This time I will bring you encapsulation of Vue2 routing and navigation hooks and use them in actual combat. What are the precautions for encapsulating Vue2 routing and navigation hooks and using them in actual combat? The following is a practical case, let's take a look.
1. Written in front
I have been learning Vue2 recently and encountered the problem that some pages require user login permissions to request data, and the server response does not meet expectations, but it cannot be done every time. Each page should be processed separately, so I thought that Axios provides a good thing called interceptor, and then this article appeared.
2. Specific requirements
User authentication and redirection: use the routing navigation hook provided by Vue
Request data serialization: use the request interceptor provided by axios
Interface error information processing: use the response interceptor provided by axios
3. Simple implementation
3.1 Encapsulation of authentication and redirection at the routing and navigation hook level
All configurations of routing and navigation hooks are in router/index.js, here It’s part of the code
import Vue from 'vue' import Router from 'vue-router' import { getUserData } from '@/script/localUserData' const MyAddress = r => require.ensure([], () => r(require('@/views/MyAddress/MyAddress')), 'MyAddress') Vue.use(Router) const routes = [ { path: '/profile/address', name: 'MyAddress', component: MyAddress, meta: { title: '我的地址', requireAuth: true } }, // 更多... ] const router = new Router({ mode: 'history', routes })
Let’s mainly look at the code for the logical processing part below
let indexScrollTop = 0 router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => { // 路由进入下一个路由对象前,判断是否需要登陆 // 在路由meta对象中由个requireAuth字段,只要此字段为true,必须做鉴权处理 if (to.matched.some(res => res.meta.requireAuth)) { // userData为存储在本地的一些用户信息 let userData = getUserData() // 未登录和已经登录的处理 // getUserData方法处理后如果userData.token没有值就是undefined,下面直接判断 if (userData.token === undefined) { // 执行到此处说明没有登录,君可按需处理之后再执行如下方法去登录页面 // 我这里没有其他处理,直接去了登录页面 next({ path: '/login', query: { redirect: to.path } }) } else { // 执行到说明本地存储有用户信息 // 但是用户信息是否过期还是需要验证一下滴 let overdueTime = userData.overdueTime let nowTime = +new Date // 登陆过期和未过期 if (nowTime > overdueTime) { // 登录过期的处理,君可按需处理之后再执行如下方法去登录页面 // 我这里没有其他处理,直接去了登录页面 next({ path: '/login', query: { redirect: to.path } }) } else { next() } } } else { next() } if (to.path !== '/') { indexScrollTop = document.body.scrollTop } document.title = to.meta.title || document.title }) router.afterEach(route => { if (route.path !== '/') { document.body.scrollTop = 0 } else { Vue.nextTick(() => { document.body.scrollTop = indexScrollTop }) } }) export default router
At this point, the authentication processing at the routing hook level is completed, but if you are careful, you may notice: Navigate to the login page There is a query object in the called next method, which carries the address of the target route. This is because we need to redirect to the target page after successful login.
3.2 Encapsulating the axios interceptor
All configurations of axios are in the script/getData.js file. Here is the public code part of this file
" import qs from 'qs' import { getUserData } from '@/script/localUserData ' import router from '@/router ' import axios from 'axios' import { AJAX_URL } from '@/config/index ' axios.defaults.baseURL = AJAX_URL > axios请求拦截器代码 " /** * 请求拦截器,请求发送之前做些事情 */ axios.interceptors.request.use( config => { // POST || PUT || DELETE请求时先格式化data数据 // 这里需要引入第三方模块qs if ( config.method.toLocaleUpperCase() === 'POST' || config.method.toLocaleUpperCase() === 'PUT' || config.method.toLocaleUpperCase() === 'DELETE' ) { = qs.stringify( } // 配置Authorization参数携带用户token let userData = getUserData() if (userData.token) { config.headers.Authorization = userData.token } return config }, error => { // 此处应为弹窗显示具体错误信息,因为是练手项目,劣者省略此处 // 君可自行写 || 引入第三方UI框架 console.error(error) return Promise.reject(error) } )
axios response interceptor code
/** * 响应拦截器,请求返回异常统一处理 */ axios.interceptors.response.use( response => { // 这段代码很多场景下没用 if ( && === false) { // 根据实际情况的一些处理逻辑... return Promise.reject(response) } return response }, error => { // 此处报错可能因素比较多 // 1.需要授权处用户还未登录,因为路由段有验证是否登陆,此处理论上不会出现 // 2.需要授权处用户登登录过期 // 3.请求错误 4xx // 5.服务器错误 5xx // 关于鉴权失败,与后端约定状态码为500 switch (error.response.status) { case 403: // 一些处理... break case 404: // 一些处理... break case 500: let userData = getUserData() if (userData.token === undefined) { // 此处为未登录处理 // 一些处理之后...再去登录页面... // router.push({ // path: '/login' // }) } else { let overdueTime = userData.overdueTime let nowTime = +new Date if (overdueTime && nowTime > overdueTime) { // 此处登录过期的处理 // 一些处理之后...再去登录页面... // router.push({ // path: '/login' // }) } else { // 极端情况,登录未过期,但是不知道哪儿错了 // 按需处理吧...我暴力回到了首页 router.push({ path: '/' }) } } break case 501: // 一些处理... break default: // 状态码辣么多,按需配置... break } return Promise.reject(error) } )
I believe you have mastered the method after reading the case in this article. For more exciting information, please pay attention to other related articles on the php Chinese website!
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The above is the detailed content of Encapsulate Vue2 routing navigation hook and use it in actual combat. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!