has recorded a trading sales volume of $3.18 million. Pudgy Penguins NFT trading sales volume has flipped 24% from the past week.

6. Base Ape Polygon NFT Collection

Base Ape Polygon is a new non-fungible token collection featuring a limited set of 10,000 Bored Ape-inspired NFTs hosted on the Polygon, an Ethereum scaling solution network. This week, Base Ape Polygon is the sixth most-selling NFT collection. In the past seven days, the collection has raised a trading sale volume of $3.15 million. Base Ape NFT sales volume has plunged 12% from the past week.

Source: tiexo.com, Top selling NFTs by volume in the past seven days

7. Gzuki NFT Collection

Gzuki is a new non-fungible token collection featuring a limited supply of 10,000 anime-themed NFTs hosted on Polygon, an Ethereum scaling blockchain network. This week, Gzuki is the seventh most-selling NFT collection. In the past seven days, the collection has recorded a trading sale volume of $2.7 million.

8. Azuki NFT Collection

Azuki is a non-fungible token collection from the digital asset firm featuring a limited edition of 10,000 anime-themed NFTs hosted on the Ethereum blockchain network. This week, Azuki is the eighth most-selling NFT collection. In the past seven days, the collection has amassed a trading sale volume of $2.17 million, up 24% this week from the past week.

9. Runestone NFT Collection

Runestone is an intriguing NFT collection that merges the world of Bitcoin with digital art from the crypto and NFT influencer @LeodinasNFT. The collection consists of 112,400 unique digital items living on the Bitcoin network. This week, Runestone is the ninth top-selling NFT collection. In the past seven days, the collection has raised a trading sale volume of $2.06 million. Runestone NFT trading sales volume has plunged 42% this week from the past week.

10. Mad Lads NFT Collection

Mad Lads is a non-fungible token collection from

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